Dave Pelz Books


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Just been on Amazon and ordered the Dave Pelz putting bilbe and the Dave Pelz short game instructional book. The two together only cost £26 (plus £4 p+p).

I know from previous posts that several have the short game book (indeed many have resolved to read and use it in 2008 -but we shall see!!). Does anyone own the putting bible as no-one seems to have mentioned it much
Yip, I've got it, Homer.

Lots of good theory on the putting stroke and practice methods. Threw me off my feel for a while, though. Learnt not to take the technical thoughts onto the course. That helped. It's a long term thing, I think.
Homer, I'm about as popular on here as turkey mid-January at the moment due to posts on another thread but I too have Dave's putting bible. I would agree with JF, it's not a quick fix on how to putt, it really is a scientists evaluation of how the laws of physics affect how you stroke a ball with a putter. To be honest I skimmed bits but didn't take a lot from it, the phrase 'paralysis by analysis' springs to mind!
Just watch out for the Lumpy Doughnut !

Good read,good ideas in there.
%Thats al i remembered, i think the 5 minute sketches Dave does on the golf channel pretty much put his book into practice and is eaasier to understand. where as the short game bible you can get more from reading it! It has good sketches and amongts Daves Waffle there is useful bits but you gotta take a sabbatical to master it! Phil Mickleson did before Hoylake 2006 and Flumped his open!!