Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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Yes indeed. Though if our daughter is the additional contact for both me and my wife we can both meet up with her in the park. If Luke comes with her then he has to head off somewhere by himself or maybe meet with his folks apart and quite separate from us. Sorted.

Isn't it only one person from a household that can meet up with one person from another household? So you OR your wife could meet your daughter but not both of you? And that is the only contact that you, your wife, your daughter or her boyfriend can have. So your daughter's boyfriend couldn't separately go and meet with one of his parents. At least that was my understanding of the rules.

This is from the .govuk website.....

"Can I meet my friends and family in the park?
You can meet one other person from outside your household if you are outdoors. Public gatherings of more than 2 people from different households are prohibited in law. There are no limits on gatherings in the park with members of your household."

That to me suggests that the two of you can't meet your daughter as that would be a group of 3 people not from the same household.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Yes it’s when they start licking you that’s a problem!
Just think it’s to early.

It's a tough call for sure. I'd thought it best just to wait until September. To some extent it could be a trial to see if full school attendance will be possible then?

As for licking - kids are just like dogs :ROFLMAO:


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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To make it crystal clear

Calling someone or referring to someone as a witch is completely out of order and sanctions will be taken against anyone using that term.

Other terms like witch-hunt are ok if used in context

End of discussion, let’s move on please


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I've been at work all day and came back to a series of alerts of people kicking me on a thread that had grown by about ten pages since I last saw it. So you'll just have to forgive me if I missed some nuance somewhere.
what with this place being full of Homophobic, sexist, racist right wing bully boys... shirley not :ROFLMAO:

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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If it was just 1 of the 3 smaller nations rejecting No10 ;then you could have a point about mischief making but when all 3 reject it, each with separate CMOs and independent scientific advisors, then that looks based solely on health judgement. BJ didn't consult in advance with other nations, lied about that.
Health is a devolved issue, why is that hard to grasp, so each nation can do what it sees fit, Boris is the one making the changes for England, not the 3 devolved govts, they have stuck firmly to No 10s original lockdown rules for the past 7 weeks, no boat rocked there, and wish to stick with that stay home message for longer. Lives are at stake and leaders carry that heavy burden, use of the word catastrophic would not be said lightly.
It is confusing people, perhaps some clarity will come tomorrow in Commons which begs the question why not wait until Monday to do the TV message, once MPs had asked PM some questions first? Boris ignoring parliament again?

Can you please explain it to Sir Keir Starmer then, as he doesn't understand why different parts of the UK are on different paths. :rolleyes:

(The emoji is aimed at Starmer, not yourself, for avoidance of doubt (y))


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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To make it crystal clear

Calling someone or referring to someone as a witch is completely out of order and sanctions will be taken against anyone using that term.

Other terms like witch-hunt are ok if used in context

End of discussion, let’s move on please
Not even my MIL?

I'll get me broom ?

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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primary which has the most kids!???? Favourite pastime licking each other.
Year 6 I understand .
But if you use all the classrooms for these kids where do all the year 2;3;4;5 go if the SD has not been lifted.
As they are talking 2 weeks later .
It’s a big problem for head teachers.
Just read a piece about schools returning and apparently we are following pretty closely what Denmark have done. For more details about what is likely to happen with schools in this country we can see how they have done it. Having a template to work from, that is proving successful so far, is more than useful. Hopefully that will help our schools and the staff.

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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Just read a piece about schools returning and apparently we are following pretty closely what Denmark have done. For more details about what is likely to happen with schools in this country we can see how they have done it. Having a template to work from, that is proving successful so far, is more than useful. Hopefully that will help our schools and the staff.

Full guidance here
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