Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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So the contact tracers won't be using the phone/app IDs that the infected persons phone has logged? Or that is what the tracers will do if the individual the infected person mentions does not have the app. So the individuals phone is not linked to an App ID? For App users is the App ID linked to a phone number and stored on a central database. So when an App user is tested positive, his App record can be examined and all proximate users logged against the person tested positive are pulled up - they will each have an associated phone number that the tracers can use to contact all those proximate persons?

I think each phone will have a randomly generated code. Its the phone that is traced when some one notifies the NHS of potential covid19 symptoms. The tracers then try to notify the other phones that have been at the same time and location for a declared period of time. It is only then the phone's owner is identified and texted advice.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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Doon if you listened to Andrew Marr on Sunday , there was a bloke from the Office of National Statistics, who was very interesting to hear
He said that countries are not counting deaths in the same way, some are counting it if Corona is the sole cause of death, others, like us are counting it if Corona is a contributory factor in that death

It would obviously be far easier if all countries could use the same method of counting, until that happens, you are comparing Asparagus and Aubergines

At the end of all this the only way to tell will be to compare the number of deaths over a period of time, with averages from past years
and the ratio of deaths to population numbers

In the meantime, spinning the numbers to your own political agenda, helps nobody[/QUOTE]

Jings I seem to have lost the plot on cut and pace today, no drink partaken...….yet.

The bit you quoted was not my words......I made a mess out of cut and paste.
You did not show my comments.
Now I am unsure if you and Wolfie are having a go at me or Boris Johnson for comparing CV numbers from different countries for our own political agendas. ;););)


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I think perhaps you may need to read back over your own posts then if you cannot see where the digs are being made or what you say is being responded to. The fact so many people respond to the comments would suggest the digs subtle and interlaced into your questions or otherwise are there.

I never said you were using as a debating point merely allowing it to cloud your judgement of the current situation which you've agreed with me on 3 times.

I'm not going to clog this thread up further with us going back and forth. As i said i believe you have the best intentions and that's what matters.
I actually do...:) (y)

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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So the contact tracers won't be using the phone/app IDs that the infected persons phone has logged? Or that is what the tracers will do if the individual the infected person mentions does not have the app. So the individuals phone is not linked to an App ID? For App users is the App ID linked to a phone number and stored on a central database. So when an App user is tested positive, his App record can be examined and all proximate users logged against the person tested positive are pulled up - they will each have an associated phone number that the tracers can use to contact all those proximate persons?


Vid at bottom


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Oct 4, 2018
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Jings I seem to have lost the plot on cut and pace today, no drink partaken...….yet.

The bit you quoted was not my words......I made a mess out of cut and paste.
You did not show my comments.
Now I am unsure if you and Wolfie are having a go at me or Boris Johnson for comparing CV numbers from different countries for our own political agendas. ;););)
I would say choosing not to compare numbers is removal of political bias because we don't think it should be used to hold government accountable because you can't compare accurately but at same time government shouldn't be using it either...

Therefore the only agenda is to stop both government and us mere mortals using either as a weapon or a pat on back tool.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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I would say choosing not to compare numbers is removal of political bias because we don't think it should be used to hold government accountable because you can't compare accurately but at same time government shouldn't be using it either...

Therefore the only agenda is to stop both government and us mere mortals using either as a weapon or a pat on back tool.

Ah but I did not mention numbers I mentioned the words used by Johnson.:unsure:
Glad you agree with me that Johnson should not be making comparisons. (y)

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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Just seen the footage of the ae r lingus flight on the news.

Why on earth would anyone want to put themselves in the situation ??


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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While the airline is almost entirely to blame.......
Every single one of those passengers had the option to look at the number and seating arrangements on the plane and say...
Sod that, I'm not getting on there even if it costs me the price of the ticket...
That would have been my stance.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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While the airline is almost entirely to blame.......
Every single one of those passengers had the option to look at the number and seating arrangements on the plane and say...
Sod that, I'm not getting on there even if it costs me the price of the ticket...
That would have been my stance.
But then they wouldn't have been able to take pictures, film it, post it on Facebook and share their outrage at how selfish everyone else was by wanting to fly ?


