Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Not quite sure how I'm "digging" on a thread that was specifically setup to discuss the political views on coronavirus and you tell me NOT to bring politics into it - just thought you might be a little embarrassed to post here again so soon ??
Aye... of course it's a Political thread Chris & welcome to it :rolleyes:....... just keep jumping in up to your neck & I'll keep telling you... & don't tell me that I can't!! .... the Sunday school classes were a few days ago. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Also whilst you're at it why not explain to us why it's OK for us to be heading towards having the greatest number of deaths in Europe given we're behind so many other Nations so could see what was working or not.


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Nov 30, 2010
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When people are doing their jobs correctly those tasks are part of everyday management, why should we think it's not being done? Imagine a wartime situation (and fighting this virus is very similar in many ways) would we expect the military to be managing the day to day activities or should the Generals have to be paraded out each day and be questioned by the press to make Joe Public satisfied they are making all the correct decisions.

Regarding journalists, they're not asking questions on our behalf or representatives of the public they are doing it to sell news papers. OK, freedom of the press is a cornerstone of democracy but we put very well paid professionals into positions that allow our services to be run effectively, we cannot expect to be constantly checking if these people are competent In their roles. Later when there is time we can re visit, learn and make any structural changes.
This isn’t a war. It’s not soldiers dying. I’m not overly comfortable with the constant need to compare this with war.

Front line health workers are dying now. So yes, answers should be forthcoming. Action should be taken, and yes, heads should roll now. Whoever that may be. Whatever colour rosette.


Sep 11, 2011
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Aye... of course it's a Political thread Chris & welcome to it :rolleyes:....... just keep jumping in up to your neck & I'll keep telling you... & don't tell me that I can't!! .... the Sunday school classes were a few days ago. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Also whilst you're at it why not explain to us why it's OK for us to be heading towards having the greatest number of deaths in Europe given we're behind so many other Nations so could see what was working or not.

Got to admire your brass neck Dave. "Don't make it political..." and...:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: by the way, there's still some egg on your chin.:ROFLMAO:


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Unless you look at per capita then they look like most of the other European countries

I've wondered why that statistic hasn't been shown more often...if at all until today. I'd have thought it is relevant and showed how the USA which seems like they're failing hugely in just the straight number of deaths but looks a "better" result when per million of population.

Old Skier

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I've wondered why that statistic hasn't been shown more often...if at all until today. I'd have thought it is relevant and showed how the USA which seems like they're failing hugely in just the straight number of deaths but looks a "better" result when per million of population.

Makes more sense and it was said that different countries have different accounting measures. People need to remember, it's not a competition.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Got to admire your brass neck Dave. "Don't make it political..." and...:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: by the way, there's still some egg on your chin.:ROFLMAO:
Bri... you know where I'm from which prepared me well for nearly 40 years on the front-line in one of the most deprived council estates in the UK........ even got a mention as such during the last election. So when Chris jumps in up to his neck he's gonna get one.... its as simple as that so don't try & complicate things. :LOL::LOL: Is it shorts again today??


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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This isn’t a war. It’s not soldiers dying. I’m not overly comfortable with the constant need to compare this with war.

Front line health workers are dying now. So yes, answers should be forthcoming. Action should be taken, and yes, heads should roll now. Whoever that may be. Whatever colour rosette.
Surely you understand the analogy and soldiers dying is not and wasnt the point.

Do you honestly believe anyone is happy with anyone dieng let alone health workers, our difference seems to be that I believe the people managing this situation are doing it as best they can while learning and adjusting to improve where possible, you suggest we should be constantly questioning and pointing fingers. The speed this has ripped through the Nation is crazy and it's too easy to say we could have done things better.

I'm not interested in the party politics either.
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Sep 11, 2011
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Bri... you know where I'm from which prepared me well for nearly 40 years on the front-line in one of the most deprived council estates in the UK........ even got a mention as such during the last election. So when Chris jumps in up to his neck he's gonna get one.... its as simple as that so don't try & complicate things. :LOL::LOL: Is it shorts again today??

Dave, I accept your politics. But if you have a read back, you jumped in all sanctimonious saying "no politics, its too serious for that," or some such words. Look at the thread title. not arguing your politics, just saying its hilarious. You made yourself look foolish, and gave yourself egg on your chin. That's all, no big deal.

Oh, and stop digging. You're just making yourself look more foolish trying to duck it.


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Nov 19, 2018
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And the only way we’ll know that is by the Journalists asking the questions, and the people answering them being transparent in their responses.

What shouldn’t happen is that it is just blindly accepted that “everyone’s trying their best and we should just trust them”.

No, not everyone is fit for the role they currently hold, and of someone is doing a bad job then they should be removed and someone else given the responsibility, before another Nurse/Doctor/Paramedic dies.

To be determined by who? Journalists' opinion that a bad job is being done, and based on what?
Or Facebook, or Twitter, or Polls, or who - exactly.
Bad figures doesn't prove an inefficiency necessarily.
Hancock failing to test 100,000 by the end of April does, does it?
The man had worked his socks off and yet, there will be calls.
He could have lowered his sights, but he aspired to 100,000.
So, you want to accuse him of some sort of heinous wrongdoing.
Read Theodore Roosevelt's take on The Critics.

Deleted member 16999

To be determined by who? Journalists' opinion that a bad job is being done, and based on what?
Or Facebook, or Twitter, or Polls, or who - exactly.
Bad figures doesn't prove an inefficiency necessarily.
Hancock failing to test 100,000 by the end of April does, does it?
The man had worked his socks off and yet, there will be calls.
He could have lowered his sights, but he aspired to 100,000.
So, you want to accuse him of some sort of heinous wrongdoing.
Read Theodore Roosevelt's take on The Critics.
How do you know he’s working his socks off?


Journeyman Pro
Jun 9, 2012
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I am not comparing anything with anything........just looking at the number of deaths in the UK and wondering why there was a delay in recording care home deaths.
We were told follow the science, which told us 20,000 deaths. 200,000 if we do nothing.
It is clearly going to be more than double 20,000, so the science modal this governments is following is flawed.

No, we were told 20000 would be a good result, they never put a firm figure on it


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Dave, I accept your politics. But if you have a read back, you jumped in all sanctimonious saying "no politics, its too serious for that," or some such words. Look at the thread title. not arguing your politics, just saying its hilarious. You made yourself look foolish, and gave yourself egg on your chin. That's all, no big deal.

Oh, and stop digging. You're just making yourself look more foolish trying to duck it.
Whoosh.,,... your wasting your time Bri...n you didn't get it ??


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
I've wondered why that statistic hasn't been shown more often...if at all until today. I'd have thought it is relevant and showed how the USA which seems like they're failing hugely in just the straight number of deaths but looks a "better" result when per million of population.

If you use the "per head of population" figure you cannot report ours as the worst in Europe. That's why


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Makes more sense and it was said that different countries have different accounting measures. People need to remember, it's not a competition.

It isn't but is often seen as such. Germany quoted as dealing with it much better than we are etc. I don't see it that way but it's another stick to bash the government with so kind of surprised they didn't show it earlier!

Deleted member 16999

26,000 deaths, and rising, and people think the journalists need to be asking questions like when is lockdown going to be lifted. There are some very good journos out there, but Jesus H. Christ there are some rank bad ones to the fore too.
Obviously a horrendous figure, but a lot of that rise today was over 2 months, (copy from website below for some positivity)

The hospital fatality average continues to fall quite dramatically.

578 today is a big improvement on 763, 761, 938 on previous Wednesdays.

The headline data will now include fatalities in all settings, which will cause an increase.

All still moving in the right direction.
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