Competition sign in and score entry changes


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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Received an email from our Club today and I will try and condense as I am unsure of a couple of points.

I am aware of Rule 3(2) and Model Local Rule L-2 and we have a Computer system in operation.

The Club quoted requirements of WHS from 1/4/24:

a. Competitors after paying the competition fee have to go to The Computer enter their name and print

a label with the relevant HI, CH, and PH for the day

b. At the end of the round when entering score, NOT General Play, find the name of the person who marked their card from the computer list who has marked their card. Obviously this person, the marker, should have already signed the card.

This seems superfluous to me and have a missed something on WHS re the 2 points? Alternatively can The Club just impose these with The T and C''s of the competition?

It is no issue for me but some people do not know how their HI is calculated!

Any help would be appreciated.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2019
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Received an email from our Club today and I will try and condense as I am unsure of a couple of points.

I am aware of Rule 3(2) and Model Local Rule L-2 and we have a Computer system in operation.

The Club quoted requirements of WHS from 1/4/24:

a. Competitors after paying the competition fee have to go to The Computer enter their name and print

a label with the relevant HI, CH, and PH for the day

b. At the end of the round when entering score, NOT General Play, find the name of the person who marked their card from the computer list who has marked their card. Obviously this person, the marker, should have already signed the card.

This seems superfluous to me and have a missed something on WHS re the 2 points? Alternatively can The Club just impose these with The T and C''s of the competition?

It is no issue for me but some people do not know how their HI is calculated!

Any help would be appreciated.
In our last competition, I noticed entering scores in the PSI terminal is a bit different now. Your clubs latest guidance might be related to that (or at least Part b)?

When selecting your name, to enter your score, it then also asks two other questions:

  1. Whose card did you mark
  2. Who marked your card
It caught a few people out by surprise when they came across it. The guy I played with just put the person who marked his card twice. Funnily, a few other guys didn't even know the name of the person who marked their card, leading to a few confused golfers walking around the club house "who was that chap that played with me, the one with a tache and floppy hair (or whatever description fits), has he gone home, is he in the bar?"

I also note that, for GP rounds, the guys I play with are still able to put in their score on the PSI terminal, put me as a marker without me ever knowing about it, unless they let me know. So it seems like golfers could put in scores without anyone ever really needing to verify them. I wonder if it was too difficult for Club V1 to add a verification process like MyEG


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2018
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In our last competition, I noticed entering scores in the PSI terminal is a bit different now. Your clubs latest guidance might be related to that (or at least Part b)?

When selecting your name, to enter your score, it then also asks two other questions:

  1. Whose card did you mark
  2. Who marked your card
It caught a few people out by surprise when they came across it. The guy I played with just put the person who marked his card twice. Funnily, a few other guys didn't even know the name of the person who marked their card, leading to a few confused golfers walking around the club house "who was that chap that played with me, the one with a tache and floppy hair (or whatever description fits), has he gone home, is he in the bar?"

I also note that, for GP rounds, the guys I play with are still able to put in their score on the PSI terminal, put me as a marker without me ever knowing about it, unless they let me know. So it seems like golfers could put in scores without anyone ever really needing to verify them. I wonder if it was too difficult for Club V1 to add a verification process like MyEG


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Where I play (and I assume those that also have IG) the fees are taken off your account automatically when you enter via the PSI screen or at home on a computer or phone.

We have had label printing for quite some time (years ago we had the cards prepared for us).
Printed labels mean that players do not have to do any calculations.

Markers - I know it would catch a few out because there are those that struggle to enter their scores let alone remember who they played with.


New member
Dec 13, 2020
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It’s an enforced option by the software. I’ve never seen it referenced in whs manual but that’s the reason for it. It’s been poorly implemented and has caused a decent reduction in people entering their scores, more frustration for golfers and more work for committees.


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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It’s an enforced option by the software. I’ve never seen it referenced in whs manual but that’s the reason for it. It’s been poorly implemented and has caused a decent reduction in people entering their scores, more frustration for golfers and more work for committees.
What is states is after a Competition round:
The first screen asks you to name the person who has marked your card.

