Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
Canary Wharf
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Twice, seemingly, same situation as the former Scottish CMO but 2x300 mile trips instead of 2x65 mile ones.
Now remind me who on here was screaming for her to resign.:eek::unsure::love:

I was.

It's binary, distance doesn't make it better or worse. Ghandi could have travelled one mile further than he was allowed. Should be punished the same as these two inconsiderate ..........


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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Not the same situation at all. She didn't have covid-19.

At the time how did she know? She could've had it and been asymptomatic.

This is in no way meant to excuse Cummings at all, he's an entitled idiot and should resign. If he won't resign then he should be sacked, or he should have been sacked whenever this was first discovered, before it became public knowledge. What sort of absolute moron thinks that it's a good idea to go and visit their parents while suffering from symptoms of Covid19? Cummings is 48 so it's not unreasonable to think that his parents, if not actually in the over 70 at risk group are very close to it. So not only did he break lock down rules by travelling he also put two potentially vulnerable people at risk. The government are already trying to brush this off by saying that he didn't break the rules - "his trip was within guidelines as Cummings went to stay with his parents so they could help with childcare while he and his wife were ill - they insist no breach of lockdown". Despite the fact that in a speech on 18th March Boris Johnson said "children should not be left with older grandparents, or older relatives, who may be particularly vulnerable or fall into some of the vulnerable groups". I don't see that there is any option other than for him to go, one way or the other.


Surprised this info got out now, why's it taken so long as neighbours in Durham clocked him weeks ago?. Seems also like the deputy cmo Harries 'advice' that is the only real defence for Cummings actions only came out after Cummings lockdown breaches, not before, smells like a cover up attempt. His Mrs published articles about their covid illnesses with no mention of Durham.
The sage fellow Ferguson and the Scottish CMO woman both resigned under intense pressure for less, you have to think it very hard for him to survive this as a policy maker. Will be many Tory victims of Cummings happy to get rid you'd think as well as opposition parties and media pressuring. There must be disquiet in Conservative circles with how things are going.

Never a dull day in politics.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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At the time how did she know? She could've had it and been asymptomatic.

This is in no way meant to excuse Cummings at all, he's an entitled idiot and should resign. If he won't resign then he should be sacked, or he should have been sacked whenever this was first discovered, before it became public knowledge. What sort of absolute moron thinks that it's a good idea to go and visit their parents while suffering from symptoms of Covid19? Cummings is 48 so it's not unreasonable to think that his parents, if not actually in the over 70 at risk group are very close to it. So not only did he break lock down rules by travelling he also put two potentially vulnerable people at risk. The government are already trying to brush this off by saying that he didn't break the rules - "his trip was within guidelines as Cummings went to stay with his parents so they could help with childcare while he and his wife were ill - they insist no breach of lockdown". Despite the fact that in a speech on 18th March Boris Johnson said "children should not be left with older grandparents, or older relatives, who may be particularly vulnerable or fall into some of the vulnerable groups". I don't see that there is any option other than for him to go, one way or the other.

His parents are in their 70s.

The "exceptional circumstances guidelines" which Number 10 is trying to claim Cummings was following were never actually issued, it was merely an off the cuff remark made by Dr Jenny Harries 2 weeks after Cummings had travelled to Durham. The government "advice" was that children should not be left with elderly grandparents.

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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Glossing over the whys and wherefores of him breaking lock down, anyone else slightly perturbed that one of the most influential people in the UK, if not the most influential if some reports are to be believed, was knowingly willing to risk giving his parents Covid?

Personally I've not seen my parents since the lock down began as I want to keep them as safe as possible. And as far as I know I'm Covid free. So can't imagine sending my daughter to stay with them if I got it.


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2015
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Can we drive up to chesterfield next week for my mother in laws 90th birthday and join her in her local park observing the necessary 2m physical separation?
I know it is too late now, but updated information seem to say you can if you are displaying symptoms and hiding in her spare bedroom.

I really just want to see now how those that called you out are trying to defend Cummings.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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It is not open to question is it? He has to go. There needs to be consistency with this, others have had to go, rightly, and he needs to follow them.

Neither he nor the other idiots who have been caught have a leg to stand on.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Glossing over the whys and wherefores of him breaking lock down, anyone else slightly perturbed that one of the most influential people in the UK, if not the most influential if some reports are to be believed, was knowingly willing to risk giving his parents Covid?

Personally I've not seen my parents since the lock down began as I want to keep them as safe as possible. And as far as I know I'm Covid free. So can't imagine sending my daughter to stay with them if I got it.

It really was a staggeringly bad piece of judgement. Am surprised his parents didn't tell him not to be so stupid when he told them his plan.

Interesting that both him and his wife wrote articles about his illness and never mentioned where they had gone. Indeed, her article implied they had been in London writing "After the uncertainty of the bug itself, we emerged from quarantine into almost comical uncertainty of London lockdown.”

Will be interested to hear Hancock's reaction. It was him who said he was "speechless" about Prof Ferguson breaching the lockdown and said he had done the right thing by resigning.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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It is not open to question is it? He has to go. There needs to be consistency with this, others have had to go, rightly, and he needs to follow them.

Neither he nor the other idiots who have been caught have a leg to stand on.
Exactly this ^^^

Cummings has to go whether through resignation or given the boot by Boris end of. He has no defence for breaking the rules on a)lockdown & b) not leaving a child with people in an at risk age group which was also not supposed to happen.

I fail to see how any Tory MP, supporter or voter could possibly defend it or be willing to accept, because if he doesn't go it would show they're willing to accept the double standards.
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