Considering buying a new pair of shoes? The Adizero 2014 may get you in trouble.


Mar 6, 2014
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So here's my issue...

I have very recently purchased 2 pairs of the Adizero 2014 golf shoes (one white and one blue.) Because of the damage these shoes do to the greens, my club (Camberley Heath) has now banned these shoes from the course permanently.

Here is a quote from an email I have just received from the club:

Adizero Ban
Due to the significant damage that these specific golf shoes cause to greens, the Board and Committee have made the unanimous decision to ban these golf shoes.

I am the first and only person at my club to have purchased these 2014 shoes so thankfully nobody else is putting themselves in the situation I am in whereas I have 2 pairs of shoes, both of which I have worn twice and now I can no longer use them.

It does just go to show the damage the shoes are causing the greens when it is just my footfall that is causing the issue. I am not particularly large or heavy, there is just a design fault with these shoes. As more and more of them are purchased I believe more and more clubs will introduce a ban on wearing them.

I realise that the weather has caused the greens to be wet and therefore the damage may appear worse than when the greens are firm and pristine however I am of the belief that when the greens are in perfect conditions, the likelihood is that the marks will probably be even more noticeable. This is demonstrated in the recent WGC event where both Jason Day and Sergio Garcia wore the shoes and the damage was very noticeable. Look at this photograph taken of one of the greens when it was being putted on by the group after Jason Day's group had played out that hole:


The spike marks that are very visible on these pure greens are undoubtedly from Jason Day’s Adizero 2014 shoes and that is before Sergio Garcia’s group had gone through this green.

This is an image taken from my course about an hour after I had walked on a recently cut green:


As you can see, the marks that are being left are the same type as those left on the better condition greens that the WGC was played on last week.

Unfortunately, unlike Jason Day or Sergio Garcia, I cannot go to the tour van and get another pair. The suggestion of changing the studs is of no use whatsoever because it is the elevated location and distribution of the studs that causes the issue. Whatever you replace them with is going to leave the same scarred greens because it is the distribution of the weight onto the 7 spikes that is causing the problem.

So if you are considering a purchase, you may want to rethink the Adizero route. As waterproof, comfy and light as the shoes are to wear, if your course joins the growing group of courses to ban them, they will end up being an expensive pair of dog walking shoes!


Deleted member 15344

Isn't there a forum meet or something at Camberley ?


Mar 6, 2014
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Yep - Tried calling and emailing. Their reply is basically "Thanks but we don't care". So I'm £250 out of pocket with 2 pairs of shoes I cannot wear on my own course. Very frustrating.

Deleted member 15344

Which Adizero are they banning - that e mail suggests the whole range ?

Surely they will allow them when the lakes disappear from greens.


Mar 6, 2014
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I think it is just the Adizero 2014's they are banning. At least I hope so becasue my son has 2 pairs of the old ones that he got for christmas!

If you are playing Camberley on the 20th March and not played it before you will love it. Course is just starting to look great again. Just don't wear Adizero's!

Deleted member 15344

I think it is just the Adizero 2014's they are banning. At least I hope so becasue my son has 2 pairs of the old ones that he got for christmas!

If you are playing Camberley on the 20th March and not played it before you will love it. Course is just starting to look great again. Just don't wear Adizero's!

Which Adizeros - Adizero is a range of footwear.


Head Pro
Aug 31, 2012
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I had a pair of these, used twice and both times ripped my heels to bits, disappointing because they look good and obviously very lightweight. I actually thought the spikes weren't as prominent as the 2013 model but did still leave noticeable marks.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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From my readings on tinterweb, the newer ones are "better" than the old ones, apparently the older original Adizero Tour are worse.. I had a chat with my pro and head greenkeeper, they dont have an issue with them and we have fantastic greens.. Once we are all a bot more dried out, i personally dont see it being an issue.

Would be interested to read whats happening when the footjoy DNA is out there a bit more as the stud/cleat design looks very similar..

PS. I Own 2 pairs of golf shoes, Adizero Tour and Adizero one! LOL


I think Camberley Heath tweeted the picture of the 'damaged green' a few days ago.. I am awaiting for the FJ DNA or Nike Lunar as my next change.. it might be FJ as I like the brand, but have never owned it.


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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I had a pair of the old until they started wearing at the heel.

I suggest the OP wears away at the heel on the inside of these shoes and sends them back under warranty. :thup:


Club Champion
Jul 21, 2013
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I would have thought that Adidas would be showing some interest in this, I am looking for a new pair and I liked the look of these as I have had Adidas shoes for a good while. If clubs are banning them then I am not going to waste money!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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There was another thread on Adizeroes recently and correct me if I'm wrong (and it wouldn't be the first time) but didn't someone post a response from adidas either directly to them or via social media saying they were in talks with those clubs banning them


Challenge Tour Pro
Jun 19, 2011
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Worthing GC also have a ban - I noticed the sign in the pro-shop when we were there this week for the Benross day. Their sign specified the Adizero One I think as well, not the older Tours. I've started leaving my old ATV Tour 360s in the boot of the car, the inners are falling apart on the heel but it seems like it's worth having a backup.

(Wish they still made the older shoes actually, the Adizeros are good and I've been very pleased with my pair but the 360s are like a pair of slippers to put on)


Assistant Pro
May 1, 2013
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according to a review i read the reason they changed the spike pattern was due to the damage to the greens and the new ones should be better. I had a pair of 2013's and hated them, now back to nike lunars - so much more comfortable