Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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of course they have been just a poor as the UK gov IMO, but i don't think the Privatisation of Care homes can be layed at the SNP door, happend long before Dev, or the SNP.
i do have some simpathy with the Gov as many are private companies, but just shows what happens when you privatise health
i would love the care homes to be taken back under the NHS, we should be looking after our old, not shoving them in these terrible places. FYI we have had 3 shut down in Sneck due to how poorly they were run all private:(

where did i say they were?

I would assume that "taken back under the NHS" gave the impression that they were previously under the NHS. Although I read it as taken back and brought under the NHS.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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No, I don't think they were, but a lot of them were Council run until most were sold off to be privately run.
I hope that whatever comes out if this virus thing, it is that care homes should come under the NHS. If the Care home businesses don't like it, then tough!
Sick Old folk's health and survival should not be left to a profit making business.
What about not for profit businesses. I believe BUPA ran a number of care homes on a not for profit basis. I'm not fully convinced the NHS would want to take over the running of care homes and I cant see how it's possible to stop someone running a private home, if someone has the money to pay for an exclusive service then surely they can, just like private health.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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What about not for profit businesses. I believe BUPA ran a number of care homes on a not for profit basis. I'm not fully convinced the NHS would want to take over the running of care homes and I cant see how it's possible to stop someone running a private home, if someone has the money to pay for an exclusive service then surely they can, just like private health.

Easy. You pass a law preventing such a business operating. Such limiting -of -practice laws were commonplace some years back, and some still are.
You cannot practice law as a solicitor except where permitted. Used to be the same with opticians. Some things you just cannot set up to 'practice as'.
Running a care home would be one.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Easy. You pass a law preventing such a business operating. Such limiting -of -practice laws were commonplace some years back, and some still are.
You cannot practice law as a solicitor except where permitted. Used to be the same with opticians. Some things you just cannot set up to 'practice as'.
Running a care home would be one.
Surely those cases you mention are controlled by their official institutes or professional bodies, they're not nationalised. A care home is a business so is not the same, you would have to Nationalise the industry, the Government would have to make a compulsary order to buy the shares of every company and employ all the staff directly. They would then have to create all the infastructure to manage and run them. Sounds like a massive undertaking to me.


Sep 11, 2011
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Easy. You pass a law preventing such a business operating. Such limiting -of -practice laws were commonplace some years back, and some still are.
You cannot practice law as a solicitor except where permitted. Used to be the same with opticians. Some things you just cannot set up to 'practice as'.
Running a care home would be one.

Surely those cases you mention are controlled by their official institutes or professional bodies, they're not nationalised. A care home is a business so is not the same, you would have to Nationalise the industry, the Government would have to make a compulsary order to buy the shares of every company and employ all the staff directly. They would then have to create all the infastructure to manage and run them. Sounds like a massive undertaking to me.

There is the Care Act(2000) on the statute books which regulates standards and licencing. So what's needed to improve things? I don't know.

Could they be nationalised, and what about infrastructure? Yes they could be nationalised, and TUPE'ing the staff across would cover staffing needs to certain extent. There is already the regulations, and inspectors. Quite whether there's enough or not, I don't know. But, as in all things, is nationalisation affordable? Its affordable if its a priority.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I don't think it is as cut and dried as some would like to think. We have looked at a few care homes before this all kicked off. The nearest council run home would be last on our list, by quite some way. Number one choice would be a purpose built, dementia specialist home. That home would never have been built by a council, not to the spec it has been built to.

The private sector care homes may need better regulation but without their investment and drive the sector would be a poorer place. They innovate far more than council run homes, they have to to attract residents.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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I don't think it is as cut and dried as some would like to think. We have looked at a few care homes before this all kicked off. The nearest council run home would be last on our list, by quite some way. Number one choice would be a purpose built, dementia specialist home. That home would never have been built by a council, not to the spec it has been built to.

The private sector care homes may need better regulation but without their investment and drive the sector would be a poorer place. They innovate far more than council run homes, they have to to attract residents.

Councils have sold off most of their care homes. Like council housing, the ones they are left with are the ones no-one wants to buy. 85% of care home beds are privately owned.

I get what you are saying about investment etc, but that is far from true for a lot of privately run homes. There are massive differences in the quality of care provided, some of the homes I looked at for my dad were appalling, and they were privately owned.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Councils have sold off most of their care homes. Like council housing, the ones they are left with are the ones no-one wants to buy. 85% of care home beds are privately owned.

I get what you are saying about investment etc, but that is far from true for a lot of privately run homes. There are massive differences in the quality of care provided, some of the homes I looked at for my dad were appalling, and they were privately owned.
Completely agree with all of your post and the points you are making. By no means do I mean that private care across the board are the solution. As you say, the standard is very mixed indeed and that is very sad and also unacceptable. What the good private homes will do is provide a far better level of facility than any council run home I have seen. Years of under investment in council run ones have led to that and I see no indication that will change going forward. We need to encourage the good and do more to raise the standard of the bad and below average.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Completely agree with all of your post and the points you are making. By no means do I mean that private care across the board are the solution. As you say, the standard is very mixed indeed and that is very sad and also unacceptable. What the good private homes will do is provide a far better level of facility than any council run home I have seen. Years of under investment in council run ones have led to that and I see no indication that will change going forward. We need to encourage the good and do more to raise the standard of the bad and below average.
When I was looking at care homes for my Mother around ten years ago the council ones were privately owned with places funded through social services.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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When I was looking at care homes for my Mother around ten years ago the council ones were privately owned with places funded through social services.
A lot are still similar, they may all be, it is not my area of expertise. It is the same with 'council houses'. Private companies build them and run them, the council hands over the money to the company.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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A lot are still similar, they may all be, it is not my area of expertise. It is the same with 'council houses'. Private companies build them and run them, the council hands over the money to the company.
Yes, housing associations, I believe they are not for profit organisations.
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