sweaty sock
Let the questions begin!
1. What happens to all those Demo Scotty camerons?
1. What happens to all those Demo Scotty camerons?
Let the questions begin!
1. What happens to all those Demo Scotty camerons?
Generally or Genuinely?? May be some left over then?????This has already got out of hand. But I can tell you that Scotty Camerons generally all get returned
Do you think golf courses will get back to how things were before covid, or will timed tees become more of a thing going forwards?
Hopefully the thread is tongue in cheek ?
When' are you going to grace us with your first forum meet attendance ? and what do you predict as your score, any blobs ?
Have you got any of the following:
a. Chipper
b. Iron covers
c. Ball retriever
d. Rubber tees tied together
e. One of those sponge things that hang on your bag for cleaning the ball