Ryder Cup Winner
OK, I understand you but feel I have to make a reply.Problem is it's easy to be abject about a subject you don't have personal experience of being put through.
That's not a dig at you btw, I totally understand where you're coming from but this is the whole point of BLM marches to, we have many white men etc saying we need to be abject yet they haven't lived through the prejudice so cannot fully understand what it feels like to be made to feel the way they do hence they cannot remain abject and simply address it from our PoV, same way I replied to you initially.
Its easy for an outsider to look at quick stats and make judgement, but until you've been subject to certain treatments, and been included in a stat just because of who you are rather than because of your actions the ability to be abject is lost because its almost like rather than people acknowledge the poor treatment you get as a so called absent father or because purely of black skin in the case of what's happening now its essentially like your feelings are brushed aside to discuss it purely from someone else's point of view that's in many ways unaffected.
No we need to stop trying to take the high ground and being abject and actually try to understand what its like for people to be persecuted for their colour, sex or even absenteeism without knowing their story and seek to find ways to improve how we treat those people as more than a lopsided stat.
I take your points on board but in this case I simply cannot agree, so perhaps best we end our particular dance on this thread with each other ??
You cant say that because someone isnt black they cant have a view on what needs to be done to solve the problem or cannot understand it. Often it's easier to see a problem and understand why it's a problem and what needs to be done about it if you can take a detached or 'objective' view of it, it's often hard to do this when you are inside the issue and your emotions are affecting your logic.
Experts and academics often have no practical experience in the subject they study, they tend to be very good at taking a detached unemotional viewpoint or what is sometimes called a 'helicopter view' One where you look at the problem as an impartial observer that only considers the subject by its inherent components.
To me using slogans like 'Black Lives Matter' or 'Taking the Knee' or throwing statues in a dock solve nothing, they just perpetuate the problem by looking at the symptoms and not understanding the true causes. If as a Country or World community we want to make real changes that can create better equality of life oppertunities then we have to be strong enough to open up and be prepared to look the problem square in the face and not shy away from open debate, shutting down views because they seem offensive to some people or contrary to long held norms is not going to create the type of change needed here.
Of course I will understand if you no longer wish to discuss this matter with me, that is always your right and perogative.