Cigarette Ends...litter?

Face breaker

Q-School Graduate
Mar 18, 2015
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I smoke 'roll-ups' without filter tips so they're 100% bio-degradable but you're quite rite 'pre-fab fags' or 'straights' or whatever you wanna call'em shouldn't be dropped on the fringes/greens/fairways or in bunkers etc, I very rarely smoke when out playing unless kept waiting by 'slow play' in which case when I've finished my smoke I'll discard of it in the long stuff where it can't be seen 'unless' that is you should happen to be in the long stuff on the hunt fer yer ball in which case that's yer own fault, oh and before you ask I make sure it's well and truly put-out first, wouldn't wanna start a 'bush fire' now would we...

On the subject of 'littering' what about peeing in a bottle and discarding of it in the club house lav's, anyone up for it ?... :D

ps, having re-read over this I now realise it comes across as quite 'controversial' this should be fun !... :thup:
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Head Pro
Jun 16, 2015
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It always surprises how some smokers, most of whom would never think of dropping a sweet wrapper, think it's fine to throw down their fag butts as if they are some exception to the rule.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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I remember posting (when I first joined this forum) that smoking should not be allowed on golf courses as the filthy habit does not sit well with golf being a sport. That created a storm to say the least!

I hate seeing cigarette buts on the golf course just like all litter.