Foot golf


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Does that mean there is big walks between the holes then? That would put me right off.

Im half tempted to play ours sometime but the urge to play proper golf is too strong and as a group we never get round to it.
No, why would it mean that? I think maybe you're picturing it wrong - the Footgolf holes aren't played the same as the golf holes, they tend to sort of just intertwine on the same area of land. So you might be adjacent to one of the golf holes playing down the side of it, and then go off in a different direction. Hard to explain what I mean, but the tees and hole areas are all totally different.


Club Champion
Jul 28, 2018
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Was FootGolf anything more than a passing fashion anyway?
Clubs were turning their par 3 courses into FootGolf courses to get a bit of cash in. But it seems to have died a death - thankfully....
Golf needs these par 3 courses to encourage newbies to play.

I have a golf course 200 yards from my house, it has decent driving range facilities fortunately but lets not go into the course standard, pretty poor and I think in all honesty they must have given up on it now with membership under £300 a year for adults. I Cant bring myself to join and drive about 15 mins to another local club.

They seem more interested on getting people in to eat and drink in large parties and come for a sunday carvery, I go and use their range as its so close they have decent balls and mats and its no hassle to get there.

They now have the following:

- 18 hole golf course
- Footgolf
- Foot Tennis
- Foot Darts
- Foot Pool

So now a golf course has become more of a footballing related activity centre than anything else.

In my opinion and not to come across snobbish but it completely ruins any sense of a 'traditional' golf club, the clubhouse looses all etiquette and becomes a free for all with vests, hot pants, shorter than short shorts etc. no dress code whatsoever.

I honestly struggle to see how the two can mix on a proper course with paying members especially when sharing facilities. One big part of golfing for me is posting a score, buying a pint and socialising and mixing with other like minded members having a load of banter.

I saw first hand when using the range last sunday how that is destroyed when you have groups of players posting there scores in a club comp on sunday and grabbing a drink out numbered by people there for a sunday carvery and game of football tennis.

I'm not old (late 20's) but I was introduced to golf by meeting the pro who before anything explained etiquette, dress code and rules and give me a few bits of info to read to learn how i should conduct myself. Its what makes golf golf in my opinion. Nowdays you get people smash a few balls on the range and decide to have a round with their mates. Which I'm all for but etiquette should be respected and upheld.

All I see now on the club near me is barely any members and people who have had a game of foot golf and smashed a few balls on the range decide to have a round of golf, shirt un-tucked, no collar, unsuitable footwear and not a clue on course etiquette. Yet there let loose on to the course without being picked up on stuff because Golf plays second fiddle to football now at that course at least.

I suppose if you priories football related activities over paying members eventually you'll be left with no members.
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Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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I agree FootGolf shouldn't be present on the actual 18 hole course. They should be kept separate. FootGolf should have it's own standalone course, or maybe intertwine with a cheaper 9 hole track as I've seen in a lot of places, but if clubs are putting it on their 18 hole courses then that ruins it in my opinion.

Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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I have seen one of the Crown courses have a 9-hole course with 18 Footgolf holes on it and both types on players on the site at the same time. The footgolfers were traipsing through bunkers, kicking balls out of them. The golfers were naturally hitting their balls all over the place and nearly taking out anyone nearby.

But hey, Crown made money out of the whole thing so who cares?


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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I was told last summer by a county official that one pay & play club who'd introduced foot golf was taking in excess of £2k p/w from it

It's on what was formerly a very seldom used small par 3 course, away from the main golf course

Sounds popular!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Was FootGolf anything more than a passing fashion anyway?
Clubs were turning their par 3 courses into FootGolf courses to get a bit of cash in. But it seems to have died a death - thankfully....
Golf needs these par 3 courses to encourage newbies to play.

Indeed. I know a couple of places that had it but they've turned them back to par threes and seem to be getting more footfall with families wanting to play pitch and putt golf. Did play it once and can see why I was a goal keeper


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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I’ve only ever seen it as a stand-alone course, away from the main course(s).

Seems a good idea if done that way, can’t imaging how it would be if it was closer to or even part of the course I was playing!

Not seen it do any harm yet but reading this thread makes think that isn’t always the case.

