Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
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Exactly. This was the top man explaining a strategy, saying the details will follow tomorrow.

It's like the Army Major giving a briefing before invasion and the soldier complaining that he hasn't said "whether I should turn left or right when i hit the beach"

Perhaps, in hindsight ?... It might have been a better strategy to have had the "details" to hand allowing headmaster to highlight the most salient points...


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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God almighty! Some teaching is still going on, has been all the time.
Same scenario has been possible all that time too.
There are all sorts of situations that could happen to a child in or out of school.

Just to be clear- which camp are you in? The one which said there should be no change to lockdown. Or the one which says Boris has confused everyone and they don't know what to do?

I'm in both of those camps. In my opinion lockdown should have been extended by 3 weeks and Boris has confused people with this latest announcement. Not helped by the fact that none of his ministers seem to understand it either judging by some of the answers being given so far.


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Oct 4, 2018
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Exactly. This was the top man explaining a strategy, saying the details will follow tomorrow.

It's like the Army Major giving a briefing before invasion and the soldier complaining that he hasn't said "whether I should turn left or right when i hit the beach"
It really isn't at all........

A military briefing for an operation is never vague plus always has key criteria & expectations set out, especially when beach landings are concerned to quote your point directly.

I wish people would stop comparing pandemic to war. This is not a war its a virus we can't see nor fight head on. Clearer instructions are needed from those in the "know" not a reliance on military leaders assessing a known threat.


Nov 16, 2011
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The Logic is obvious. we wouldn't be able to haul anything in if drivers had to quarantine when they got to France and when they arrive here.
Indeed! Either missed off the first announcement (perhaps not finalised) or a fundamental cock-up!
Given the rambling nature of BoJo's announcement - it really was a poor 'performance' - I'm inclined more to the latter description! Raab seems to have returned to his 'I've no clue as the brief was too brief' state too - more's the pity.


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Nov 19, 2018
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Govt have always maintained that all decisions will be made on the back of the best advice possible.

If he thinks the scientific advice warrants relaxing of the rules then it should be freely available and I'd like to read it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction of said info.

Govt have always maintained that all decisions will be made on the back of the best advice possible.

If he thinks the military advice warrants that we attack then it should be freely available and I'd like to read it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction of said info"?

Why is it desirable for the deliberations of SAGE to be given to you and the population as a whole. There may be statements made in there contrary to morale etc, and which should not be in the public domain.
(Same as the jokular attempt in a military context to illustrate a reason not to divulge certain things)

What you ask is not practical nor desirable.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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It doesn't affect me directly, despite the suggestion that Year 6 children will be returning to school (older Colch Jnr is in Year 6 but won't be returning anyway due to Mrs Colch being in an at risk group), but I fully support anyone that says that this isn't a safe thing to do. Taking it to the next level, what happens if a child hurts themselves in school and does require more advanced medical attention than the school is able to provide? Are the teachers expected to step back and not give any support/comfort to the child until an doctor or ambulance arrives? Or to leave the child alone and in pain while they don whatever PPE is deemed appropriate for the situation?
Year 6 are older and probably ok.
But the younger ones were my concern.
But your point would go for anyone with an injury anywhere.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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It really isn't at all........

A military briefing for an operation is never vague plus always has key criteria & expectations set out, especially when beach landings are concerned to quote your point directly.

I wish people would stop comparing pandemic to war. This is not a war its a virus we can't see nor fight head on. Clearer instructions are needed from those in the "know" not a reliance on military leaders assessing a known threat.

He gave the Exec. Summary.

There's a 50 pages of detail for those patient enough to bother.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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He gave the Exec. Summary.

There's a 50 pages of detail for those patient enough to bother.
Hence my choice in waiting for the full release before passing judgement. The way some people are posting on here if they were on Jury service they'd have given their verdict before hearing the evidence as they don't like the look of the defendant..


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
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Indeed! Either missed off the first announcement (perhaps not finalised) or a fundamental cock-up!
Given the rambling nature of BoJo's announcement - it really was a poor 'performance' - I'm inclined more to the latter description! Raab seems to have returned to his 'I've no clue as the brief was too brief' state too - more's the pity.

I can't imagine these things can be quickly ratified, but you could also be right!

It could also be that it's not relevant to the the general population, as with I imagine most of the stuff on that rumoured 50 pager. The mistake was IMO why wasn't this released at the same time as the speech? The media clearly have access to it even tho a large chunk have shown they are not capable or reading what's in front of them. Then there would be no need for debate about "peformance".

