Caught cheating...allegedly.


Deleted member 15344

So tonight I was told that one, possibly two players may have been caught Buster Keating, don't know the exact details but marking their own cards and possibly a bit of shenanigans when ball is in the rough. Apparently this has been reported to the committee but is only from the word of a much respected member, so how can a club deal with it and if it can't be proven, how does said individual(s) clear their name(s) ?

Horrible dilemma as this is a stigma that lasts a lifetime.

Apparently and alleged aren’t great words when discussing cheating in golf - it’s the same with the accusations of bandits that happen , people have to be 100% certain and have actual evidence/proof to back up claims.

It’s not fair on the person to be given a stigma that can travel without any concrete proof - Im sure the accusations are already going around your club ( Downfield I believe ) so this guys will have that stigma attached already


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2019
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I have no idea where any of you have got the idea of the club mentioned, and the very mention of any club is wrong IMO unless by the OP, which I haven't.

He didn't, someone else did earlier in the thread but it has now been removed or edited.

That's the first mention of any club I've seen in this topic.

Deleted Member 1156

Club name was never in this thread it was in Scramble thread, people are getting confused/putting 2 + 2 together and getting 27! Not like the GM Forum.

Apologies, my bad! Guess the same rules should apply in that thread also.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Apparently and alleged aren’t great words when discussing cheating in golf - it’s the same with the accusations of bandits that happen , people have to be 100% certain and have actual evidence/proof to back up claims.

It’s not fair on the person to be given a stigma that can travel without any concrete proof - Im sure the accusations are already going around your club ( Downfield I believe ) so this guys will have that stigma attached already
Bad form to name a club when the OP hasn't done so and with no intent to do so. At the matter its is with the committee to consider although without firm evidence I am not sure what they can actually do without stirring up a real hornets nest


Jun 20, 2018
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Bad form to name a club when the OP hasn't done so and with no intent to do so. At the matter its is with the committee to consider although without firm evidence I am not sure what they can actually do without stirring up a real hornets nest

Is it really , you think anyone really cares that much beyond those involved.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Is it really , you think anyone really cares that much beyond those involved.
Indeed. I am sure there will be those in the OP's club who may have heard about the alleged incident already. Those people will talk to friends at other clubs and it could be mentioned and suddenly the club in question has a reputation for having cheats. I happen to think without concrete evidence the committee will struggle to make a case and won't take any action (at this stage) but it also depends on whether the guy who reported it says anything to friends in the bar etc. Merely an opinion of course


Jul 13, 2015
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Indeed. I am sure there will be those in the OP's club who may have heard about the alleged incident already. Those people will talk to friends at other clubs and it could be mentioned and suddenly the club in question has a reputation for having cheats. I happen to think without concrete evidence the committee will struggle to make a case and won't take any action (at this stage) but it also depends on whether the guy who reported it says anything to friends in the bar etc. Merely an opinion of course

Lots of people are members of more than one club. And since the OP has not once mentioned any club or made reference to any club I would suggest all is good in the hood.

How's the trolley poll coming along?

Any early leaders/surprises?


Nov 16, 2011
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The title of the thread is 'interesting' as it seems to be a self-contradiction!

To me, someone can be 'caught cheating' (after proof/admission) or 'alleged to be cheating/a cheat' (before proof/admission), but not as per the title.

The stigma of being deemed to be a 'cheat at Golf' without proof/admission is too great, imo, for it to otherwise.

Btw. I don't think the (alleged?) Club should have been named either. That strikes me as 'bad form' - to stay in 'fuddy duddy' mode!


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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We had a debate in our society outing last month about whether you can mark your own card - practically all but one said you could not; his point was that it doesn't say explicitly in the rules you can't mark your own card. It got a bit heated and he was being quite pedantic over the use of the word 'may' or possibly it was 'can' - for clarity he doesn't mark his own card, he cited a situation (that no-one else knew about) where someone at a club was brought in front of a disciplinary panel for this and was ultimately not punished but strongly advised that it wasn't appropriate or in the spirit of the game.

Someone presented the definition of marker from the rules but he still insisted it wasn't explicit - does anyone know where in the rules it does say you can't mark your own card (or at least where it can be interpreted as such) it would be good to go back next month and tell him he's wrong (he doesn't think he's ever wrong!).


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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We had a cheat operating at our club for quite some time.

Many people had played with him and it was near common knowledge that he was up to things. Would always find his ball in the rough. Used a tactic of running ahead of his playing partners quite often.
Got to the stage where it seemed he couldn't help himself. Won a very big prize tournament in a contentious manner claiming to have hit the par 5 17th in two after messing up his drive and hitting a 3 wood into a gale. The shot was around 300 yards which he couldn't do with his driver. He moved ahead and threw his coin down om the green while the others searched for their balls.
In the end the committee had trouble getting rid of him but he eventually left of his own accord.
It was becoming a joke in the end.
Good player but has something in his make up that makes his act in this way.

Because the word was out, people were keeping a close eye on him. It was because of this he was eventually semi caught and shamed into leaving.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Last time I was involved (on the committee) we simply asked for written statements from each of the concerned before deciding to proceed further.

Asking for written statements can sometimes elicit the truth as some players do not want to compound the issue.

To the best of my knowledge in the 30+ years I have been here only one player was kicked out for cheating and there were other issues as well and one player who left of his own accord before he came up in front of the committee.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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We had a guy thrown out the club a few years ago, who even went so far as to take the club to court and lost. was in lots of the Scottish Press at the time

There had been chat and lots of stories going around, one guy who called him out was told by him "who would the club believe him a Bank Manager or him a Postman", so nothing happened until one very respected Member/player who was an ex pro, played with him in a comp, witnessed a few things and stood up to him and reported it. all sorts of shenanigans, but was asked to leave the club.