Coronavirus - political views - supporting or otherwise...

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Deleted member 16999

Please can we stop with comparing Covid-19 in any form to wars, nuclear weapons or any plight that has involved the armed services. Its not remotely similar, relevant nor is it even within the same area of science. Things have moved on and this should be looked at in its own right.

BTW this is not a dig at you DfT so many people are making these comparisons with no real understanding of wars other than what history tells them ??
Won’t be long until those who have never served come along and tell us bringing back National Service will sort all our problems out.:rolleyes:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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You can never guarantee anything is 100% - every situation that happens in life has danger , right now my child will be going back on 1st June into nursery , I have no issues with doing that because I believe the facility will do their very best to keep the children as safe as possible.

You can’t wrap up everyone in bubblewrap - this virus unfortunately has clearly affected one demographic within our population and it has taken the lives of 8 children below the age of 18 who had no other serious medical issues.

I suspect they are more at risk of getting run over right now.
My wife is 64 and has a suppressed immune system.
My daughter is a primary school Sen teacher.
If she brings the virus home I could lose my wife or my own life.
So this sort of sets my opinion.
100% safe you are correct.
But the fact that France is shutting schools again after the infection of a pupil seems to me that the science might not be all it’s made out to be.
Obviously people’s circumstances dictate their thoughts, and I would not criticise anyone who takes a different path to me.
I just don’t think putting 5/6 yr olds back in school is the right call atm.

Given the rise in traffic I think your prob right.
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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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It was a different time, a different social culture, the world was a different place and they had just got through the WW1 just over 20 years previously but you’re comparing the journalists behaviour.

You need to have a read about history and the problems Churchill faced, it really wasn’t everybody growing their own vegetables and singing “we’ll meet again”.

The Pandemic and WW2 are in no way, shape or form comparable.

I don't need to have the likes of you to tell me to read history. I know quite a bit of the problems that Churchill faced, and if you think of one or two in particular, had the Press been at him like these gotcha ones are now, and been answered like you seem to want them to be ( details all up front), I doubt things would have turned out the same .
As for comparing the two scenarios. I'm not saying they are identical, or similar in many respect ; but they are in one or two (important )ones.
They are both a national crisis, they are both a threat to the Country's citizens, and they both need to be dealt with on that basis. By the authorities who should lay aside Party politics.
And if you cannot see that, then you are being disingenuously thick.


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Dec 20, 2019
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My wife is 64 and has a suppressed immune system.
My daughter is a primary school Sen teacher.
If she brings the virus home I could lose my wife or my own life.
So this sort of sets my opinion.
100% safe you are correct.
But the fact that France is shutting schools again after the death of a pupil seems to me that the science might not be all it’s made out to be.
Obviously people’s circumstances dictate their thoughts, and I would not criticise anyone who takes a different path to me.
I just don’t think putting 5/6 yr olds back in school is the right call atm.

Given the rise in traffic I think your prob right.
Death of a pupil ? Is that Chinese whispers.


The schools were someone has found to have Covid are temp closing but I can’t find any report of a pupil dying because of going back to school ?

As for your wife and daughter I’m sorry but the schools can’t stay shut on the basis of individual issues - that will be down to personal protection from your daughter. The virus is going to around for a long time with no vaccine really in sight

Deleted member 16999

I don't need to have the likes of you to tell me to read history. I know quite a bit of the problems that Churchill faced, and if you think of one or two in particular, had the Press been at him like these gotcha ones are now, and been answered like you seem to want them to be ( details all up front), I doubt things would have turned out the same .
As for comparing the two scenarios. I'm not saying they are identical, or similar in many respect ; but they are in one or two (important )ones.
They are both a national crisis, they are both a threat to the Country's citizens, and they both need to be dealt with on that basis. By the authorities who should lay aside Party politics.
And if you cannot see that, then you are being disingenuously thick.
Let’s get something straight, not once have I commented in support of the press, in fact I have only condemned their behaviour and their questioning of the Government, you are playing the poster!!

You cannot compare the media today with the media of 80 years ago, times have changed, move on.

If you believe this invisible threat is anyway similar to a War between people then it is not me who is being disingenously thick and you are proving once again that with age doesn’t come wisdom and you are of an age were you believe you are correct in everything you say.


Head Pro
Feb 5, 2014
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My wife is 64 and has a suppressed immune system.
My daughter is a primary school Sen teacher.
If she brings the virus home I could lose my wife or my own life.
So this sort of sets my opinion.

That sucks, sorry you guys are in that situation.

I'm not sure policy can be set on individual circumstances as callous as that sounds. However that needs to be addressed, those sharing a house with an "at risk" should not be made to go back to work whatever field.

Deleted member 18588

Please can we stop with comparing Covid-19 in any form to wars, nuclear weapons or any plight that has involved the armed services. Its not remotely similar, relevant nor is it even within the same area of science. Things have moved on and this should be looked at in its own right.

BTW this is not a dig at you DfT so many people are making these comparisons with no real understanding of wars other than what history tells them, much like the above poster liking it to terrorism please let's not do that it's nothing alike and should be treated as the pandemic it is not wars, terrorism or anything else??
You really should learn to read posts properly before commenting.

I have, at no stage, likened dealing with the virus to dealing with terrorism

What I have said is that there is no such thing as 100% safety, be that from terrorist attacks or a pandemic.

There is a level of acceptable risk which it is for the individual to decide.

