Cure the OTT feeling


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Not many things out there to fix the OTT move, the head cover drill is a good one I guess but here's one that will give you the FEELING of a better transition, of dropping the club behind you onto a lower plane...that 'FEELING' of swinging from the inside.....

Take your normal address position (with or without a ball) and make your normal backswing then make a swing that will hit the (imaginary) ball off the pink tee that I've pictured below..... it's 2ft high and just a bit further away from where you tee your ball...


This should give you the FEELING of making a proper downswing. After a few swings try hitting your ball.

After a while you can have the imaginary ball off a 1ft tee... or less, but for a while picture it at 2ft and make a LOT of practice swings. Try it... see what you think....see what feelings it gives you :thup: maybe even think of a 3ft tee!

Hope that helps, let me know what you think :thup:


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Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Interesting and spookily was contemplating posting about just the same thing (OTT) and whether a You Tube video I found might have value as I liked the concept. More on that later. So, I'm flushing my irons and have been for a while. Nice soft draw in the main (stats on launch monitor "perfect"). Driver remains a challenge as I either square the club face and come OTT/hit way too steep to do that OR I get the club nicely inside BUT deliver it way too open so the ball starts right and usually pretty straight although sometimes a slight fade so probably still a bit OTT. Lesson today and progress but still elusive to get all aspects working together with any regularity.

Here's the vid

Thoughts? I would think hitting the 2' high ball would make my arms push out more? Like a baseball swing?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Thoughts? I would think hitting the 2' high ball would make my arms push out more? Like a baseball swing?

That is correct, although there's no reason not to also (potentially) feel the right arm tuck into the right hip. It's the feeling of the upper body re-routing/transitioning the club that is the point, not where the club ends up as we don't use a 2ft tee. With other drill(s) you just don't get that correct feeling, in my opinion.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
JO, is this something similar to the feeling Jimenez looks for with his practice swipes?

He's doing precisely the opposite :D He already hits a draw and drops the club to the inside, his practice swing is to stop him dropping the club (and the right shoulder) too deep (or backwards) and blocking the ball to the right, so his practice swing is more of an 'over the top' move where he's trying to get his right shoulder more out and down to the ball, 'covering' the ball so to speak so his path doesn't go TOO in-to-out.

You can see the 'over the top' move with the right shoulder he's trying to create here in an attempt not to get stuck..


JO - any chance of making a video ? this could prove very useful !

I might :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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There are a few things you can do to help avoid an OTT swing:

Dont early extend.

Dont allow your upper arms to lose connection.

In the initial downswing phase let the butt end of the club trace the extended ball to target line.


Medal Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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There are a few things you can do to help avoid an OTT swing:

Dont early extend.

Dont allow your upper arms to lose connection.

In the initial downswing phase let the butt end of the club trace the extended ball to target line.

Could you expand on the first two points at all? I am suffering with this and each range session leaves me feeling more and more dejected. Am I right in thinking the hips should start the movement? I almost feel like no matter how hard I try my shoulders turn before bringing the club down which leads to coming across the ball.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Could you expand on the first two points at all? I am suffering with this and each range session leaves me feeling more and more dejected. Am I right in thinking the hips should start the movement? I almost feel like no matter how hard I try my shoulders turn before bringing the club down which leads to coming across the ball.

By connection I mean your upper arms stay connected to your chest, particularly the left arm hugging the chest in the backswing and the right in the downswing. Early extension is where you push your hips forward in the downswing and lift up.

If you lose your forward tilt and allow the arms to detach from the torso then you will be inclined to throw them out and across.

Take a look at this video with Jim Hardy. It's not fantastic quality but it may help you:


Medal Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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By connection I mean your upper arms stay connected to your chest, particularly the left arm hugging the chest in the backswing and the right in the downswing. Early extension is where you push your hips forward in the downswing and lift up.

If you lose your forward tilt and allow the arms to detach from the torso then you will be inclined to throw them out and across.

Take a look at this video with Jim Hardy. It's not fantastic quality but it may help you:

Thanks for that. I know the ultimately the solution is going to be to see a pro about it but its good to have something else to think about and look at.


Tour Winner
Dec 1, 2009
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Bumping this thread again...

Is this similar to the feeling you should get when playing from a side slope where the ball is above your feet? This is something that's been mentioned by a few people as a good way to help get the feeling of hitting from the inside.