Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Nov 19, 2018
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Food for thought, with the benefit of hindsight of course, but you really have to wonder why we took
the path we did.

I haven't watched the video( don't want anything to do with Twitter).
But comparing New Zealand with U.K. is ridiculous.
5 million in NZ , comparable size Country, 60 mill here.
4 million in NZ throughout several cities, 10 million in London UK
47 per sq mile in NZ. More in urban, yes.....But 12000 in London Uk.

Do better to compare it with Northern Ireland or similar, but that wouldn't suit your argument re Government efficiency.


Nov 16, 2011
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...As I am not criticising the Governments testing program why should I suggest any logistical changes, I think they did an amazing job of increasing capacity.
What a copout reply! They are missing their target(s)! And fudging figures to make it look as if they aren't! So either the target is too ambitious (my belief) or they (the government) are inept! Either way, they should be challenged as to why - even by faithful devotees like, apparently, yourself!
Your comments regarding 'the governments dire failed attempt at fiddling the number' and 'the target continuing to be missed' is again nothing to do with my post so I dont feel obliged to respond to it.
An even larger copout than the one above!

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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I also thought it funny he said respects the right for England to do things differently but slates it every time they do anything different., ??‍♂️
I can respect their right, whilst disagreeing with their thinking/planning...…….what on earth is wrong with that.:unsure:

Ist case in England was 1st Dec 2019
1st case in Scotland 1st March 2020
Ist death in England 5th March 2020
!st death in Scotland 13th March 2020.
Spread is two months to 8 days.
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Deleted member 16999

During an interview by the Beeb's Breakfast News presenter Charlie Stayt questioned the Tory Minister on why old people were discharged from hospital to care homes................. I can't get the words out....... I am xxxx raging! I'd like to think I misheard what I thought was a slip by the Tory Minister because the alternative is abhorrent.

Old people were sent out from hospitals to protect the NHS. That is what he said!!! They were/are collateral damage to protect others. Just who are the most vulnerable?

If it was picked up by others, the nuance of what was said I'd like to hear about it, especially if I've got it wrong. We don't have catch-up here, otherwise I'd try and watch it again.
This bloke?



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Aug 28, 2013
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What a copout reply! They are missing their target(s)! And fudging figures to make it look as if they aren't! So either the target is too ambitious (my belief) or they (the government) are inept! Either way, they should be challenged as to why - even by faithful devotees like, apparently, yourself!

An even larger copout than the one above!

You know full well that all Ministers can do is mobilise the resources they do not control how the medical profession and others take up and use the capacity made available.

Do you want compulsory random testing?


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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I can respect their right, whilst disagreeing with their thinking/planning...…….what on earth is wrong with that.:unsure:
Its not the disagreement DfT it's your complete anti English rhetoric that is literally in nearly everything you post, then go and claim you respect the right to be different ? When in fact you only respect anything that may show a bad light because it suits your agenda.


Sep 11, 2011
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Deleted member 16999

That's the one. He also says the NHS had the capacity....... so why send old people back to the care homes to protect the NHS? I genuinely hope that I misheard the piece, because if I didn't I'm struggling to believe any govt would operate a policy that knowingly puts vulnerable people in harms way.
He’s been doing the rounds this morning, been on Sky and R4 and apparently made a few gaffs.

It won’t be his fault though, it’ll be the Journos trying to trip him up.:rolleyes:


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2009
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You know full well that all Ministers can do is mobilise the resources they do not control how the medical profession and others take up and use the capacity made available.

Do you want compulsory random testing?

But to meet any target its not just about having the capacity it's about ensuring that capacity is accessible to the people that need it. My wife was offered a test on Monday, but the nearest test centre was nearly 20 miles away and would have taken well in access of an hour to get there by public transport. Now we have plenty of time and a car so was no real problem, not so for care workers on zero-hours and minimmum wage contracts.


I haven't watched the video( don't want anything to do with Twitter).
But comparing New Zealand with U.K. is ridiculous.
5 million in NZ , comparable size Country, 60 mill here.
4 million in NZ throughout several cities, 10 million in London UK
47 per sq mile in NZ. More in urban, yes.....But 12000 in London Uk.

Do better to compare it with Northern Ireland or similar, but that wouldn't suit your argument re Government efficiency.

