Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Nadine Dorries - Health Minister - tweets a doctored and libelous video about Keir Starmer when he was DPP. Pathetic and desperate by someone who might just be a little worried that in the HoC Starmer is matching up very well indeed against our PM. Tweet now deleted...

May also be why Jacob Rees-Mogg is suggesting that MPs should return to the HoC - perhaps he is thinking that Johnson needs his backing choir and audience to be effective. Well - who knows.
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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That's the one. He also says the NHS had the capacity....... so why send old people back to the care homes to protect the NHS? I genuinely hope that I misheard the piece, because if I didn't I'm struggling to believe any govt would operate a policy that knowingly puts vulnerable people in harms way.
Rationale appears to be that because UK was declared as being in Containment Phase, that meant that it was assumed that there would be no infection in any care homes.

When spread within the community was spotted we shortly (how long?) afterwards moved to Delay Phase - when restrictions were applied in respect of access to care homes. But of course it's too late then - if it's in the community it's most very probably going to be in the care homes. Closing the barn door after the horse has bolted comes to mind (opposite of course).

I might suggest that we would have known from the experiences of such as Italy and Spain that everything possible should have been done from the outset to prevent the virus getting into care homes given the mayhem it would cause once in. But we didn't. We waited. Until sadly it was too late - clearly.

Deleted member 16999

Just deflection.
I saw the video a while ago on facebook but it reappeared yesterday on twitter so unsure of origin but why not watch? I am expected to and do watch all the Govt propaganda/lies on a daily basis if I watch the news so why not see a different view - it's pretty short video and evidences boris's actual words and then disagree vehemently?
Not so much anti government but definitely anti Johnson, not because he isn't a character, just that he is not cut out to be a PM and proves that on an almost daily basis.
Watch the short video or else there's little point commenting.

Japan has more crowding than UK with about 125 million to our 67 million and their deaths are a mere fraction of ours.
You have to research to see how many times Twitter posts or journalist were called hacks during the GE and Brexit debate or during the current crisis were called out by boris’s apologists.

To save you some time - never.(y)
The tune changes to suit the agenda.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
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Food for thought, with the benefit of hindsight of course, but you really have to wonder why we took the path we did.

Perhaps you could gives a little bio on Mike Galsworthy, tells us what his political leanings and agenda are, to add context to the video?

The video itself is a masterpiece of editing, I'll give it that.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Rationale appears to be that because UK was declared as being in Containment Phase, that meant that it was assumed that there would be no infection in any care homes.

When spread within the community was spotted we shortly (how long?) afterwards moved to Delay Phase - when restrictions were applied in respect of access to care homes. But of course it's too late then - if it's in the community it's most very probably going to be in the care homes. Closing the barn door after the horse has bolted comes to mind (opposite of course).

I might suggest that we would have known from the experiences of such as Italy and Spain that everything possible should have been done from the outset to prevent the virus getting into care homes given the mayhem it would cause once in. But we didn't. We waited. Until sadly it was too late - clearly.

The clarity of 20/20 vision brought by hindsight. You stated "... everything possible should have been done from the outset to prevent the virus..." I'm curious how you decided when the date was that was the exact point of "outset" relevant to the vast range and diverse sizes of businesses and local authority run premises defined as 'care homes'.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Perhaps you could gives a little bio on Mike Galsworthy, tells us what his political leanings and agenda are, to add context to the video?

The video itself is a masterpiece of editing, I'll give it that.

Scroll down to political views, very first line is: Associated with the Labour Party.

The video is well edited but unbiased it is not.

Deleted member 16999

Might as well post no links and close the forum to debate, just make it a factual posting site!

Come on guys, let’s be honest, we all have our political bias’s and we all “like” what appeals to our own values.

If we are going down this path of background checks it’s going to be very boring on here and let’s be really honest, we had 1 poster who constantly posted pro tory twitter links during the GE and not once was he questioned on his motives.

We’re all adults, feel free to ignore the posts, sometimes they are posted for no more than to stimulate debate, raise a smile or simply because it appealed to the poster, it doesn’t make them right.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Might as well post no links and close the forum to debate, just make it a factual posting site!

