Ryder Cup Winner
Definitely wouldn't sway them one way or another would they.
Why not?
Definitely wouldn't sway them one way or another would they.
Why not?
Because like every piece of evidence presented on both sides, it is either a balanced summary reinforcing your existing views or some misleading propaganda glossing over several key issues.
But as for the MMR controversy and autism - if like Dr Andrew Wakefield you make a case that many want to hear as it provides an answer to a burning issue or question, then regardless of what the vast majority of experts say and present that counters your argument, your argument can prevail with the many who want that answer you provide. And it can take a long time for your argument to be shown up as being as false or baseless as it is. And so here we are with the EU debate, and with a lot of folks (on both sides of the debate) probably not actually listening very carefully.
Because like every piece of evidence presented on both sides, it is either a balanced summary reinforcing your existing views or some misleading propaganda glossing over several key issues.
So the head of the WTO has said that leaving the EU would cost Britain "an extra £9 billion in trading costs alone" and the UK would have to renegotiate deals with 161 countries. I wonder if Leave think that this is just more scaremongering. I don't see how Remain can suggest that the head of the WTO can possibly be biased in favour of the UK remaining in the EU.
So basically the £8 billion (ish) that is our nett contribution to the EU each year will be swallowed up by trading fees and won't be spent on "our priorities such as the NHS" then.
EDIT - does anyone know why it will cost £9 billion a year to trade. I always assumed that you signed up to a free trade agreement and it didn't cost either side anything. Or if one side imposed tariffs on trade then the other side reciprocated and the costs balanced each other out.
This 'cost of trade' - which, according to the Guardian article is an additional 5.5 billion (I haven't worked out how or whether those figures are really different) - is, simply put, the 'cost of the paperwork and hassle' overhead! It's the entire reason that FTAs are negotiated!
So if we negotiated FTA's then we wouldn't have to pay the £9 billion?
I'm not suggesting that we could/would be able to negotiate them but just wondering.
It's £9 Bn for imports and £5.5 Bn for exports.
And Yes, negotiating FTAs with 162 countries (or staying within the EU) and that wouldn't be required!
I would recommend reading the
Without a doubt the most unbiased bit of information I've read to date.
I would recommend reading the
Without a doubt the most unbiased bit of information I've read to date.
I would recommend reading the
Without a doubt the most unbiased bit of information I've read to date.
Which probably proves everything you read is not 100% true.