
We're back to normal now, we just had a revised schedule to try and get a few more comps in. But we have at least one every weekend but most weekend two comps on till the end of October.
we are pretty much the same as the club wanted to make sure all board comps were played.
Ive heard a few moans about too many comps from some but as I am working on my handicap its great.

We did have a weekend where there was a Friday Monthly Stableford, board comp on the Sat, Sunday Monthly Stableford and then the Monday one which I guess congested the course up abit and wouldn’t have been great for the tee boxes but you can’t fault how good our green staff have been.
Back to normal. Focus is getting the honour board events played and putting on midweek and weekend stablefords and medal. Been working well without too many issues bar the ball retriever devices on the flags bouncing a few putts out. Rub of the green I guess
We are working through the back log of board comps. Since, mini rakes are compulsory and bunkers are in normal play it would daft not to play them.

Shot Gun comps and scrambles are not being scheduled.
We're back to around three comps a week which is normal for us. If your club is following all the guidance re rakes, flags, scorecards etc then there's no reason why you can't have competitions.