Come on guys, let’s be honest, we all have our political bias’s and we all “like” what appeals to our own values.

If we are going down this path of background checks it’s going to be very boring on here and let’s be really honest, we had 1 poster who constantly posted pro tory twitter links during the GE and not once was he questioned on his motives.

We’re all adults, feel free to ignore the posts, sometimes they are posted for no more than to stimulate debate, raise a smile or simply because it appealed to the poster, it doesn’t make them right.
Don't agree Paul, people are entitled to post links for whatever their own political bias is and should continue to do so, but equally others are entitled to call that into question from their own standpoint to show the flaws in it. For me that goes whether your leaning is Tory, Labour, Lib Dem, Green or monster raving looney party.

You are correct we're all adults and as such should expect our views to be questioned including the background of those in the creation of the videos or links. That's where the balanced debate comes from being able to accept that it's not agreeable to everyone. If everyone ignored everything that was opposed to their way of thinking we'd have a forum full of pointless conversations that just agree or never have any replies or debate.

Deleted member 16999

Don't agree Paul, people are entitled to post links for whatever their own political bias is, but equally others are entitled to call that into question from their own standpoint to show the flaws in it. For me that goes whether your leaning is Tory, Labour, Lib Dem, Green or monster raving looney party.

You are correct we're all adults and as such should expect our views to be questioned including the background of those in the creation of the videos or links. That's where the balanced debate comes from being able to accept that it's not agreeable to everyone.
I’d say anyone with half a brain could see what that video is about, it should be took with a pinch of salt, I, and dare I say, most level headed people have no reason to wonder who the publisher was or his background, it was clear and obvious, we also potentially know Maxfli’s political bias, so why the need for him to possibly caveat his posts with attached information?


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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I’d say anyone with half a brain could see what that video is about, it should be took with a pinch of salt, I, and dare I say, most level headed people have no reason to wonder who the publisher was or his background, it was clear and obvious, we also potentially know Maxfli’s political bias, so why the need for him to possibly caveat his posts with attached information?
So because we know does that mean it shouldn't be questioned. Of course it doesn't especially when someone posts it on a discussion board such as this. Maxfli views again just because his posts have a left leaning does that mean someone that wants to question it shouldn't. Im sorry but if you think people should simply not question it because they know another posters leanings is ridiculous, as it leads back to my original point of reply it would equate to one sided agreement or a thread of posts that continues to to always fizzle out as nobody is able to question others.

By your own advice if you don't like others questioning it you are equally as entitled to ignore post that questions it or put the person on ignore. Its a free open forum and as such questioning each others known views on a post by post basis must and should remain.


Sep 11, 2011
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You have to research to see how many times Twitter posts or journalist were called hacks during the GE and Brexit debate or during the current crisis were called out by boris’s apologists.

To save you some time - never.(y)
The tune changes to suit the agenda.

The banner that is across the vid right at the end is good enough for me to bin it. "Momentum." The far left group that ruined Labour. And edited for sound bites to increase impact...

I was very impressed by the NZ PM, and have been for a while, but when you see an opposition NZ MP putting a different slant on things you might be inclined to look further. I still think she's a very good PM, but I also think that every country's leader/govt has to a greater or lesser extent was left behind at the beginning of this crisis.

Have a look how every leader in every country has faired. They've all been slaughtered to an extent over the handling of the crisis. Quite rightly, no one in just about every country is willing to accept the numbers of deaths we're seeing.

Deleted member 16999

So because we know does that mean it shouldn't be questioned. Of course it doesn't especially when someone posts it on a discussion board such as this. Maxfli views again just because his posts have a left leaning does that mean someone that wants to question it shouldn't. Im sorry but if you think people should simply not question it because they know another posters leanings is ridiculous, as it leads back to my original point of reply it would equate to one sided agreement or a thread of posts that continues to to always fizzle out as nobody is able to question others.

By your own advice if you don't like others questioning it you are equally as entitled to ignore post that questions it or put the person on ignore. Its a free open forum and as such questioning each others known views on a post by post basis must and should remain.
It’s the sad reality lately of people playing the posters, just look how people react to Doon or Silh, it’s got to the point of posters slagging them off publicly to each other and not the actual post.

