BLM protests/ Riots.

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Agreed, saw plenty of Black lads with the FLA today and plenty of White faces when it kicked off at the BLM march. All deserve a boot up the jacksie.
Deserve more than that. Is there an argument to do as the French and other nations do and get water cannons etc out and disperse these crowds. Feel sorry for the police as they are never going to manage crowds of that size and the protesters know that so feel somewhat invincible knowing they can do what they like and the chances of getting charged and arrested are slim. Hopefully CCTV can pinpoint the ringleaders
Best thing the mayor can do is to shut down all protests in the capital ( which he won't do of course) . I believe protests in other parts of the country are largely peaceful.
Best thing the mayor can do is to shut down all protests in the capital ( which he won't do of course) . I believe protests in other parts of the country are largely peaceful.
You can’t put everything on Khan, all protests are currently illegal under the Covid laws, as reiterated today by the Home Secretary, what else can he do if the laws of the land already ban them?
Amazing how 49 Officers were injured last weekend and the media claim it's largely peaceful. Yet the second theres any counter protests and a mere 15 get injured (too many obvs), all the news outlets have CARNAGE, CHAOS, RIOTS by right wing thugs etc. I saw black and asian guys with these so called ring wing extremists on the news :ROFLMAO: There was an asian guy with Trump 2020 on his shirt telling people if they don't like the UK to go home.......

Sadiq Khan is entirely to blame for the scenes we are witnessing today. He let the violent elements of the BLM protests gain in confidence and run amok, he's stoked tensions all week with failing to deal with the damage to statues and momuments and bottled it by covering them up. His inaction has resulted in essentially vigilantes looking to do the job he wouldn't let the Police do. This clown should resign this evening - a disgrace to his party, London and this country.

A senior BLM figure was on the news this morning inciting anger by demanding Churchill was removed and housed in a museum. Just outrageous. We don't need anymore protests as they're totally irresponsible at the current time and are acting as a magnet for violent elements on both sides. The message has been heard, the longer these goes on the more the message gets diluted.

I had a lot of sympathy and support for the protests at the start but now I really couldn't care less.

In my town the local war memorial is being protected by certain 'dubious types' as there as a local social media panic that it may be attacked. Although literally no one from what I can tell has said anything about doing anything to it, and no one has any reason to do anything to it. People seem to have jumped from a statue in Bristol was taken down so therefore the local war memorial will be attacked. World's gone mad.
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In my town the local war memorial is being protected by certain 'dubious types' as there as a local social media panic that it may be attacked. Although literally no one from what I can tell has said anything about doing anything to it, and no one has any reason to do anything to it. People seem to have jumped from a statue in Bristol was taken down so therefore the local war memorial will be attacked. World's gone mad.

Yep, same in my small town. There were a group there today "protecting" it despite the fact that there have been no protests in our town or any suggestions that there could be a problem. It was all completely peaceful but some of the comments about it on our local community Facebook page have been what can only be called "interesting", especially from one woman who's views are certainly right of centre.
All white, tattooed and bald, Lazy far right extremists scumbags who wouldn’t know history if it was tattooed on their foreheads.
I would like the press to splash there faces all over the front pages tomorrow. Shame the scum.
Why is this post acceptable?
White,tattooed & bald??

In my town the local war memorial is being protected by certain 'dubious types' as there as a local social media panic that it may be attacked. Although literally no one from what I can tell has said anything about doing anything to it, and no one has any reason to do anything to it. People seem to have jumped from a statue in Bristol was taken down so therefore the local war memorial will be attacked. World's gone mad.

I think it was the defacing of Churchill that stoked the hornets nest, not the tearing down of Colston. And if these idiots were climbing over the cenotaph last weekend, it's not exactly a jump to think more memorials could be targetted especially after a hit list was drawn up by BLM. If you're going to target Churchill, where else would you stop? And I hardly think anyone that plans to attack a memorial is going to give due notice :unsure:

It has created a perfect storm. The loony left who have hijacked this unrest to further their own needs, while the far right have fed off the anger and lack of law and order from the Police. It's united rival factions, add in football hooligans, ex servicemen and we've got battle stations drawn. This is it for the summer now. They'll be a riot in London every Saturday and those that travelled to London will turn their own towns into battle grounds with more locals joining in whenever theres a BLM march, in order to "protect" statues, memorials and whatever else.

BLM have to take a portion of the blame. Can any sane minded person explain why you need to march for the same cause, in the same place, 2-3 times a week? It's like Groundhog day. It's doing them or the cause no favours at all. Infact with every indential march, it's doing damage.
I think it was the defacing of Churchill that stoked the hornets nest, not the tearing down of Colston. And if these idiots were climbing over the cenotaph last weekend, it's not exactly a jump to think more memorials could be targetted especially after a hit list was drawn up by BLM. If you're going to target Churchill, where else would you stop? And I hardly think anyone that plans to attack a memorial is going to give due notice :unsure:

It has created a perfect storm. The loony left who have hijacked this unrest to further their own needs, while the far right have fed off the anger and lack of law and order from the Police. It's united rival factions, add in football hooligans, ex servicemen and we've got battle stations drawn. This is it for the summer now. They'll be a riot in London every Saturday and those that travelled to London will turn their own towns into battle grounds with more locals joining in whenever theres a BLM march, in order to "protect" statues, memorials and whatever else.

BLM have to take a portion of the blame. Can any sane minded person explain why you need to march for the same cause, in the same place, 2-3 times a week? It's like Groundhog day. It's doing them or the cause no favours at all. Infact with every indential march, it's doing damage.

Why would anyone want to deface a memorial to the local towns people who died in the war in a town that is over 95% white in the Midlands? To say BLM have it on any hit list is preposterous.
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