BLM protests/ Riots.

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Really, as an intelligent man can you not understand what it would feel like, I find that hard to believe. Why is this being used, it seems like a diversion from what was being discussed. Is anyone suggesting white people have no part to play in looking for a solution to racism involving black people.
100% have a part to play, without this it won’t work, hence the current movement. I can’t speak for anyone else but take stop & search as an example. I’ve never been stopped, without reason!! Did get arrested once but I kind of deserved it ?

I have no idea how this policy would impact on me.
On a wider note, the BLM movement need to be careful. If it gets highjacked by an anti establishment radical left agenda it will be dismissed by most that could make a difference
A few facts for you

Wealth -
Whites make up 77% of the US population, and own 90% of the wealth
Blacks make up 13% of the US population, and own 2.3% of the wealth
For every $100 white families earn in income, black families earn just $57.30

Employment -
Black unemployment has consistently been twice that of white unemployment for the last 60 years
Blacks with college degrees are twice as likely to be unemployed as all other graduates
Job applicants with white-sounding names get called for interviews about 50% more of the time than applicants with black-sounding names, even when they have identical resumes.

Education -
While black children constitute 18% of preschoolers nationwide, Black students are 3x more likely than white students to be suspended for the same infractions. They make up nearly 50% of suspensions.
Overall, black students represent 16% of student enrollment and 27% of students referred to law enforcement.
Once black children are in the criminal justice system, they are 18 times more likely than white children to be sentenced as adults.

Criminal Justice -
Blacks make up 13% of the population, they represent about 40% of the prison population
When black people are convicted, they are about 20% more likely to be sentenced to jail time, and typically see sentences 20% longer than those for whites who were convicted of similar crimes.

It's interesting that Trump voters are far more likely to deny systemic racism, while Democrat voters acknowledge it is an ongoing problem.

Of course there are examples of positive discrimination, but ask yourself why they exist? In an attempt to help rectify the problem. Just because these examples exist, doesn't mean the problem has gone away.

So you’re saying that those in charge of Education are all racist, that the majority of Employers are racist and so are most Judges too, I don’t think so, you’re doing what most people who insist there is systemic racism do, blame the system.

Positive discrimination has lead to employers getting A black employee and not the best employee, would you rather sit on a plane with the pilot who was the best in their class, or the best black graduate?

Blacks make up 13% of the population, but black adult males commit over 50% of murders, and black males under 18 commit over 60% of murders.

It’s interesting that the worst areas for crime committed by blacks are all controlled by Democrats, just like where Floyd was killed, it was controlled from top to bottom by Democrats, it was Clinton, a Democrat who signed the Tough on Crime bill, championed by Biden, a Democrat, that has lead to the high number of Blacks behind bars, so forget your Republicans are racist conspiracy.
I don't think I've seen anyone called a racist on here.

But you are totally right. your example above definitely happens, I got called a racist on Twitter t'other day! Also we have people boycotting Sainsbury's and various tea brands on the other side. Idiots in all walks of life, with lots of different views unfortunately!

Like I said in another thread a while ago, it's a trait of modern society led by a Facebook, Twitter generation, you only really read what you agree with as that's how these website taylor your content, you never get to see the other side of the argument and are surrounded by people who in general always agree with your opinions.
That's a bit subjective. I'm sure if you asked anyone, they would say they had a reasoned opinion. Even those we disagree with.

My point was about demographics. If you are old, white and male, you are more likely to be right-wing and xenophobic.
That's such a closed minded comment. It embodies everything you suggest is wrong in others. Unbelievable.
Like I said in another thread a while ago, it's a trait of modern society led by a Facebook, Twitter generation, you only really read what you agree with as that's how these website taylor your content, you never get to see the other side of the argument and are surrounded by people who in general always agree with your opinions.
I'd disagree with that if I'm honest.

Social media is extremely biased to the left as its fuelled by the main media who are too scared to be seen as too Right and younger users of social media, who are often very left sided.

A good example of this is the previous election.

If you'd have hedged a bet of the election based on the social media opinion back in December, you'd have got the result wrong.
I think the key word there is last. Not current. And thanks you for your compassion and empathy Wayne, it is an example for all of us.

