Follow-on, I dont like long clubs

Foliage Finder

Head Pro
Mar 26, 2015
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Afternoon all,

Little bit of follow on from my post re: not hitting long clubs terribly well. Took what people said on board, really tried to feel the weight transfer, taking my iron swing to the driver. Slight improvement noted! Contact much better although still skied it a couple of times (as promised, last video, listen for the "clunk" as the ball hits the driving range roof!)

Unfortunately the restricted bay setup means that my front-on videos don't capture the whole swing, which is annoying, so I haven't included them all. The DTL views are ok though. From watching myself, I think my main area to work on aside from weight transfer is my take-away. It looks very hands-and-armsy, with a lack of core engagement and upper body rotation, leading to the hands moving away from the torso. I think this sort of isolates my arms and brings the club behind the plane.

Driver DTL - much better contact here than before, not perfect, but better. Note the hands moving away. Perhaps a bit rushed at the top of the backswing.


Foliage Finder

Head Pro
Mar 26, 2015
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This is from the next session, a 7 iron DTL where I have tried to sort the take-away issue. Still present, but to a lesser degree I think. Pushed it a bit. Camera angle a touch off here.

Foliage Finder

Head Pro
Mar 26, 2015
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And finally, the skied driver. Odd facial expressions appear to be par for the course for me! This one I think I held back a bit and didn't transfer the weight as well as I had been doing, caught it on the way down and off it went into the roof.

Comments/advice welcome! Only been playing for around 9/10 months though, so bear that in mind :)


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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a little ways too much hands/wrists & arms from first off the ball so it all gets a ways disconnected from the turn. means club/arms have moved to the top but the shoulders/chest not completed a real good 90º turn.

at address between the arms.hands & club forms a kinda 'y' shape.
better to feel this 'y' shape stays intact as you move aways until the hands past the right thigh around hip height, then here feel the left thumb sets upwards to point up to the sky as the right arm folds with your shoulders rotating, left shoulder rotating just trailside of the ball, so right is rotating to be kinda behind the right hip, right heel.
then feel some weight into the left & swing down & through the ball but the head is staying trailside of the ball.

drill here will help to feel a better sequence of movement using the big muscles to control the first move aways from the ball, so the hands/wrists arms don't get a ways independently active which will tend to prevent a good shoulder turn & upper body rotation.

if you can get some lessons it's the ways to go so you don't build in bunch too many things you then have to change later on, makes it a deal harder. could do with getting the hand orientation on the handle in a little better shape as that will hinder your progress some.
if you can't get to a Pro have a look at some vids showing you how to form a sound grip & how the handle lies in the hands.


when you at the range would put some alignment rods (or clubs) down, one outside the ball on your target line one an inch or so off your toes parallel to it, then easier to get your feet, knees, hips, shoulders in good parallel left alignment to the target line.
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Foliage Finder

Head Pro
Mar 26, 2015
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Thanks for that! I agree totally. I was trying to think of something to try and get that feel in my head and that video has given a good start.

I do have lessons every few weeks, so will be bringing this up with the pro at my next one.

Foliage Finder

Head Pro
Mar 26, 2015
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Speak to Steve? has he looked at your grip?

I'll say hello if I see you at the range

I'm there every week so should be a fairly decent chance of bumping into me haha. Yeah I've been having lessons with Steve right from the start of when I took it up, he said my grip is fine on our latest lesson. Do people think its a bit strong/weak? Or is it the baseball grip people are looking at? I prefer the feel of a baseball grip at the moment as I have relatively short fingers and the club feels more secure than if I interlock/overlay.