Hope that is clear enough.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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I don't need to have the likes of you to tell me to read history. I know quite a bit of the problems that Churchill faced, and if you think of one or two in particular, had the Press been at him like these gotcha ones are now, and been answered like you seem to want them to be ( details all up front), I doubt things would have turned out the same .
As for comparing the two scenarios. I'm not saying they are identical, or similar in many respect ; but they are in one or two (important )ones.
They are both a national crisis, they are both a threat to the Country's citizens, and they both need to be dealt with on that basis. By the authorities who should lay aside Party politics.
And if you cannot see that, then you are being disingenuously thick.
That's the only aspect in which war is similar. That is where similarities end period.

A war is fought against a known enemy, a virus is an unknown entity that cannot be seen nor can it be physically fought by an army, air force or Navy. Wars are easier to unite politics on especially if they're being fought on a home front.

This virus is nothing like a war it can't be conquered in the same way, this is something that requires not brute military force, tactics and solving by the taking of lives and territory, this is something that scientists and virologists will sit in a lab working through to create vaccine or by government giving the correct information to its people to help reduce spread to prevent any further loss of life.

As for party politics they don't disappear in war either but are conveniently forgotten once victory has been assured and pats on the back occur.

As for calling a poster disingenuously thick perhaps you should walk a mile in their shoes or profession. Because trust me I can guarantee the plight with this virus is nothing like being boots on the ground fighting a war.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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You really should learn to read posts properly before commenting.

I have, at no stage, linked dealing with the virus to dealing with terrorism

What I have said is that there is no such thing as 100% safety, be that from terrorist attacks or a pandemic.

There is a level of acceptable risk which it is for the individual to decide.

Hope that is clear enough.
I did read it... And comparing safety risks of terrorism to a viral pandemic was equally as poor as comparison to war.

Risk assessment against those is a completely different thing. If you feel valid in your post fair enough, but on an open forum don't be surprised if someone disagrees with you as is my prerogative as someone with experiences of terrorism threats??

The only caveat I'd add is you are correct in that if people don't feel safe they can remove themselves from areas they may feel are a threat to their health.
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Sep 11, 2011
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The WHO has issued an advisory notice globally about increased incidences of Kawasaki Disease. On testing children with the disease it has been found that the child has had Coronavirus.

Clinicians and scientists are still finding out things about Covid-19. I'll be honest, I'm not comfortable with kids going back to school yet. If others feel differently, fine. Their children, their choice.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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He plays CoD do probably feels like he's a war machine and could handle it.. Bit like the muppets that say they could pull a trigger without having a clue what that would really feel like ??‍♂️
I wouldnt know, they didnt trust Matelots with rifles ?

Deleted member 18588

I did read it... And comparing safety risks of terrorism to a viral pandemic was equally as poor as comparison to war.

Risk assessment against those is a completely different thing. If you feel valid in your post fair enough, but on an open forum don't be surprised if someone disagrees with you as is my prerogative as someone with experiences of terrorism threats??

The only caveat I'd add is you are correct in that if people don't feel safe they can remove themselves from areas they may feel are a threat to their health.

So tell me where the difference is between those who said they wouldn't fly again after 9/11 and those now saying that they cannot return to anything like normal life.

In both cases the future risk is unknown.

In fact there is a similarity in that with terrorism the authorities have to get it right 100% of the time to assure the public of absolute safety.

As a former serving member of HM Forces I am sure that you are aware that cannot be guaranteed.

Yet, in the main and even in times of high alert/risk, we go about our normal routine


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Unfortunately medical scientists are people: there will be successes and failures because unlike this Forum they are fallible.

We now a lot about Sepsis, how to prevent and treat it but around 44,000 die each year other things are also beyond our current knowledge. Everyday we make judgement calls of money versus the health of the majority

This particular version of Covid is new and novel and most of the research has a time lag and gestation time. This public and media's impatience does not mean the scientists and the associated advice is wrong or should be ignored.

This virus is something society will need to adapt around and knee jerk reactions will not help.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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It’s purely anecdotal so make if it what you will but the two people we know who caught the virus got it via their kids who got it at school.
That is not a chain of events that you can guarantee. It fits a narrative but it does not mean all of those pieces came together that way. They may have done but equally they may not.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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So tell me where the difference is between those who said they wouldn't fly again after 9/11 and those now saying that they cannot return to anything like normal life.

In both cases the future risk is unknown.

In fact there is a similarity in that with terrorism the authorities have to get it right 100% of the time to assure the public of absolute safety.

As a former serving member of HM Forces I am sure that you are aware that cannot be guaranteed.

Yet, in the main and even in times of high alert/risk, we go about our normal routine
Well depsite the obvious tightening of security checks put in place at every airport following 9/11 which everyone ia still massively subject to everytime they walk into which is something that helps people fears be allayed being a big change compared to the fact Covid-19 is something that can't be seen, or smelt and may have a large factor in difference of risk assessment especially when the largest element of this current risk assessment is our PM telling us to "be alert" how do you stay alert to a virus you can't see, touch or smell, how do you manage to be alert to that or dodge that .

So I'd suggest choosing the terrorism air travel vs virus risk was a poor comparison.

Clearly we don't agree so let's move on shall we.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I have no skin in this particular game so just relaying what happened. The kids got it then the parents got it. The only question would be whether the kids got it in school or not but that seems somewhat academic.... if you'll pardon the pun! ;)
Me either to be honest, my kids have both left school now. Trying to make links when they may have caught it from a range of sources can add to the fear surrounding the return to school issue though.
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