The key word was last... are you having a laugh, just because because the current POTUS isn’t black the US is now racist, if racism was systemic Obama wouldn’t of even been POTUS, it took a lot of white votes for him to win.

And no, I don’t have any empathy for a guy who pleaded guilty to bursting in to the house of a pregnant BLACK woman, then putting a gun to her stomach and threatening to kill her and her unborn baby if she didn’t hand over any cash she had, and I saddened that there are so many people who do.
I would have thought the meaning of BLM was pretty obvious, but just in case, this might help you.


And yet they continue to murder each other in huge numbers, why is it that those lives don’t seem to matter I wonder?
That's such a closed minded comment. It embodies everything you suggest is wrong in others. Unbelievable.

How is it closed-minded? It's a simple statement of fact that older people are more right-wing and distrusting of foreigners and minorities than young people are. There are plenty of studies and polls out there to back that up.
How is it closed-minded? It's a simple statement of fact that older people are more right-wing and distrusting of foreigners and minorities than young people are. There are plenty of studies and polls out there to back that up.
If you can't see that it's systemic prejudice then you are as bad as those you so readily condem. Try thinking it through.
What a load of drivel. You are surpassing yourself.

I know this is a forum mainly populated by reasonably well-off older white males, so I should know what to expect, but some of the stuff I've read in this thread just makes me despair.

So just because someone is white and worked hard to gain some wealth they are racist LOL, that’s no different than saying if a group of people are black and poor they’re criminals.
I'd disagree with that if I'm honest.

Social media is extremely biased to the left as its fuelled by the main media who are too scared to be seen as too Right and younger users of social media, who are often very left sided.

A good example of this is the previous election.

If you'd have hedged a bet of the election based on the social media opinion back in December, you'd have got the result wrong.
Nope, Bezeerk had it just about right, it’s tailored to the users taste.

If you were seeing a lot of left wing stuff, I’d suggest you need to check your friends list.;)
Nope, Bezeerk had it just about right, it’s tailored to the users taste.

If you were seeing a lot of left wing stuff, I’d suggest you need to check your friends list.;)
Ha, I'd agree with that aspect, but I'm not just talking about personal accounts I follow.

I'm also on about the media accounts that have large amounts of users that I also follow and cater for the masses.

They are very much left of centre or left, as to not alienate who they perceive to be the main body of their followers; normally young people.

Even the BBC is starting to come in to this category :ROFLMAO:
The key word was last... are you having a laugh, just because because the current POTUS isn’t black the US is now racist, if racism was systemic Obama wouldn’t of even been POTUS, it took a lot of white votes for him to win.

And no, I don’t have any empathy for a guy who pleaded guilty to bursting in to the house of a pregnant BLACK woman, then putting a gun to her stomach and threatening to kill her and her unborn baby if she didn’t hand over any cash she had, and I saddened that there are so many people who do.
Once a criminal, always a criminal then? No chance of rehabilitation?

Does that say more about the US Justice System than the individual?
Too late I am drawn in!!! Help.
The issue is treatment of a minority group by the instruments of state, the law, the police etc.......not crime within a community. Why deflect? That’s what my kids do

So black lives only matter if they’re killed by police or white people? So the reality is that not All Black Lives Matter, why would that be? Maybe because there isn’t the need to take responsibility for the thousands killed at the hands of their own... help me out, why don’t all black lives matter?
Ha, I'd agree with that aspect, but I'm not just talking about personal accounts I follow.

I'm also on about the media accounts that have large amounts of users that I also follow and cater for the masses.

They are very much left of centre or left, as to not alienate who they perceive to be the main body of their followers; normally young people.

Even the BBC is starting to come in to this category :ROFLMAO:
Apart from your obvious newspapers having their political bias, both sides accusse the BBC of favouring the opposition.
Personally I believe it’s down the user to make their own mind up through education rather than falling for one side or another.
Once a criminal, always a criminal then? No chance of rehabilitation?

Does that say more about the US Justice System than the individual?

Well he was under arrest for using fake money when he died, and there is no doubt that the streets are safer without him, or are you suggesting that his last prison sentence worked in ways his previous ones couldn’t.
Are we just supposed to forget he was prepared to kill a black woman and her unborn baby just because of the circumstances of his death.
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