Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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Got a link to it? The 50 page doc! 2nd time asked, so expect a link!

The info above hasn't changed from pevious recommendation (and may actually BE previous recommendation)! Have you noticed the time? It's not 'this afternoon' yet!!

Normally these things wont be published until after the statement that is to be made to parliament. Around 1500 hrs if your really interested.

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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Probably BoJo's worst (public) performance!

Depends what you were expecting. Personally I thought if you like popularist leaders who try to invoke great orators of the past but don't actually say much then he did fine. if you were looking for a bit more detail then possibly not

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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The current stooshie seems to have been caused by the press briefing given to a few 'friendly' journalists by 'someone' at Conservative high office.
The next day the 'sympathetic' press then basically signalled the end of lockdown and heralding Boris as the Hero/Saviour/whatever.
The general public and the three devolved nations were not entirely favourable to that.
The government then had to quickly re-write their plans
Hence resulting dogs dinner of information about the future management of Covid 19.

'Someone' at Conservative HQ needs to collect a P45.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
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It does seem a little peculiar that the PM only spoke for 13 or so minutes on one of the most important addresses in recent times (if not important then certainly one of the most eagerly awaited) by comparison, typically the chancellors budget speech lasts an hour or more (+questions) for something that's almost routine

Both topics have much larger supporting documents that provide the detail, both broadcast live to the nation. I wonder why it was kept so short last night when the platform was there for him to expand on quite a few of the areas to add clarity or justification :unsure:


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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He gave the Exec. Summary.

There's a 50 pages of detail for those patient enough to bother.
The last thing we needed was any unclear, contradictory or confusing information on what we have to do, it's far to important an issue for that.

The fact that people are disagreeing and confused shows the Governments announcement yesterday should have been managed better. Boris didnt need to give snippets of Information in an inprecise manner, people want clarity of information or many will interpret it in their own way.

IMO Boris should have explained the new threat level system and how the R rate affects it, he should have explained very briefly that there will be some changes to taking exercise and people working and that's it. He should then have explained that the detail of the new rules will be published today along with further announcements to clarify. Nothing should have changed for at least one week to give people and businesses time to adjust.

If I would have introduced change in my company the way this has been handled I would have a very unhappy workforce. Not impressed at all.

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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Some clarifications from Raab this morning on Today. Going back to work from 'today' if possible meant Wednesday - no mention from Raab about doing anything in respect of working from today; and he advised that I can sit in the park with my wife, and we can meet with my daughter and her boyfriend as long as we keep social distancing. That guidance does raise further questions though - given that individuals from different households can meet up could we four 'get together' in our back garden rather than the park; and could we meet up with them plus my daughter's b/fs parents in the same way? Guess we'll hear about that today...

Perhaps when you meet in your garden the first thing that you do is offer a coffee or a tea, then perhaps someone will want a biscuit and then someone needs a pee, seems pretty obvious why people shouldn't be going around to other peoples gardens really. But then again, some people cant be convinced.

The message was get back to work if safe to do so seems pretty obviouse, the from message was to cater for those that were needed to go in and make things safe I would have thought but then again, I'm not making excuses or find a reason to question everything that comes out of a ministers mouth.


Nov 16, 2011
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Depends what you were expecting. Personally I thought if you like popularist leaders who try to invoke great orators of the past but don't actually say much then he did fine. if you were looking for a bit more detail then possibly not
No. His 'performance' was simply dreadful - and that's unrelated to the content!

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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It does seem a little peculiar that the PM only spoke for 13 or so minutes on one of the most important addresses in recent times (if not important then certainly one of the most eagerly awaited) by comparison, typically the chancellors budget speech lasts an hour or more (+questions) for something that's almost routine

Both topics have much larger supporting documents that provide the detail, both broadcast live to the nation. I wonder why it was kept so short last night when the platform was there for him to expand on quite a few of the areas to add clarity or justification :unsure:

I genuinely do think he is still recovering and probably could not have managed anything much longer if he needed to get into details. Not overly his fault as it sounds like it was touch and go at one stage for him, but he has been conspicuous by his absence a lot recently.

Deleted member 16999

I've been amazed how many professional people - business owners, head teachers etc. who have been bleating this morning "we don't know how...we haven't been told...the government hasn't given clarity". Do your job. Accept some responsibility for decisions. Listen to the detail given today and then implement some of the plans you should already have had in place for a re-opening. Head teachers usually bleat about government interference and now they want to be given chapter and verse as to how to run their school. Gave up on the news in the end as it was just more of the same and not one person said "ok, that's good...we have a plan and now will get to work preparing".
This is people’s/families lives we are playing with here, it’s ok saying accept respinsibility for decisions, but how many have actually been in a position of making life and death decisions? Have you?


Nov 16, 2011
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It does seem a little peculiar that the PM only spoke for 13 or so minutes on one of the most important addresses in recent times (if not important then certainly one of the most eagerly awaited) by comparison, typically the chancellors budget speech lasts an hour or more (+questions) for something that's almost routine

Both topics have much larger supporting documents that provide the detail, both broadcast live to the nation. I wonder why it was kept so short last night when the platform was there for him to expand on quite a few of the areas to add clarity or justification :unsure:
No. Duration was fine! Presentation was dire!

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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Can you really see Unionist Foster conspiring with anti Union Sturgeon just to spite the PM? :rolleyes:
More likley they weren't briefed on the 50 page document from No.10 so could not sign up to something that could easily cost lives that they'd only got snippets of from newspapers.
Utter mess of Johnson's making.

Apart from the WORK arrangemnts and a word change in the message there are no major differences between what is being said by any of the 4.

As to your comment about Foster, it was not well thought out seeing as she was able to get complete agreement with the political wing of the IRA I'm sure she would have no problem agreeing anything with someone who is claiming to be a-political during this crises.
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Nov 16, 2011
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I genuinely do think he is still recovering and probably could not have managed anything much longer if he needed to get into details. Not overly his fault as it sounds like it was touch and go at one stage for him, but he has been conspicuous by his absence a lot recently.
That's possible. Oh, and 'new father syndrome' might be prescribed too! But if really the case, then he shouldn't (imo) be 'back in charge' yet!


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
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No. Duration was fine! Presentation was dire!

He was a bit "handsy".

This is people’s/families lives we are playing with here, it’s ok saying accept respinsibility for decisions, but how many have actually been in a position of making life and death decisions? Have you?

We did our due diligence before the lockdown was announced, giving everyone time to get to relatives/where they wanted their base to be. We have our plan on reopening the office when deemed safe. It's not that hard.
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