Ryder Cup Winner
the side the OP's shot was closest to.
the side the OP's shot was closest to.
taking relief that makes you hit over a practice area is quite dangerous. you are right to do it if its within the rules. your club could easily put oob down the side of the practice gound to make you drop it in the trees.
Also - and I'm probably a little more than semi-serious about this - could your lady members have a different local rule from gents.
From your diagram I can imagine than some lady members might have problems getting their ball back in play from where you took your relief - quite a job for some ladies clearing your practice ground from the far side - so their local rule may be similar to a 'lateral water hazard' rule. She might not realise the gents local rule was different so in being adamant she was correct - for her. You were adamant you were correct - for you. You were both right for yourselves but both wrong for each other
Only a thought - peace :thup:
it also means the nearest point of relief would be back towards the hole In the trees where 90% are already dropping.
Your concern for the ladies who might find it difficult to clear the practice ground from where the OP is to take relief is admirable but possibly misplaced? If a player, whether male or female, is going to have difficulty with that, how did he/she get there in the first place?
Well Colin - a player only has to end up just over half way across the practice ground fopr NPR to be far far way on the other sideAnd as you know - our ability to get out of a mess is not very closely correlated with our ability to get into it.
wondered what your views are?