Pathetic Shark

Tour Rookie
Oct 16, 2013
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Indeed. I know a couple of places that had it but they've turned them back to par threes and seem to be getting more footfall with families wanting to play pitch and putt golf. Did play it once and can see why I was a goal keeper

Is that why you got back ache so much from picking the ball out of the net so often? I remember how crap you were at football. At least I knew I was, you always thought you were good.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Foot golf, speed Golf, night Golf, all pathetic and should not associate themselves with the game of Golf as they are nothing short of a novelty sport (loose term). Any decent golf course shouldn’t have them anywhere near them. What next, foot hockey, foot bowls, ffs get a life 😳😜


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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Foot golf, speed Golf, night Golf, all pathetic and should not associate themselves with the game of Golf as they are nothing short of a novelty sport (loose term). Any decent golf course shouldn’t have them anywhere near them. What next, foot hockey, foot bowls, ffs get a life 😳😜

What was that other gimmick version a couple of years ago that used 2 holes on the green? That was dreadful too 😩


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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What was that other gimmick version a couple of years ago that used 2 holes on the green? That was dreadful too 😩

Can't remember what it was called but it was double points for taking the black flag on (after electing to do so on the tee). I played it once at The Grove courtesy of GM. An ok format but nothing to get excited about. Night golf is good fun. Again perhaps a gimmick but once you are out there with everyone else it's good fun and great for a club to get members out playing social golf and spending cash at the bar


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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You learn something new every day.

I had never heard of it and certainly never seen it.

Can't really see the attraction but then again i I don't suppose it's aimed at my age group.

That was what we said & thought 2 years ago when they fitted 6 holes into part of our Par-3 course..... it took-off but led to that part of the Par-3 being closed. It has a whide range of folk using it & can make £2K+ on a weekend, which keeps our Golf fees down.
When the Club's £9 million re-development starts next Oct the foot-golf will have a separate reception & refreshment area as well as a newly designed Par-3 which mimics some of the world's iconic hole ie. SawGrass 17th etc.

Have played footgolf myself for an entertaining 90mins with grandchild, his mother & other Grand-dad.... so can appeal to all.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I have a golf course 200 yards from my house, it has decent driving range facilities fortunately but lets not go into the course standard, pretty poor and I think in all honesty they must have given up on it now with membership under £300 a year for adults. I Cant bring myself to join and drive about 15 mins to another local club.

They seem more interested on getting people in to eat and drink in large parties and come for a sunday carvery, I go and use their range as its so close they have decent balls and mats and its no hassle to get there.

They now have the following:

- 18 hole golf course
- Footgolf
- Foot Tennis
- Foot Darts
- Foot Pool

So now a golf course has become more of a footballing related activity centre than anything else.

In my opinion and not to come across snobbish but it completely ruins any sense of a 'traditional' golf club, the clubhouse looses all etiquette and becomes a free for all with vests, hot pants, shorter than short shorts etc. no dress code whatsoever.

I honestly struggle to see how the two can mix on a proper course with paying members especially when sharing facilities. One big part of golfing for me is posting a score, buying a pint and socialising and mixing with other like minded members having a load of banter.

I saw first hand when using the range last sunday how that is destroyed when you have groups of players posting there scores in a club comp on sunday and grabbing a drink out numbered by people there for a sunday carvery and game of football tennis.

I'm not old (late 20's) but I was introduced to golf by meeting the pro who before anything explained etiquette, dress code and rules and give me a few bits of info to read to learn how i should conduct myself. Its what makes golf golf in my opinion. Nowdays you get people smash a few balls on the range and decide to have a round with their mates. Which I'm all for but etiquette should be respected and upheld.

All I see now on the club near me is barely any members and people who have had a game of foot golf and smashed a few balls on the range decide to have a round of golf, shirt un-tucked, no collar, unsuitable footwear and not a clue on course etiquette. Yet there let loose on to the course without being picked up on stuff because Golf plays second fiddle to football now at that course at least.

I suppose if you priories football related activities over paying members eventually you'll be left with no members.

‘Before anything’ the pro explained etiquette, dress code, conduct and rules

I know I’m just picking out one paragraph & while I’m glad it worked for you I guess you can see how that would be entirely the wrong approach for many people to get them interested in a new sport/pastime

Before anything let’s get them hitting a few balls on the range a couple of times wearing anything suitable for the activity, telling you just enough to keep you and others safe from stray balls with a few tips on posture, grip & alignment thrown in and take it from there :thup:

Maybe golf clubs could also look at how other businesses integrate participants in their communal areas

I see gyms/fitness centres where folk may have either worked out, exercised, swam, played tennis, badminton/squash etc etc or just had a sauna/spa, and somehow they are all able to share the same space for drinks/lunch/socialising etc afterwards :confused:

Why would golf require a standalone pre or post-activity environment free of participants of any other sport/pastime


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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I have no interest on footgolf, but if its played on a dedicated piece of land no problem and especially no on an existing golf course.. Turning over pitch and putt or par 3 courses wont help golf bring in those new or young players, I know my first introduction to the game came through playing pitch and putt.
I suspect though that foot golf will die out just as "golfcross" did, though not perhaps as quickly.

Deleted member 1418

- 18 hole golf course
- Footgolf
- Foot Tennis
- Foot Darts
- Foot Pool

Can you post again when the club introduces Darts and Ping Pong Bangkok style? Will be the most popular club in Britain!!! 😉😂😂😂