This is MANDATORY under WHS Rules. This is not a general play card but a competition. I cannot find it. Does anybody know where it is please?


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2009
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It’s an enforced option by the software. I’ve never seen it referenced in whs manual but that’s the reason for it. It’s been poorly implemented and has caused a decent reduction in people entering their scores, more frustration for golfers and more work for committees.
Which ISV is that


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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In our last competition, I noticed entering scores in the PSI terminal is a bit different now. Your clubs latest guidance might be related to that (or at least Part b)?

When selecting your name, to enter your score, it then also asks two other questions:

  1. Whose card did you mark
  2. Who marked your card
It caught a few people out by surprise when they came across it. The guy I played with just put the person who marked his card twice. Funnily, a few other guys didn't even know the name of the person who marked their card, leading to a few confused golfers walking around the club house "who was that chap that played with me, the one with a tache and floppy hair (or whatever description fits), has he gone home, is he in the bar?"

I also note that, for GP rounds, the guys I play with are still able to put in their score on the PSI terminal, put me as a marker without me ever knowing about it, unless they let me know. So it seems like golfers could put in scores without anyone ever really needing to verify them. I wonder if it was too difficult for Club V1 to add a verification process like MyEG
It's important to remember that PSI touchscreen score entry terminals are not an electronic scorecard (and there is no workable means of making them function as one), so verification while using them remains by means of the physical scorecard.
ClubV1 does have an electronic scorecard facility (similar to MyEG) through HowDidiDo, if the appropriate settings are made active.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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What is states is after a Competition round:
The first screen asks you to name the person who has marked your card.

This is MANDATORY under WHS Rules. This is not a general play card but a competition. I cannot find it. Does anybody know where it is please?
Requiring marker selection when entering a score into a PSI is neither a rule of golf nor a rule of handicapping.
This facility's only function on a PSI is to enable committees to quickly and easily identify the person certifying your scores for cross referencing physical scorecards.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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What is states is after a Competition round:
The first screen asks you to name the person who has marked your card.

This is MANDATORY under WHS Rules. This is not a general play card but a competition. I cannot find it. Does anybody know where it is please?

As per #9 IMO WHS is only concerned with handicapping not rules of golf (unless necessary) and Rules of a Competition.


Active member
Feb 5, 2021
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Thankfully it only takes an extra 15 seconds or so to do and is supposedly to make it easier for comps committee to ID a marker if a card or signature can’t be read - obviously for a two ball you add the same person but for a 3 it would be a different name each time. It confused some of our players as they didn’t read the question at the top or didn’t realise it was a slightly different question each time but now they’ve done it once I’m hoping they remember next time!


Sep 19, 2011
Inverurie Aberdeenshire
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It was a problem I came across at an Open last year - I only knew my marker as ‘Fred’ and had no idea I would be required to know his surname when inputting my score on HDID !
Fortunately he was entering his score just in front of me and I happened to look over his shoulder and noticed his surname - from memory it was quite an unusual one!


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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Thankfully it only takes an extra 15 seconds or so to do and is supposedly to make it easier for comps committee to ID a marker if a card or signature can’t be read - obviously for a two ball you add the same person but for a 3 it would be a different name each time. It confused some of our players as they didn’t read the question at the top or didn’t realise it was a slightly different question each time but now they’ve done it once I’m hoping they remember next time!
I understand the reason which I was not querying but the mandatory bit relating to WHS from 1/4/24 I realise how difficult it is being on a Competitions committee. What I do not understand is why they have to quote WHS when it is not the case as advised by WHM.


New member
Dec 13, 2020
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Which ISV is that

These are the release notes but no reference to whs. there would be no reason to remove this though.

  • We have removed the option in ClubV1 > Settings > HowDidiDo Settings to 'Allow players to skip marker selection' as a Marker must now be selected when entering a score via HowDidiDo.

  • We have removed the following two options from ClubV1 > Settings > PSI Settings, 'Enable PSI Markers' and 'Allow players to skip marker selection' as a Marker must now be selected when entering a score via the PSI.
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