Journeyman Pro
The statue defence league of numpties was whipped into a froth by behaviour seen in Bristol. The mayor of London had nothing to do with that. Except that he’s got brown skin so obviously must be at fault.
Absolute garbage! Churchill was targeted for his supposed racist views, nothing to do with the War.Nah, no it's not. If Churchill in London is on the list, and so are upto 120 more up and down the country, it's perfectly rational for some people to react to that. Obviously those of us with more of a brain would see common sense but this whole situation has whipped up irrational behaviour. And I never stipulated your local statue or memorial was on said hit list, as I've got no idea where you live. I'm talking generally.
If the Police had done their job properly or been allowed to last weekend, today would simply not have happened.
Theres no unrest around the country, it's in London only. Khan has failed the capital and has lost control. He needs removing ASAP.
It wasn’t the London Mayor who cut the Police to the bare bones over the last 10yrs!Why do you only condemn hooligans from one side of the rioting.
And what has the unrest to do with the UK government, the London Mayor is responsible for Policing.
Protests are already banned!Yes I do and feel free to debate anything with me.
My point, which you're missing. Is if Khan had controlled his Police force last weekend to tackle violent protestors, you'd not have a plethora of violent idiots descending on London. What happen today, has been a direct result of the entire country seeing Police scared to engage, running away and being attacked.
For all of todays trouble, under 10 officers were injured. Almost FIVE times as many were last weekend. I'll let the facts speak.
The unrest has NOT been initated by the government FFS. It's come from the far left, violent factions in the BLM, Khan being a coward and the media whipping it up for hits. All combined have led to todays events, nothing else.
Yes the EDL, football hooligans and Britain First are total scumbags, we all know that. But the above has breathed new life into a fading scene. This is going to grow each week now unless all protests are banned and Police get really tough, IMO. Images circulate on social media, fuelling the hatred and division.
Maybe Churchills statue should of covered before? Or is it only a serious affront to the nation when it comes down to colour of skin?Paul, I'm not gonna waste my time lowering my debates to connect with you. I'll say this....
The Met should've gone and smashed some heads last weekend. The cause doesn't matter, once law and order is threatened the Police have to respond. They turned a blind eye under Khans instructions to try and reduce tension. It was a dire call and led to 49 officers being injured and numerous attacks on the Police during the week. It led to anger and hundreds of idiots turning up to cause trouble today. If you can't see then I hope you find your other eye soon.
He then covered up the Churchill statue which is a serious affront to the entire country. End of story. How weak do you have to be as a mayor of one of the most multicultural and forward thinking cities in the world, to have to do that? He's lost it.
It wasn’t the London Mayor who cut the Police to the bare bones over the last 10yrs!
All marches were banned, what else can Khan do?
You really know no shame do you?
You really know no shame do you?
Scum on both sides and is anything he said incorrect?
Keep pushing your right wing spin.
I’ll ask you the same question that everyone else on the right side of politics keeps ignoring,
Why did the “Statue Patriots” turn up yesterday if the BLM protest was cancelled and the statues were protected?
I’ll ask you the same question that everyone else on the right side of politics keeps ignoring,
Why did the “Statue Patriots” turn up yesterday if the BLM protest was cancelled and the statues were protected?
The OFFICIAL march was cancelled, if the idiots on the right would of also cancelled that would of meant only the scum looking for trouble ON BOTH SIDES would be there.BLM protestors did gather.
BLM protestors did gather.
No I don’t see it as an affront, I see it as common sense until the scum, on both sides, calm down, if it was only to protect Winston Churchill, why was Ghandi’s and Mandella’s Statues covered up?I'd just like to state, I'm in no way condoning these thugs, they are mindless bigots, but you must be able to see it from their point of view even if you don't agree with it. The fact the statues have been boarded up must be an affront to them, I imagine that may be part of the reason why they have turned out?
It’s been proved nobody had their throat slashed, the Police and Ambulance Service have confirmed.Yes they did...at first I thought they had played a blinder, kept out of trouble whilst a bunch of pi**ed up “wlm” clashed with the police. Sadly it didn’t last and they started targeting individuals, I’ve seen on the internet a guy beaten to a pulp with his eye popped out and another guy have his throat slit. (Lots of witnesses and footage so hopefully arrests will be made)
It's clear that both the blm and veterans protecting the statues got hijacked. (I felt particularly sorry for the old boy with medals on who was clearly there out of respect for Churchill.)
I fear that we're heading towards a race war. There are clearly massively racist people on both sides.
It's going to take quite a bit of common sense for those in the middle to diffuse it.
No I don’t see it as an affront, I see it as common sense until the scum, on both sides, calm down, if it was only to protect Winston Churchill, why was Ghandi’s and Mandella’s Statues covered up?
And as by previous attacks on Churchill’s Statue have they not turned up in the past?
I still don’t see how anyone with any modicum of intelligence can see it as an affront.I didn't say "you" see it as an affront, I said can you not see that "they" see it as an affront?
Re the 2nd point, they've seen the BLM protests and violence and now they want their turn in the spotlight, I think it's as simple as that.
You really know no shame do you?
Scum on both sides and is anything he said incorrect?
Keep pushing your right wing spin.
I’ll ask you the same question that everyone else on the right side of politics keeps ignoring,
Why did the “Statue Patriots” turn up yesterday if the BLM protest was cancelled and the statues were protected?
Maybe last week they believed it would be peaceful and took a softer approach, this week they’ve learnt their lesson, took no chances and probably learnt through intelligence gathering that some were coming for trouble and prepared themselves.I'm not pushing anything, he wrote what he did and I see an imbalance, others may not.
the first BLM March should have been policed better and maybe this would not have happened as soon, although I suspect it would have done sooner or later.
the police were out in full riot gear yesterday but took a more softly softly approach in the first March imo.
I'd expect all sides of politics to try and stamp this out, we'll have to wait and see.