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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But then they wouldn't have been able to take pictures, film it, post it on Facebook and share their outrage at how selfish everyone else was by wanting to fly ?
And that is part of the problem. Ok, a fairly minor part I guess but not enough people have been taking their own share of responsibility for not spreading this virus around.
We've seen the pictures of parks full of people, swarms of people at shops, house parties, people spitting and coughing at police and ambulance crews the list goes on.
How many of these deaths could have been avoided by these peop,e taking a bit of responsibility and playing by the rules..?
We'll never know
Yes, the government have made mistakes but so has the Great British public...


Not a great day for Govt.
Well short on 100k tests.
UK firmly into 2nd worst in world for covid deaths. Sadly a high number of deaths since yesterday.
Hancock's rather snippy and mildly sexist 'mind your tone' comment to a female opposition MP and A+E doctor with a legitimate question in commons getting much coverage.
Now top SAGE scientist resigning over encouraging his married lover to break his social distancing rules and pop over. Like the Scottish CMO case again but with some sleaze thrown in.
Boris AWOL again it seems, our invisible PM.

Just all seems a bit hapless at the mo.


Assistant Pro
Sep 21, 2017
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Not a great day for Govt.
Well short on 100k tests.
UK firmly into 2nd worst in world for covid deaths. Sadly a high number of deaths since yesterday.
Hancock's rather snippy and mildly sexist 'mind your tone' comment to a female opposition MP and A+E doctor with a legitimate question in commons getting much coverage.
Now top SAGE scientist resigning over encouraging his married lover to break his social distancing rules and pop over. Like the Scottish CMO case again but with some sleaze thrown in.
Boris AWOL again it seems, our invisible PM.

Just all seems a bit hapless at the mo.

The whole 100k achievement seems rather stage managed event. They probably got every army personnel on Covid duty to test themselves on that day. Now that we have hit the milestone, the rest of the 'business as usual' testing infrastructure is still catching up.. in a few days/weeks, we will reach 100k as it would have if Hancock had not promised the April end deadline

I have skipped a few briefings now, as i think it is a farce. I check the data online and it seems heading the right way.

BoJo and his Orange friend now have a special relationship on top of the leaderboard. Only time will tell if BoJo managed to imitate his idol - Churchill - in being unable to stop preventable death (Bengal famine)


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
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Yes I will ask a question of a minister - though in truth I am not sure I have asked that many on this forum - but that is not the same as having a dig.

Simply highlighting the FACT that many people do not trust our PM and many of his ministers and advisors is not having a dig; neither is asking a question or in any way having a doubt over what I am told having a dig. It is simply seeking clarification to enable me to NOT doubt.

The government must surely understand that there are many who feel as I do and therefore they must try and avoid wherever possible making statements or claims that could be considered as being of doubtful provenance or basis. Just don't do it. Which is why I considered the spin around the 120,000 tests a day on 30th April as stupid as it was unnecessary.

Many thanks on my Mrs - yes it was a great relief.

May I ask what happened that gave you a belief that any PM, politician or government cares whether you, I or anyone else has doubts about what they say. Or that they should specifically avoid making statements/claims that could lead you to doubt its provenance? (remember we're talking about politicians here)

Which PM/Politician/Government set this benchmark for you that their statements and claims were 'beyond doubt' that now allows you to believe all PMs/politicians/governments can be held to that standard? Has there ever been a PM/politician/government that has provided statements & claims that are beyond doubt? I worry that you seek a utopia that has not, and never will, exist


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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The number of people tested on Monday as per yesterday's figures was 69k. This figure has gone down every weekday since the high of 88k last Thursday. I know the figures are generally lower for weekends, but that's 2 weekdays in a row the figure has gone down which is concerning. Has any explanation been given for the drop?

On a different topic, glad to see Prof Ferguson had the balls to resign immediately, unlike the Scottish CMO, but honestly, what an idiot, and what a terrible message it gives to those reading the sordid details over their cornflakes this morning.
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