Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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It's people just arguing the toss for the sake of it, trying to pick holes in fresh air.
He could have said today "and all Mancunians get 1 million pounds as a bonus" and some gimp on Facebook would moan about having to be taxed on it.
Apologies if any Mancunians were insulted by this post ?
Seems a sensible policy.

Where do I collect?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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As far as I'm concerned, nothing has changed.
I will be staying at home, only going out to buy food, not going to the park and not playing golf.
Just because the restrictions have been eased a touch, doesn't mean you have to go out.
I'm lucky I don't have to go to work and I appreciate lots do but please, if you don't have to go out, don't.


Sep 11, 2011
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If you listen to his interview on Today he was a bit all over the place in respect of some of the detail...fine on the general Stay Alert message...

If I were cynical I might suggest he was rather having to wing it as he didn't actually have answers for some of the questions - which for many detailed stuff would be understandable - but some of the questions were on the basics - and this on being able to meet family living separate from us is very important to all of us. I might have thought he'd have a very good idea of what was in the 50page briefing document to be published today and so such questions would be easily fielded.

My wife has already suggested to my daughter than we'd be able to meet up with her and her b/f in the we can't. But Raab has now told Nick Ferrari on LBC that grandparents can drive to see their grandchildren as long as they socially distance (I didn't hear this but NF has just told his listeners) ...sorry - but this is not great :(

Parents meeting up with 25 yr old children, and in your case with a 90 yr old gran is difficult to reconcile. I really feel for you, it a very emotional dilemma. There's also the mortality rate by age group to reconcile too. Less than 5% of 25 yr old die from C-19, if contracted. It rises to 23% for your age group, and 48% for the over 75's.

In the right setting, and using the right control of infection protocols it should be doable. But imagine how you'd feel if MiL caught it, even if not from meeting you all, there'd always be that thought of "I wish we hadn't met."

I'm genuinely sorry for you, and I do hope that there'll be an opportunity very soon.


So, what you are saying is that the other 3 got together and conspired.

Can you really see Unionist Foster conspiring with anti Union Sturgeon just to spite the PM? :rolleyes:
More likley they weren't briefed on the 50 page document from No.10 so could not sign up to something that could easily cost lives that they'd only got snippets of from newspapers.
Utter mess of Johnson's making.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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And, why no mention of it in yesterday's briefing :unsure:?
Probably because the level of ridicule it would get ... I read it in an Aussie paper ( you know your out with one bounce one Hand in Aussie test cricket) so I dismissed it with out review.
Throughout this it feels there is a lot of talking for talking sake... and it sounds like Raab was pushed out in front of the mob without preparation.. either way you look at it, they should have said the document will be published, you news teams have an hour to read it and we” the government“ will present with a short question an answer session post briefing.
The media needs managing, at present the government seems to think they are shrewd enough to outwit them ... and they are not. The government would be best advised to respect the media for what they are.. a complete loose cannon rolling across a deck in a force 9.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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So, what you are saying is that the other 3 got together and conspired.
Conspired, really :love:
I would probably assume that they may have discussed the merits of Stay Home for the next two to three weeks.
They would not have had a clue what Being Alert was about as Johnson was obviously not sharing his thoughts with them.


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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Last week it was announced that there'd be a 14 day quarantine for anyone arriving in the UK. Today its announced that there's been a reciprocal agreement made with France for no quarantine. Where's the logic?

The Logic is obvious. we wouldn't be able to haul anything in if drivers had to quarantine when they got to France and when they arrive here.

That's nuts if it's true. Makes no sense at all.

As above, where do you think a large chunk of our imports come from?


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
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Don't believe I'll be making much of a change in current routine... If there's a spike in infection rate due to relaxation of lockdown might consider having home delivery of foodstuffs etc... Which, up till now we've not done as others are probably in more need of the service... Could golf with my boomerang boy but probably not until I feel it safe to do so...


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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As far as I'm concerned, nothing has changed.
I will be staying at home, only going out to buy food, not going to the park and not playing golf.
Just because the restrictions have been eased a touch, doesn't mean you have to go out.
I'm lucky I don't have to go to work and I appreciate lots do but please, if you don't have to go out, don't.
Bob that’s it completely, the work stuff should have to be up to the employer to prove they can offer a safe environment.
However, I suspect that people will lose their jobs as the furlough support is withdrawn and employers know they cannot meet the requirements... so bad news for small business ( but I know that is a very pessimistic outlook)


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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The Logic is obvious. we wouldn't be able to haul anything in if drivers had to quarantine when they got to France and when they arrive here.