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Hence my choice in waiting for the full release before passing judgement. The way some people are posting on here if they were on Jury service they'd have given their verdict before hearing the evidence as they don't like the look of the defendant..
Did they look shifty? Did they smirk? Were their eyes close together?

If the answer to those is all yes then the trial only needs to last one day (y)


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Parents meeting up with 25 yr old children, and in your case with a 90 yr old gran is difficult to reconcile. I really feel for you, it a very emotional dilemma. There's also the mortality rate by age group to reconcile too. Less than 5% of 25 yr old die from C-19, if contracted. It rises to 23% for your age group, and 48% for the over 75's.

In the right setting, and using the right control of infection protocols it should be doable. But imagine how you'd feel if MiL caught it, even if not from meeting you all, there'd always be that thought of "I wish we hadn't met."

I'm genuinely sorry for you, and I do hope that there'll be an opportunity very soon.

This is exactly my wife's thinking...She visited her mum just before the lockdown to check she was OK with food and the likes - and then was worried for a couple of weeks in case she'd passed it on to her. So she has already said that no matter what advice the government gives on relaxing things in the coming days - at the moment she is just not going to risk us visiting her mum. And so on the 18th May my son and his g/friend are going to drive the 17miles (not quite the 25 I guessed) from Sheffield to her home; say hello and happy 90th birthday; and give her a cake, a card and a bunch of flowers. Representing us as it were.

And as my wife's brother is at home and we've sorted broadband for them - we'll set up a HouseParty or Zoom video chat so we can all get together on the day.

Just how it is. Make best of a bad do. And we are basically going to stick with things in the @bobmac way.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Or those asking daft questions could have taken the time to do their research.
Problem is we are always told there is no such thing as a daft question.. People want clarity especially after being told one thing and now another. Whilst I'm happy to wait to pass judgement until I've seen the full plan.

The government shouldn't have made an announcement if the document wasn't ready to go and for the nation to be thus fully informed post brief. It should have been a fluid movement of briefing and subsequent immediate release of full documentation to public for digesting and understanding. Not doing so has led to confusion and questions which should be readily answerable.

If as in this case they weren't ready to release it, a simple closing line from Boris we won't be able to answer any further questions until the document has been through HoC tomorrow (today), then Raab wouldn't look a plum with immediate withdrawal of comments and we would at least know more is to come and today's briefing could have been a better prepared Q&A session as everyone would have had the relevant time to understand it all.

Deleted member 16999

Or those asking daft questions could have taken the time to do their research.
Did you see/hear the interviews? He was asked about people going to work from today, he stated boris meant wednesday.

He said it was ok for people to meet their parents in a park at 2 metre distance, he’s wrong, No 10 has clarified.

Why blame the interviewer? He surely has seen the document hasn’t he?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Indeed! Either missed off the first announcement (perhaps not finalised) or a fundamental cock-up!
Given the rambling nature of BoJo's announcement - it really was a poor 'performance' - I'm inclined more to the latter description! Raab seems to have returned to his 'I've no clue as the brief was too brief' state too - more's the pity.
I agree
Why didn’t he give himself an hour of air time.
He may of explained things to us better then and stopped some of this confusion.
He could have taken whatever time he wanted as there was nothing on tv that could not be postponed.
Quite a poor decision imo.


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
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That's the key, take your time if you're lucky enough to have the choice! (y) The stress and worry can cause just as much damage.

Fortunately being in retirement I can, to a certain point, be a master of my own destiny... Fairly happy, also, that both my lads are able to mostly work from home... A bit concerned though, about the current vagueness of the return to schooling for my grandsons...


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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They did not go their own way, three out of four components of the United Kingdom were united against any change from 'stay at home'.

Army march past.
Proud Mum.
'Oh look they are all out of step except my Basil'.

The "three out of four" each have a population of less than 5 million.
And each is financially dependent on the fourth.
Also, the fourth is the head of the United Kingdom (which is the sovereign country in the UN. ) of which each of the three is a part.
The three were given devolved powers to decide health policy, which they are exercising.
Which means the fourth has its health policy, and, respecting the devolvement powers it granted to the other three,it means we have a difference of strategies.
So how do you have the gall to suggest the fourth should do what the other three want.?
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