Best tips you received that made a difference to your game?


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Nov 20, 2021
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As the title says. Be it a simple swing thought (or two...), a technical instruction, a putting tip or whatever it may be.

For me, it was to visualise a 2nd ball in front of the ball I was striking. Helped me get through the ball a lot better. Secondly? Keep the head down over the short putts (we all know what the "early peek" can do.... miss left, anyone?!). Thirdly... don't sway, and keep oneself centred over the ball, i.e. Head STILL! Might be one that divides opinion, but it works for me.

Please share the nuggets of wisdom with which you've been afforded, be they mental, technical or otherwise!
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Club Champion
Aug 5, 2014
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When I tried to hit my three wood over a hazard many years ago, and it went into the water, I had some great advice.

I swore and swung my club like an axe into the ground.

My friend I was playing with, a much better golfer than I was, told me that if that bad shot had upset me so much, then perhaps golf wasn't the game I should be playing.

We are still good friends and playing together, maybe 20 years since that incident, but I still remember it clearly.


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2018
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In my very early golfing years, I used to get overly upset at duffing etc. My good friend, and equally poor golfer, told me “You aren’t good enough to get angry”.
I try to remember that advice, but not always successfully.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I asked a pro sometime in the mid 70's whether there should be a very slight pause at the top of the backswing. The answer he gave was inconclusive.
Many years later, another pro told that I should think of a child's swing changing direction. It must stop at some point.

Since then, my swing thought has been...
What goes back goes back together
What comes down comes down together

You can see from the swings below there is a very short pause at the top of the backswing.

Some people may disagree, but it helps with my speed, timing and balance.



LIV Bot, (But Not As Big As Mel) ?
Oct 9, 2020
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Finish every hole/hole out every putt even in social rounds or playing by yourself.

Hit it as far as you can off the tee while avoiding penalties at every opportunity. I learned this far too late after being taught to be conservative and hit the fairway at all costs, even if it means hitting a long club into a green.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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When chipping around the greens, keep your arms and wrists in a relatively stiff V. Hold the V before and after the strike. It gives a much more consistent strike for those shorter chip shots.

Keep your left arm straight on your backswing. I never thought about it until someone mentioned it. At that point I took a video of my swing, realised I bent my arm and so needed to do something about it. Made a huge difference.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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I asked a pro sometime in the mid 70's whether there should be a very slight pause at the top of the backswing. The answer he gave was inconclusive.
Many years later, another pro told that I should think of a child's swing changing direction. It must stop at some point.

Since then, my swing thought has been...
What goes back goes back together
What comes down comes down together

You can see from the swings below there is a very short pause at the top of the backswing.

Some people may disagree, but it helps with my speed, timing and balance.

Lovely looking swing Bob.

I posted last night that when doing my speed training all 4 of my fastest swings felt like there was a slight pause at the top and it's something I usually never feel. I'm going to video my next session to see if there is anything noticeable there but I'm guessing that feeling of a slight pause allowed me to sync up the top and bottom half a bit better.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Always take a very shallow divot with your fairway woods.!

Short game chips / pitches keep feet close together slightly open.

If your making mistakes because the course is playing tough, so is everyone else.

From a good mate and quality golfer sadly not with us anymore.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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Unless you're a pro or very low HI golfer, use fewer clubs. Don't kid yourself that you have a consistent distance for each club to within 10 yards. You don't really need 6 clubs between driver and 7-iron and you don't really need 3 or 4 wedges. Lighten the load and reduce the confusion of club and shot selection.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Not sure if this is the best, but to be honest most tips just make me overthink it and play worse. So a good one off the top of my head was, chip like you're trying to hole it rather than just get it close. The fear is that you'll start chipping it miles too far, but more often than not it just stops me leaving it 15 feet short. Like any tip though, I have to keep reminding myself of it. Typing this now is making me realise I haven't been doing this lately.

Best tip I could probably give myself is stop looking for tips, just relax and hit the ball towards the target.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Lovely looking swing Bob.

I posted last night that when doing my speed training all 4 of my fastest swings felt like there was a slight pause at the top and it's something I usually never feel. I'm going to video my next session to see if there is anything noticeable there but I'm guessing that feeling of a slight pause allowed me to sync up the top and bottom half a bit better.
I know everyone is different but my fault was my lower half starting to drive before I'd reached the top of my backswing.
That created a slight throw at the top which produced an out to in downswing so a fade or pull.
The little pause means the top and bottom half working together and it feels so simple and uncomplicated.