None of us are perfect, but we should at least try and be balanced.

Deleted member 16999

The banner that is across the vid right at the end is good enough for me to bin it. "Momentum." The far left group that ruined Labour. And edited for sound bites to increase impact...

I was very impressed by the NZ PM, and have been for a while, but when you see an opposition NZ MP putting a different slant on things you might be inclined to look further. I still think she's a very good PM, but I also think that every country's leader/govt has to a greater or lesser extent was left behind at the beginning of this crisis.

Have a look how every leader in every country has faired. They've all been slaughtered to an extent over the handling of the crisis. Quite rightly, no one in just about every country is willing to accept the numbers of deaths we're seeing.
Totally agree and instead of answering the post the way you did we get the double standards wheeled out and a background check on the author.(y)


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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Don't agree Paul, people are entitled to post links for whatever their own political bias is and should continue to do so, but equally others are entitled to call that into question from their own standpoint to show the flaws in it. For me that goes whether your leaning is Tory, Labour, Lib Dem, Green or monster raving looney party.

You are correct we're all adults and as such should expect our views to be questioned including the background of those in the creation of the videos or links. That's where the balanced debate comes from being able to accept that it's not agreeable to everyone. If everyone ignored everything that was opposed to their way of thinking we'd have a forum full of pointless conversations that just agree or never have any replies or debate.
There's more than a hint of playing the man rather than the ball here.
Quibble about the information provided, don't just say "he's a leftie, therefore it's nonsense".
Not sure if that's what you intend, but it's the impression that you give this observer.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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It’s the sad reality lately of people playing the posters, just look how people react to Doon or Silh, it’s got to the point of posters slagging them off publicly to each other and not the actual post.

None of us are perfect, but we should at least try and be balanced.
Exactly and to remain balanced we have to accept whatever we post can and will be questioned. Including questioning the validity or background of those creating things in circulation


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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Moving on slightly, as an even handed sort of guy I flicked onto the telegraph website just now.
I can't read the details, but they are really pushing the " not enough people have had this, lockdown was a waste of time" narrative .
Slightly feel of cognitive dissonance given their readership demographic.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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There's more than a hint of playing the man rather than the ball here.
Quibble about the information provided, don't just say "he's a leftie, therefore it's nonsense".
Not sure if that's what you intend, but it's the impression that you give this observer.
You've read that totally wrong then because I have no issue with the poster and have often agreed with him on many subjects. I wasn't calling Paul a leftie and I didn't refer to his personal political leanings so no idea where you read that and my opening paragraph clearly states doesn't matter what anyone political leaning is, so looks to me you've had a mare with that assumption.

I've said left, right, centre or whatever we should accept whatever we post is open to question including its original source.

So im sorry but you've totally misread what's actually written and found some bizarre tangent to take it on....


Sep 11, 2011
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Totally agree and instead of answering the post the way you did we get the double standards wheeled out and a background check on the author.(y)

I did research the author, and I do know how much his politics have shifted further and further left in the last 4 years. If he'd been more of a centrist and it didn't have the Momentum banner I might have given it more credibility. But it doesn't take being a brain surgeon to know that every political leader is getting a huge amount of stick at present.

Having questions posed as Charlie Stayt did this morning on the breakfast news is exactly the right way to do it. None of the questions were designed to trip the guy up. They were simple, transparent questions that we could all understand. And it didn't need clever dick questions to trip the Minister up, he achieved that quite admirably by his own foot in the mouth responses.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Might as well post no links and close the forum to debate, just make it a factual posting site!

Come on guys, let’s be honest, we all have our political bias’s and we all “like” what appeals to our own values.

If we are going down this path of background checks it’s going to be very boring on here and let’s be really honest, we had 1 poster who constantly posted pro tory twitter links during the GE and not once was he questioned on his motives.

We’re all adults, feel free to ignore the posts, sometimes they are posted for no more than to stimulate debate, raise a smile or simply because it appealed to the poster, it doesn’t make them right.
i know who you mean, Pretty much on a daily basis, mostly downright lies, i don't remember to many questioning any of them in fact there were plenty of likes for them and funny enough a few by the people who are questioning this one...:LOL: who'd have thought:ROFLMAO:
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