First Handicap


Assistant Pro
Oct 2, 2007
Ashford Middlesex
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Got my first handicap today.. 20... really pleased.Been playing since September so still early days. My second shot still lets me down, so will be working hard to put that right.I would like to get below 18 for this season, or am i being unrealalistic ?
Nope once you have got and understand your pitching, scrambling pars and bogeys becomes fun and not a punishment. Well done on your first handicap.
Well done stevo, 20's great for a 1st handicap. But brendy is absolutely right, concentrate on your short game and your handicap will tumble. Bt all means work hard at your second shots, but work doubly hard at your putting and chipping.
only 1, damn i thought i was doing ok with 2 per hole. lol

short game is key. If you can master this, you will be an ace player.
My second shot still lets me down, so will be working hard to put that right.I would like to get below 18 for this season, or am i being unrealalistic ?

Result!, you are not being unreasonable at all. I work on the theory that I should scramble a bogey at worst.
My second shot lets me down, but hey, a green is more narrow than a fairway. As long as you hit the thing half nicely, you should be there or there-abouts. Then it's about trusting yourself to pitch on from all directions and lies, and safely 2 putt. 20-18, can be done in a blink of an eye, once you have the confidence to "course manage" your way to comfy bogeys when things go wrong. Sure, we all make doubles (and worse!) but play sensibly, improve your short game and 18 is not far off.
WELL DONE....much better than my first h'cap. (24)
well done mate i have to wait our course is still on the winter tees so cant get my handicap in yet but shot 73 on wednesday so hopeful it should be quite low.ian mc
Here we go again (sorry ian). My club issued at least 10? new h'caps over the winter period.....we play on full greens and mats with a winter (blue tee) SSS.
I started last year on 20 and I got down to 13 by Christmas so with the summer conditions and dedicated practice there is no reason why you can't come tumbling down.

The secret is to go out and play competitions. Not only will your handicap come down quickly but it improves your mental game and course management.

Well done for the good starting point. Now go forth and maximise your potential
I have played in two medals so far and i really enjoyed them.Next one is on the 2nd April so hopefully ill better my best score of 94 (Par 68).My best round so far has been 86