Chris Morgan your thoughts??


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 17, 2008
South Yorks
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Just watched the clip on youtube got to say that Morgan don’t even have his feet off the ground so what the hell is he doing having his arms up there???

IMO he has never intended to hurt the guy like he did however by putting his elbows that high and swinging them in that manner there was always a chance of a bad out come. If I swing for a bloke in my local in the heat of the moment I may never intended to kill him however there is always a chance this could be the outcome and I would have to take responsibility for my actions.

As Morgan should for His

This is not a dig at Sheff Utd but Morgan took the option of swinging his elbows when not even using them for leverage to jump so you decide weather you think he is guilty or not I know what I believe!!


I think there is definite intent in his action. He swings the elbow far too fast to be doing it just for balance. I reckon he thought 'I'll sort this guy out'.
Football is full of so called hard men, usually crap footballers but like to kick lumps out of people! This guy appears to be one of them.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
Morgan has plenty of previous for this sort of thing and it was a clear assault on an opposing player.

I feel that Morgan will get away with this but having seen him do this sort of thing more than once, I sincerely hope and opposition player goes straight through the back of him studs-up as this is the only method of punishment scum like morgan deserve.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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This kind of thing happens and will continue until they take it seriously enough. i have witnessed many dangerous and un-provoked actions on the football field. What players need to realise is that it makes them inferior, the trouble is too many footballers dont see it that way and some even see it as professional fouls/ useful tactics etc. As long as they do it will always be part of football. It needs the whole of football to condem it and do something serious about it when it happens...........Now will I get that free membership at Agusta this Christmas?


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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It's been going on for as long as football.
My dad was semi-pro (couldn't afford to go pro though he had a couple of offers). When he started in semi leagues (in the '30's) he was a winger, blisteringly fast, so much so he was showing up the old pros who had come down - so they broke his foot.


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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To resort to this sort of thing is cowardly.

I am a firm believer that football as gone soft but to take a cheap shot like that is inexcusable.

I was no angel in my playing days as 5 sendings off will testify, but all were honest except one, when I just lost it but the recipitent did "deserve" it as he hospitalised a young lad and got away with it, well he did until I intervened.