Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I am not comparing anything with anything........just looking at the number of deaths in the UK and wondering why there was a delay in recording care home deaths.
We were told follow the science, which told us 20,000 deaths. 200,000 if we do nothing.
It is clearly going to be more than double 20,000, so the science modal this governments is following is flawed.
When those things were said the virus was new and weve learned lessons since, you know that.
When you look at the graph showing number of deaths per million of population most countries follow a remarkably similar curve.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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To be determined by who? Journalists' opinion that a bad job is being done, and based on what?
Or Facebook, or Twitter, or Polls, or who - exactly.
Bad figures doesn't prove an inefficiency necessarily.
Hancock failing to test 100,000 by the end of April does, does it?
The man had worked his socks off and yet, there will be calls.
He could have lowered his sights, but he aspired to 100,000.
So, you want to accuse him of some sort of heinous wrongdoing.
Read Theodore Roosevelt's take on The Critics.
Who mentioned Hancock? Certainly wasn’t me. I said that the persons responsible for any proven negligence should be removed. I didn’t name a Party or Politician at all.
oh, and I don’t need to read the “Critic”. It’s long been my favourite piece of writing, and one that I’ve quoted many times in the past. But thank you....

Oh, and FWIW, bearing in mind that you know the quote, I believe you’re using it out of context. To put it simply. It states that you shouldn’t criticise the man for trying and/or failing. It doesn’t say that you should let him carry on trying/failing ad infinitum.
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Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Surely you understand the analogy and soldiers dying is not and wasnt the point.

Do you honestly believe anyone is happy with anyone dying let alone health workers, our difference seems to be that I believe the people managing this situation are doing it as best they can while learning and adjusting to improve where possible, you suggest we should be constantly questioning and pointing fingers. The speed this has ripped through the Nation is crazy and it's too easy to say we could have done things better.

I'm not interested in the party politics either.
I’m suggesting that whilst people are still dying then now is the best time to learn. Not after another few hundred healthcare workers have died.

And no, sorry, but just because you think that people are doing their best isn’t enough for me to accept it. I think people have, and are failing. And yes, some journalists are also failing to ask the right questions. But people are using this to tar all of them as incompetent.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I’m suggesting that whilst people are still dying then now is the best time to learn. Not after another few hundred healthcare workers have died.

And no, sorry, but just because you think that people are doing their best isn’t enough for me to accept it. I think people have, and are failing. And yes, some journalists are also failing to ask the right questions. But people are using this to tar all of them as incompetent.
OK. Why do you think these people are dying and what is it you think could have been done to prevent it.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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OK. Why do you think these people are dying and what is it you think could have been done to prevent it.
I don’t 100% know yet. That’s why we need journalists to ask the hard questions, Politicians and Senior Scientists to answer them, and the Public to stop politicising it on both sides. If someone has done a poor job, then leaping to their defence just because they’re on your team is incredibly reckless.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Aye... of course it's a Political thread Chris & welcome to it :rolleyes:....... just keep jumping in up to your neck & I'll keep telling you... & don't tell me that I can't!! .... the Sunday school classes were a few days ago. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Also whilst you're at it why not explain to us why it's OK for us to be heading towards having the greatest number of deaths in Europe given we're behind so many other Nations so could see what was working or not.

You can tell me any facts you believe, or positions that you hold, BUT, you cant tell me NOT to post a political observation on a thread specifically set up for that very type of discussion. I am every bit concerned that the number of deaths is hugely worrying and every death is a tragedy- its NOT ok to have more deaths than other countries, but at this stage we dont even know if the reported numbers across the world are gathered the same way, or that they are accurate.

I posted what i did in disgust that people on social media are holding the PM and Government personally responsible for the deaths, I believe that they are all doing their very best to help people and ANY government in power in this type of situation would always do their very best. Any negligence will be highlighted in due course.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I don’t 100% know yet. That’s why we need journalists to ask the hard questions.
Do you think a Journalist asking why NHS staff have died will make a difference
Do you think people are not trying their best to prevent deaths already.
Have you considered these deaths may be a sad but inevitable cost of trying to save so many lives due to this deadly virus.
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Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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The only person getting it Dave is you. Now run along and have a mug of cocoa and leave the big stuff to the adults.:rolleyes:

It's quite amusing as I was bought up in a rough Greater London council estate, did a paper round at 10 years old, had a father leave home when I was 7 years old , was forced to leave grammer school at 15, had an arsewhipe stepfather - so hardly a silver spoon up bringing. I did, however, work hard and eventually started a decent business and did reasonably well - not great but ok !


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Do you think a Journalist asking why NHS staff have dyed will make a difference
Do you think people are not trying their best to prevent deaths already.
Have you considered these deaths may be a sad but inevitable cost of trying to save so many lives due to this deadly virus.
Of course, it’s a possibility. So let’s find out together shall we? And if it’s not inevitable, then let’s see if we can stop too many more dying, rather than wait until it’s over and realising that we could’ve saved lives if only we’d really tried that little bit harder.

And if you want to know what I think really isn’t helping, it’s people from both sides turning this into a political debate. It shouldn’t be. It should be an ability debate.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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It's quite amusing as I was bought up in a rough Greater London council estate, did a paper round at 10 years old, had a father leave home when I was 7 years old , was forced to leave grammer school at 15, had an arsewhipe stepfather - so hardly a silver spoon up bringing. I did, however, work hard and eventually started a decent business and did reasonably well - not great but ok !
A very similar start to me in life Chris, I think many of our generation know what poverty looks like.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Of course, it’s a possibility. So let’s find out together shall we? And if it’s not inevitable, then let’s see if we can stop too many more dying, rather than wait until it’s over and realising that we could’ve saved lives if only we’d really tried that little bit harder.
OK Danny, I understand that and I'm not looking to score points. I just think that the people doing this are mainly proffessionals and already doing their best to keep staff safe. If they are not then it would indeed be a disgrace.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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OK Danny, I understand that and I'm not looking to score points. I just think that the people doing this are mainly proffessionals and already doing their best to keep staff safe. If they are not then it would indeed be a disgrace.
I would definitely agree. The only proviso I would add is that one persons “best” may not be enough. All I want is to know that everyone is trying their best, and are capable ?
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