Club Locker


New member
Dec 29, 2022
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Apologies if this has been discussed before (couldn’t see a thread).

Can people let me know what they pay for a locker at their club. Ours have been put up dramatically and are now £300 a year. Sounds totally out of kilter, but need to confirm before approaching the club as VC/Committee Member.

Thanks in advance.
Ours was £50 when I had one, but demand has always outstripped supply and I know it has increased in price since.
Surely it's up to the club to charge what they want, it's not as if everything else hasn't gone up including the clubs expenses, and if demand outweighs supply they why shouldn't they?
For clarity, ours were £90. They hold a bag, shoes and maybe a few other bits and bobs. They were £90pa only around 5 years ago. Now it’s £300pa. At the same time, there’s no heating and not always hot water. And we are a relatively premium club (£2k fees for 7 day members). Hope this gives some context as to why I ask. It would be helpful if you would be happy to name your course, but obviously no problem if not.
Ours was £50 when I had one, but demand has always outstripped supply and I know it has increased in price since.
Surely it's up to the club to charge what they want, it's not as if everything else hasn't gone up including the clubs expenses, and if demand outweighs supply they why shouldn't they?

Ours isn’t full. There’s around 140 lockers. I’m merely trying to see if what we are being charged is market rate, which feels relevant to me.
Free for us but most don't take them up on it (myself included) as the club is a bit out of the way so if you play quite a few away courses it would be a hassle having to get them.
Apologies if this has been discussed before (couldn’t see a thread).

Can people let me know what they pay for a locker at their club. Ours have been put up dramatically and are now £300 a year. Sounds totally out of kilter, but need to confirm before approaching the club as VC/Committee Member.

Thanks in advance.
Curious, how much did they cost before? I don't have a locker and no intention of getting one and certainly not for an additional £300. That's around a third of my yearly dues give or take...
Ours isn’t full. There’s around 140 lockers. I’m merely trying to see if what we are being charged is market rate, which feels relevant to me.
Why do they need to be charged "at a market rate"?
If they are all taken with a waiting list, then they are being charged an agreeable rate. If people don't take them and there are lockers no longer used, then the figure is too high.
Why do they need to be charged "at a market rate"?
If they are all taken with a waiting list, then they are being charged an agreeable rate. If people don't take them and there are lockers no longer used, then the figure is too high.

Because that’s how the world works. I say again, ours isn’t full. They’ve gone up 233% in a few years. Just trying to see if there’s a case for speaking to the club to say we think it’s unfair.
Because that’s how the world works. I say again, ours isn’t full. They’ve gone up 233% in a few years. Just trying to see if there’s a case for speaking to the club to say we think it’s unfair.

"Unfair" is the wrong yardstick.

If hardly any are taken, the price is wrong. If plenty are, they are laughing!
£300!!! Wow.
Ours were £40 for ages.
1x main locker, takes a full size bag + a few odd clubs, hat etc.
Then a smaller one above for shoes, waterproofs, balls etc.
They gave the locker room a referb & put the price up to £100 which I thought was a steep hike all at once.
It's handy to have, but at £100 it's now on the limit to what I'm prepared to pay for it.
"Unfair" is the wrong yardstick.

If hardly any are taken, the price is wrong. If plenty are, they are laughing!

We have members leaving the club and one of the criticisms is the locker price. So there’s a bigger picture. And remember, they’re hiking the prices for people who already have them, so it’s not quite the same. Latest increase was £60 (25%).
I thought I was reading an old thread from April 1st.

I pay £6. The lockers are old wooden ones that accommodate a stand bag but not much else.

I can't understand that people actually agree to pay some of the numbers on here.