equipment you bought but wished you had not bothered


Q-School Graduate
Jan 31, 2012
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i was scrolling through the what have you bought thread and see lots new things that people have purchased but what is that one thing that after you got it you wished you never bothered. i have a couple at least.

alignment sticks never use them waste of money
Bombtech Grenade driver believed in what i read waste of money.
And some really heavy wedge that was another practice aid. never used it
my entire bag? lol

I bought a voice caddy flight scope .. great idea but ended up selling it on for what I paid for it because my range introduced pro trace which stopped the need for it!

my rangefinder if it wasn't £99 id regret buying it because I dont use it that much I use my GPS more.... but doesnt matter long term ill use it

one piece of golf equipment that was a COMPLETE waste of money and i will NEVER use and regret buying was this brush that you clipped to your will and you put the club on it as you wheeled your trolley and it cleaned your club a bit.. £29.99 I will never see again.. used it once was crap..doesnt even go on my bag anymore
I'm probably going against the grain here but I'm going to say GameGolf...
Just too much faff for me.
If I missed a tag I had to remember in the edit function and had to remember which club I hit.
I found it a pain remembering to tag and it would interrupt my PSR if I hadn't tagged
Sometimes the tag would register, sometimes it wouldn't, sometimes it registered multiple times if I leaned the club on me whilst waiting for my shot.
And I had to go in and edit every round.....
Too much faff for the information I got from it.
Used for 2 months and then sold on....
Another one for Game golf, I didn't need it to tell me my driving was poor.
It's back in the box ready for someone else to take a punt on it
game golf

Paid £190 it is too much faff

Kept running out of battery.

Not remembering to tag

Looking bit like a **** for wearing and using it in a roll up
Mini driver and high loft driver. Should have just had a lesson and learnt to hit normal driver.

Chipper. Just felt so dirty.:whistle:
Got a 64 degree titliest wedge hit it about 10 times.Now in garage.
A m2 drive a inch shorter(OK on fitting)can't hit it for toffee
used for two in garage.
Cool thread!

Another for alignment sticks - just can't be bothered.
ball retriever - carried it in my bag for a whole season and realised I used it twice maybe. Lying in the garage last several years.
Heavy putter - still have not given up on the tech behind it, but suspect it was wasted cash.......oh
and I tried a 64 deg wedge also. Oh boy......if only I knew - if a 60 can't do it I shouldn't even be thinking about it
Adams pro mini 18deg hybrid, goes like a rocket, but the shaft has a weird finish to it.. sort of tacky.... hate touching the thing so its just sat in a corner. tried all sorts to get rid of the feel, but nothing works. have the same shaft in about 3 other clubs and they don't have this coating.
3 different scottys. Loved the look of them, didn't get on with any as well as I do my £60 Taylormade Maranello.
ball retriever - carried it in my bag for a whole season and realised I used it twice maybe.
I have a mate whose ball retriever will probably need regripping soon!

The thing I regret buying was an umbrella holder for the trolley. Just too wobbly and usually when it's raining it's also windy, when the last thing you want is a big sail attached to your trolley.