As above, where do you think a large chunk of our imports come from?
I don’t understand why the container cannot be disconnected from the tractor unit and a local tractor unit and driver takes the container into Europe and vice versa ... it would buy time to search and isolate containers from illegal immigrants... plus minimise the accidents on UK roads down to dodgey tachometer practices...


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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I'm going to reserve my judgement on what was and wasn't said by Boris last night until I've seen the finer details that are supposedly coming during this week are released. As there are several areas I'd like to see clarification on with regards to return to work, impact on my role and my wife's industry with her furlough payments. Oh and the family courts process if they're planning a return so can deal with the ex who is once again playing up.


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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Lorry drivers were excluded from the quarantine for the obvious reason you state.

They have been allowed to enter the french border using "Attestations de déplacement international et à l’Outre-mer"

Our borders haven't been closed, and there has been no quarantine until now/whenever this gets put in place. Hence legislation needs to be passed....


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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"Boris Johnson has said people who cannot work from home, such as those in construction or manufacturing, should be “actively encouraged” to return to work from Monday"

Do you not find that statement vague, we are talking about 12 hours notice and before the details of it have been released. What do you fail to understand about actively encouraged to return to work from Monday.

Workers who are employed by firms will seek guidance from the workplace,
and make their input to the employer as to whether their work can SD etc.
Of course that doesn't mean they have to be there at 8am Monday or else.
Workers who are self employed , one man bands, who know they can SD,
have now been given the green light to go to work, which no doubt they want to do to earn some badly needed money.
There are a lot of such work people. They have been given the opportunity to decide.
How is that bad, or confusing.?
You , I think, and I are sat at home comfortable money wise with pensions:
It's too easy to look inwardly.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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Another question that needs answering is with regards to primary schools re-opening. If they are initially planning to reopen with Year 1 & Year 6 children, what happens if a Year 1 child hurts themselves in school? I'm not talking about a serious injury that requires medical attention, but if a 6 year old falls and hurts themselves and is in tears. How is it possible for a teacher to comfort that child while maintaining social distancing?

God almighty! Some teaching is still going on, has been all the time.
Same scenario has been possible all that time too.
There are all sorts of situations that could happen to a child in or out of school.

Just to be clear- which camp are you in? The one which said there should be no change to lockdown. Or the one which says Boris has confused everyone and they don't know what to do?


Journeyman Pro
Apr 9, 2013
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As far as I'm concerned, nothing has changed.
I will be staying at home, only going out to buy food, not going to the park and not playing golf.
Just because the restrictions have been eased a touch, doesn't mean you have to go out.
I'm lucky I don't have to go to work and I appreciate lots do but please, if you don't have to go out, don't.
Doing exactly what the advice says?

Very controversial Bob ?


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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The PM made an error in assuming the adults would be listening.

It was a BRIEFING! The details always follow in a report.

The thrust was obvious that as long as social distancing can be maintained that will be OK, where not protective measures must be in place. If the R rate continues to fall then we move on to the next step. If not then we take a step back.

Exactly. This was the top man explaining a strategy, saying the details will follow tomorrow.

It's like the Army Major giving a briefing before invasion and the soldier complaining that he hasn't said "whether I should turn left or right when i hit the beach"

Deleted member 16999

Workers who are employed by firms will seek guidance from the workplace,
and make their input to the employer as to whether their work can SD etc.
Of course that doesn't mean they have to be there at 8am Monday or else.
Workers who are self employed , one man bands, who know they can SD,
have now been given the green light to go to work, which no doubt they want to do to earn some badly needed money.
There are a lot of such work people. They have been given the opportunity to decide.
How is that bad, or confusing.?
You , I think, and I are sat at home comfortable money wise with pensions:
It's too easy to look inwardly.
If it was so clear, please explain why Raab has had to clarify some of it this morning, contradicting what boris said?

Then we have No 10 clarifying were Raab got confused.

Too easy to bury your head in the sand.
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