Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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It does highlight some 'illogicalities' though!

Isn't that the same as (or a least equivalent to) a (non-familial) 2-ball playing a round of golf? It would be wrong, imo, if one was illegal and the other was not!

For goodness sake this is a step change on the way to a bit of normality for just 2 weeks where the paramount underpinning message is SD with a few exceptions. If the trends continue downwards greater freedoms will evolve - what's so hard to understand? Why have we turned into infants that need to be kept on Mummy's reins to keep us out of trouble?


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
I am hearing that a climb down from the Welsh FM on golf is imminent. Social media campaign since Sunday and a barrage of emails seems to be getting through.

I wonder what his mate Nic will say...

There are only 70 odd million people in the UK, Boris should have phoned everyone to explain the specifics. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


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Sep 21, 2016
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My brother-in-law lives about a mile away, I can call him up and from tomorrow we can go up our golf club and play a round of golf for 4 hours as long as we stay 2m away from each other but apparently I cannot sit in his garden with him for 30 mins sitting 2m+ away from each other.


Nov 16, 2011
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For goodness sake this is a step change on the way to a bit of normality for just 2 weeks where the paramount underpinning message is SD with a few exceptions. If the trends continue downwards greater freedoms will evolve - what's so hard to understand? Why have we turned into infants that need to be kept on Mummy's reins to keep us out of trouble?
No problem with the concept, simply the explicit nature of what is/is not allowed!

Your last sentence simply doesn't belong in this debate - except if applied to the inconsistent message as highlighted by SILH (and Reemul). SD is certainly still the fundamental message!


Sep 11, 2011
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I get why we must get back to work if we can; I get why we must avoid using public transport at the moment if at all possible; I get why we wouldn't want groups to be gathering in parks; I get why it is appropriate for some to be able to drive a short distance to somewhere they can exercise relative 'safely'. I get all that. And they all work fine for me - as I get them each individually, and I am fortunate that living my life as I do and where I do they don't clash. However where I can see confusion for some is around trying to rationalise the science that is behind each of them - as they can be contradictory.

A lady who does childminding can do that for a child not her own, but cannot visit a grandchild who lives in a separate house from her? Workers can congregate at work in groups (size unlimited?) whilst observing social distancing requirements, but can't meet up with parents or family in the local park? I can drive as far as I want to exercise but can't if I want to just meet a friend or relative? I can drive to a beauty spot for exercise but when I get there if it is busy and social distancing is likely to be difficult then I must not stay? And when I am visiting a beauty spot and toilets are not open - then what? We have a couple of builders working on the outside of the house at the moment. They are keeping separate. And we can stop and talk with them both. But we can't stop and talk with my daughter and her b/fried unless he is my contact and my daughter is my wife's. Maybe.

I do not have an issue with any of these examples (and there are a multitude more). We are able to live within the guidelines and constraints and we are not looking to push any boundaries. Indeed my wife has this morning been asked by a closest friend if she wants to go for a walk on Friday, my wife would probably rather not in the context of coronavirus, although she'd dearly love to walk and talk with her close friend. She has not yet decided what to do. But that's just us. We are very fortunate.

However, if I look to find and understand the science underpinning what has now been advised in the examples being applied consistently I do struggle. And for those for whom what we have been advised raises conflicts I can see where real confusion on what to do comes.

And confusion raises fear. And in fear we often either do nothing, or do irrational things.

The government has told us that not a lot has changed (though asking us to go to work if we can is for many a massive change and challenge) - and so I feel that if nothing much has changed, then there really was no need to change the headline message - a message that we have come to know and understand.

I think you're over complicating it. If someone says the rule is X, why do you need to know that a/3+7L(4a-5b)/27 = X? At the end of the day, all you need to know is X.

Do you know all the ins and outs of Pi? Do you need to know all the ins and outs of Pi? No, you just worked with the Pi you'd been given.

Seriously, you need to get out more:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Just think about the stress you're giving yourself if you're spending forever trying to work the ins and outs of X. Accept it for what it is and get on with life, don't waste it.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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My brother-in-law lives about a mile away, I can call him up and from tomorrow we can go up our golf club and play a round of golf for 4 hours as long as we stay 2m away from each other but apparently I cannot sit in his garden with him for 30 mins sitting 2m+ away from each other.
Maybe you should consider the concession to play golf as better than nothing.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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60% of salary though.
I would imagine that will cause quite a bit of hardship and perhaps force folk back to work when they do not feel safe.

Nope not the mythical 60% social media and the papers have been pushing to tarnish the government or idea. But confirmed the 80% not just thr BBC but all other outlets now confirmed.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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60% of salary though.
I would imagine that will cause quite a bit of hardship and perhaps force folk back to work when they do not feel safe.


The UK scheme to pay wages of workers on leave because of coronavirus will be extended to October, Chancellor Rishi Sunak said.