Just deflection.
I saw the video a while ago on facebook but it reappeared yesterday on twitter so unsure of origin but why not watch? I am expected to and do watch all the Govt propaganda/lies on a daily basis if I watch the news so why not see a different view - it's pretty short video and evidences boris's actual words and then disagree vehemently?
Not so much anti government but definitely anti Johnson, not because he isn't a character, just that he is not cut out to be a PM and proves that on an almost daily basis.
Watch the short video or else there's little point commenting.

Japan has more crowding than UK with about 125 million to our 67 million and their deaths are a mere fraction of ours.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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What a copout reply! They are missing their target(s)! And fudging figures to make it look as if they aren't! So either the target is too ambitious (my belief) or they (the government) are inept! Either way, they should be challenged as to why - even by faithful devotees like, apparently, yourself!

An even larger copout than the one above!
Try and understand this: I'm not interested in your opinion on that issue, I wasnt discussing it and you decided to interject my post with it, my post asked someone else their views on how logistics could have been improved to create more testing facities. Keep on about missing targets if it suits you but dont drag me it. How can I copout of an issue I'm not posting about ?

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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Its not the disagreement DfT it's your complete anti English rhetoric that is literally in nearly everything you post, then go and claim you respect the right to be different ? When in fact you only respect anything that may show a bad light because it suits your agenda.

You really don't get it do you.
If England had it's own Government within the UK there would not be any problems.
Cameron started all of this by virtually turning Westminster into an English government.
May/Johnson have done nothing to stop it. In fact Johnson is currently giving all indications that he does not even understand how it works.:eek:


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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But to meet any target its not just about having the capacity it's about ensuring that capacity is accessible to the people that need it. My wife was offered a test on Monday, but the nearest test centre was nearly 20 miles away and would have taken well in access of an hour to get there by public transport. Now we have plenty of time and a car so was no real problem, not so for care workers on zero-hours and minimmum wage contracts.
There cant be a testing station within a few miles of everyone though. If people have to attend a hospital appointment they normally have to travel different distances based on where they live.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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You really don't get it do you.
If England had it's own Government within the UK there would not be any problems.
Cameron started all of this by virtually turning Westminster into an English government.
May/Johnson have done nothing to stop it. In fact Johnson is currently giving all indications that he does not even understand how it works.:eek:
There is no English Government.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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You really don't get it do you.
If England had it's own Government within the UK there would not be any problems.
Cameron started all of this by virtually turning Westminster into an English government.
May/Johnson have done nothing to stop it. In fact Johnson is currently giving all indications that he does not even understand how it works.:eek:
No Doon I very much get it and you using Cameron is pure deflection as that was in 2016, yet independence vote was 2 years prior which you always go on about, I may not have been here all that long but your posts have much more basis on what happened and you lost in 2014 than what Cameron did in 2016.

Yet there is my point in your post your stating its England's fault and no accountability for your own posts, nobody makes you post constant anti English guff thats purely your own choice to do so.... Be careful not to fall off that high horse I hear its a long fall from such a self imposed lofty position.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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I can respect their right, whilst disagreeing with their thinking/planning...…….what on earth is wrong with that.:unsure:

Ist case in England was 1st Dec 2019
1st case in Scotland 1st March 2020
Ist death in England 5th March 2020
!st death in Scotland 13th March 2020.
Spread is two months to 8 days.

If we're dealing with rumour...coronavirus outbreak in Edinburgh in February...etc. Stop trying to find rumour and misinformation to suit your cause as it really does you no favours and in fact dilutes everything you post as just point scoring tittle tattle.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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You really don't get it do you.
If England had it's own Government within the UK there would not be any problems.
Cameron started all of this by virtually turning Westminster into an English government.
May/Johnson have done nothing to stop it. In fact Johnson is currently giving all indications that he does not even understand how it works.:eek:

I'm sorry to say but your relevant points are often lost among your constant 'chip on the shoulder' rhetoric. I just wonder how Scotland would be coping had it become totally separated from rUK and reliant on the 'wonderful' EU - see how Italy, Greece, Spain et al are being treated. You seem to wish to blame England for anything and everything without really recognising that it is the wealth of the whole of the UK that gives your population of 6mill the benefits of scale that being within the 70mill UK: Defence, Infrastructure, Finance, Tax Income etc.

I happen to feel British first and English second and I respect that you see yourself as Scottish first but not British; but I don't see why you need to insult everything British and by implication me and my fellow Brits at any opportunity - its just tiresome.
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