Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Once Covid19 reached these shores lives were inevitably going to be lost, and in high numbers, the Government of the day will always be blamed for not doing things correctly but that is clearly in hindsight. I absolutely agree that if any part of the handling of the pandemic was done totally negligently then heads should roll, but I'm seeing too much of people on all manner of social media blaming Boris etc etc on totally party affiliation lines and, even on here, it is obvious to me after reading the Brexit threads for 3+ years for that most of the criticism here and elsewhere seem to be more anti Boris related given that some will criticise everything he does
That's disgraceful the way you're bringing politics into it...... we need to be above politics in this...... far to serious, so please STOP IT!!


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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I’m not interested in the slightest in the colour of the rosette that people are wearing currently. But I am concerned that people think that lessons can only be learned once the damage is done.

Frontline health workers are dying right now, every day. And I’d like to think that we can be learning lessons as we go. And if avoidable mistakes have been made then we need to act now. Not in 12 months. And I don’t care if it’s politicians, senior NHS staff or Doris the cleaner. There is an ongoing duty to protect lives. It doesn’t get put on hold whilst we’re just a bit busy.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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but I'm seeing too much of people on all manner of social media blaming Boris etc etc on totally party affiliation lines and, even on here, it is obvious to me after reading the Brexit threads for 3+ years for that most of the criticism here and elsewhere seem to be more anti Boris related given that some will criticise everything he does

It's slowly become the norm of the last 3 or 4 years to openly slag off the PM or the party who opposes your stance. I don't recall it ever being like that before, not on this scale anyway.
It's almost tribal now.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Exactly right and why we should be supporting where we can as a nation. Then once we're in position to conduct an inquest in this period and only then should it be done. Government, NHS or whoever else can look at what they got right, got wrong and where improvements can be made individually or collectively.

Hindsight is such a marvellous thing.
Foresight is useful when you are in government...especially when you have been given plenty of warning of things to some point in time...;)


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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It's slowly become the norm of the last 3 or 4 years to openly slag off the PM or the party who opposes your stance. I don't recall it ever being like that before, not on this scale anyway.
It's almost tribal now.

Sorry Beezerk, I'd like to agree but the (possibly) new moderator has told me that I'm not allowed to politicise the thread despite that I feel the criticism of the government handling of the crisis is coming over as political bias a lot of the time

Deleted member 18588

I’m not interested in the slightest in the colour of the rosette that people are wearing currently. But I am concerned that people think that lessons can only be learned once the damage is done.

Frontline health workers are dying right now, every day. And I’d like to think that we can be learning lessons as we go. And if avoidable mistakes have been made then we need to act now. Not in 12 months. And I don’t care if it’s politicians, senior NHS staff or Doris the cleaner. There is an ongoing duty to protect lives. It doesn’t get put on hold whilst we’re just a bit busy.

I wholeheartedly agree.

My one concern is that the authorities do not get diverted from dealing with the ongoing issue.

Therefore, questions and observations need to be about operational issues and not broad policy matters, as the latter would soon descend into party political point scoring.

If that is to be then the time for it is when "normality" returns and a full review can be undertaken.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Said in hindsight ?

I don't think so. If the environment agency knows that due to changes upstream from a town that a river is likely to flood - then it does not take great foresight to plan for new flood defences. They go for funding. They get funding. They build the flood defences. Were they worth while? Only time will tell. But when the floods come and the defences hold then all are grateful. If they plan the defences and they don't get funding and they are not built and the river floods the town - then all hell breaks loose...why?...because we were warned.
Jul 31, 2017
The general mood in the public seems to be counter to what people are feeling on here. Just another bit of interesting info, not trying to politicise, only offering it up for discussion.


Sep 11, 2011
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I don't think so. If the environment agency knows that due to changes upstream from a town that a river is likely to flood - then it does not take great foresight to plan for new flood defences. They go for funding. They get funding. They build the flood defences. Were they worth while? Only time will tell. But when the floods come and the defences hold then all are grateful.

But if the flood the town Hall has been advised of might be around 20,000 but its already at 21,678 and going to rise a lot further.... Questions to be asked, yes but no damnation when the science said 20 but the answer is 30.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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But if the flood the town Hall has been advised of might be around 20,000 but its already at 21,678 and going to rise a lot further.... Questions to be asked, yes but no damnation when the science said 20 but the answer is 30.

Or when you know you're going to be hit by a pandemic in a few days/weeks and those criticising really dont know full what's going on behind the scenes


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Mmm, methinks someone has fallen face first on an omelette.

I know he disagrees with my political views as do I his, but I left school years ago and he doesn't still work in one! If anyone thinks the the subject isn't political they should just watch the press questions at 5pm or pop along to Facebook ?


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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If we'd been able to do contact tracing amongst people who have flagged up as positive for longer then that data would be vital to extrapolating. We also have no idea about asymptomatic cases. It's ok every frontline worker who has symptoms isolating themselves but what about the asymptomatic ones they could be super spreaders? They may be a large or a small % of the population we have no idea. The only way we will find out now is if an antibody test becomes available

Well, yes, that's true, but the fact that we haven't got that ability is not anyone's fault. IIRC, the antibody test has only just been developed ( reliably) and doesn't function properly until the subject has been some while after being infected and cured.
So that one isn't a case of "not coordinating "
The contact/ trace app has just been developed in Australia and we haven't got one yet, I believe..
Your previous post does suggest a criticism of sluggishness by the government for not getting such initiatives underway sooner .Maybe you didn't intend that, and if you didn't I apologise, but testing without contact tracing is limited in its efficiency.
Testing you on Tuesday doesn't mean you aren't positive on Thursday.
Yes, it would tell you if positive a little while before you became aware( so you could isolate) but it did take some days for the result ( now improved, I believe)
It would, I agree, be useful to identify asymptomatics, but as SR says, that means testing most of the population.I don't think there are too many asymptotics around (who go through the whole process of infection and cure without symptoms. ). Not to justify mass testing.
Most infected people have symptoms and hopefully they would isolate.
The contact/trace app is a good bet at the moment, and a self testing antibody kit, if there is such a thing as that.
And , fingers crossed for the work at Oxford Uni.?
Jul 31, 2017
Or when you know you're going to be hit by a pandemic in a few days/weeks and those criticising really dont know full what's going on behind the scenes
You could also look at it that we had a heads up from countries like Italy and Spain and could well come out with a worse death rate than them and one not as favourable as a country who got their first cases around the same time like Germany. That isn't a great look
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