Mr Sunak confirmed that employees will continue to receive 80% of their monthly wages up to £2,500.

But he said the government will ask companies to "start sharing" the cost of the scheme from August.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Yes so they need three times the classrooms and teachers.
That’s ok while it’s just two years in school.
But it’s fitting year 2/3/4/5 in where are they going to go.
I think they will not go back any time soon.

Those 4 groups think will be September
Sounds like the furlough scheme is being extended to October, obviously more details to emerge and it might be limited to certain jobs, but welcome news

I really am liking our new Chancellor. No matter what people's views blue red yellow green etc no matter what could have been done sooner blah blah he has really stepped in and furlough (in the main I appreciate some don't get it) is a massive success. Truly helping people through a crisis.

It does make me wonder though. Our old Chancellor, Sajid Javid, was told he could stay on as chancellor if he sacked all of his advises and used Dominic Cummings picks for advisers.. he very commendably stepped down. That caused outrage at the time however our new chancellor .. it's assumed he had to use these people picked .. which based on his performance so far maybe wasnt a bad thing...


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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The UK scheme to pay wages of workers on leave because of coronavirus will be extended to October, Chancellor Rishi Sunak said.

Mr Sunak confirmed that employees will continue to receive 80% of their monthly wages up to £2,500.

But he said the government will ask companies to "start sharing" the cost of the scheme from August.

I think sharing will be if people go back part time the wages will still be capped at 80% but anything they do for employer they will have to pay and the gov top up the rest

I know we have furlough any department not being used right now (upgrades for example) but are topping up their wage to 100% we also furlough long term sick and shielders


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!

Nope not the mythical 60% social media and the papers have been pushing to tarnish the government or idea. But confirmed the 80% not just thr BBC but all other outlets now confirmed.

But the opposition offence at the outrageous reduction got copious airtime this morning. Have a guess when this was signed off in the Treasury?

60% of salary though.
I would imagine that will cause quite a bit of hardship and perhaps force folk back to work when they do not feel safe.

Well Doon bought it! :)

I am hearing that a climb down from the Welsh FM on golf is imminent. Social media campaign since Sunday and a barrage of emails seems to be getting through

I've had another text about this and more news outlets are picking up the story.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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But the opposition offence at the outrageous reduction got copious airtime this morning. Have a guess when this was signed off in the Treasury?

Well Doon bought it! :)

I've had another text about this and more news outlets are picking up the story.
People love to buy into negative stories and take pot shots without full facts, this place is currently full of such opinion..


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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This comes over to me as a post by someone with too much time on their hands so overthinking everything. Also if you're Wife goes for a walk with her Friend isnt she breaking the law ?

No the wife is not breaking the law. Government fAQS 1.4. You can meet up with one other person not from your household outdoors (maintaining SD )
So, you could go for a walk with a mate.
But you cannot visit a person at another household.
Someone said why is me seeing a mate in his garden( outdoors?) any different from 1.4 above.
I venture to suggest that such a visit would not be confined to standing 2 metres apart in the garden.
Visitors would sit on a seat, thus touching a hard surface possibly, have a cup of tea or a beer. Etc So, visitors could get something passed to them and/or from the householder.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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No the wife is not breaking the law. Government fAQS 1.4. You can meet up with one other person not from your household outdoors (maintaining SD )
So, you could go for a walk with a mate.
But you cannot visit a person at another household.
Someone said why is me seeing a mate in his garden( outdoors?) any different from 1.4 above.
I venture to suggest that such a visit would not be confined to standing 2 metres apart in the garden.
Visitors would sit on a seat, thus touching a hard surface possibly, have a cup of tea or a beer. Etc So, visitors could get something passed to them and/or from the householder.
It was further explained on JVine R2 show today. With too many houses you would walk through the house to get to the garden, you may have a drink there, natural to offer, use the toilet. If it rains you would all move inside. Keeping the chat outside reduces the impact of the virus transmitting, keeping it in a public place means people are less likely to break the rules, less 'no one can see so just do it' moments.

It is a blunt instrument, it obviously would be fine in many gardens, but they can not deal with every eventuality. There are clearly big holes in what they are asking but I can see why they are trying not to over complicate the rules and this will inevitably means aspects which are illogical in parts.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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It was further explained on JVine R2 show today. With too many houses you would walk through the house to get to the garden, you may have a drink there, natural to offer, use the toilet. If it rains you would all move inside. Keeping the chat outside reduces the impact of the virus transmitting, keeping it in a public place means people are less likely to break the rules, less 'no one can see so just do it' moments.

It is a blunt instrument, it obviously would be fine in many gardens, but they can not deal with every eventuality. There are clearly big holes in what they are asking but I can see why they are trying not to over complicate the rules and this will inevitably means aspects which are illogical in parts.
I would imagine toilets are a problem area. I notice my golf club is opening the Pro Shop for one person at a time, not allowing any changing facilities but did say the locker room is open for the toilets.
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