Are you happy at your playing standard

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Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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My scores this summer, all off either 5 or 6:


Spot the two rounds where the hook stayed away, and the two where is was back with a vengeance...
The 81, 80 and 79 were all 15/16 holes of very steady golf with 2/3 holes accounting for 90% of the dropped shots 🙈
I equally share your soul destroying figures. Last medal 14 good holes shot 85 with a birdie at the last.

Played and won the team board comp the other week shot 74! Problem was no cuts for individual scores that's day just team score counted. Its been like that all season in comps where my score doesn't matter (matchplay & betterball) low numbers, individual scoring its like hello 0.1 my old friend..


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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As an example, Saturday I’m playing a par 5 with a stream in front of the green. Not a long hitter so chose to lay up with the 3rd with a PW but then hit it too thin and it bounced into the water

What the chuff! I practice this shot loads and would hit it without issue 9.5/10 times, why would the one time I get wrong be the only time it actually matters!

This is the kind of nonsense shot that needs to be eliminated
This is me at the moment.
Mainly played to 4/5 most last 20yrs.
Now 7 due to getting older and couple of injuries.
Sat missed couple of good birdie chances, but I hit Three bad shots and three doubles.
Playing very well but just can’t put a score together.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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I'm definitely not but probably have no right to be. My aim was always single figures and now that I'm down to 9 I think I could be better.

I only get to play 1 round per week and maybe 100 balls at the range during the week if I'm lucky so I just feel I don't get the time to practice enough to get down to 6 or 7. I know putting and short game is my weakness (I hole probably 1 out of every 10 putts from the 7-10 feet range) but can't find the time to get out and practice them.

As an example, this week I got zero practice all week and I managed to take 4 swings in the practice net before my first tee shot. Going a full week without even hitting a ball is mental if you are expecting to still score well. I had 7 points after 6 holes but still managed to finish with 34 points and make buffer, even accounting for a 3 putt bogey and a double later after being 3 off the tee due to blocking a drive right into the woods.


Tour Winner
Mar 21, 2013
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Nowhere near. Swing and grip changes so having to stick with it.

My main issues is consistency. I'm playing brilliantly for most holes but every time I'm slightly out of position it's a double or worse.

Perfect example, for 14 holes I was -1. The other 4 were 3 doubles and a triple.

Good enough for buffer but unfortunately my handicap is going the wrong way despite the best ball striking of my life.
Where are you now? I remember when you first started posting about falling from 6 to say 2. I chuckled a bit to myself thinking ‘if only he knew how hard it’s going to be’

Keep going mate. It will happen. Just takes time


Sep 11, 2011
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No, not happy at all. Driving is hitting almost every fairway but is at least 30 yards down on last year. Irons aren't crisply struck and are about 10-15 yds down on last year.Even allowing for the drop in yardage, and taking an extra club, I'm not knocking much of anything in close and birdies have dried up. Chipping and pitching - I'd say its almost yippish in performance. Putting, thankfully, still seems decent.

My last 5 rounds have all been 4 over handicap which, off 6, means I'm shooting 66% over handicap. Its not pretty.

I'd like to be playing a lot better but my answer to the conundrum isn't playing more golf. I now play bowls 3 days a week.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I'm happy
But I'm not content.
Happy that I'm a single figure Senior
Happy that I can still knock it around in +3 gross. Let's face it, many on here would sell a kidney to be able to do that. Except Fragger of course:unsure:
But I'm not content because I can't do it every time, not even every other time.
Out of 10 rounds I probably get 1 good one, a couple of decent ones, a couple of ok ones and the rest are just rank bad..
If I could change that to 4,4,1,1 I'd be a lot happier
But still not content....


Active member
Jul 2, 2019
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Absolutely not. At 16.9 and want to get to single figures but just so up and down (not literally ).

4 weeks ago had a social front 9 round my track with a pal and went 2 over gross lipping out on 8 & 9. Admittedly the best I ever struck the ball, yet don’t know why.

Then this week a 9 on the first.


Assistant Pro
Jul 29, 2011
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74 followed by 92???????? Thanks for making me feel better.... (I share the pain!)
First two rounds of the club champs too. From 4th place overnight to nowhere. Consecutive days as well, although in my defence the weather was horrific on day two: the first round leader shot 63 followed by 78...


Assistant Pro
Feb 28, 2011
Near Edzell / Montrose
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I’m at 16.3 at the moment nowhere near happy

Idiotic mistakes are keeping too many doubles on the card in comps

I think I’ve got it in me to get to about 10-12 but single figures looks unlikely unless I can find an extra 20 yards off the tee

If you can drive 200 yards single figures should be easily attainable.


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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It’s all relative.
My game has changed very little in the last 2 years, but consistency has gone through the roof.
I put that purely down to a mental change. Stopped thinking about handicaps and what it means. Now it’s more about enjoying my golf. (I still try to play my best, but on days were my game is AWOL. I shrug it off and crack on. Before it would have eaten me up and I would have wanted to walk off, which I’ve never done)

I’ve watched a player at our place, go from a 2hcp to a +1 (atm, at the rate he’s going, it’ll be +3 ish by season end).
Saturday he shot a 68 (-4 gross)nett 69, he came 5th. Tough school for sure, not sure I could handle that.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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Current form, no. However, even at the age of 58 I still have the blind belief that I can get better.
No hope for me then , in my mid seventies😀
Just started having a few lessons! And I'm quite encouraged by how I hit the ball in these.
But go out on the course and it goes all to pot.
I know what the trouble is , I think. On the range, I swing . On the course I try to hit the ball.
Even telling myself that before playing a shot on the course doesn't always get thru to the brain!
Daft game."..😀


Sep 3, 2013
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Right now I'm struggling to play in comps, due to work and not got the opportunity to play to get my hc down. I've been off 3 for the past 20 so years, been as low as 1 for a day and got back to 4 at one point. I'm hovering around 2-3 at the mo.. Still got aspirations of playing off scratch.


Tour Rookie
Jul 3, 2013
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Nah, I’m a bit rubbish these days tbh. Been declining for a while due to poor health, lack of time and sometimes motivation. The hardest part has been knowing that I was pretty handy (for an amateur!) a few years ago and not being able to do this now is quite frustrating.

Not all doom and gloom; I’m changing drug therapy for my arthritis, I’m completely rebuilding my swing with a pro I know well who is sympathetic to what I physically can and cannot do and I’ve a new set of Ping’s on the way 👍

Things won’t be the same as they were I imagine but will stick at it and perhaps have a few new goals...


Aug 5, 2018
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Not happy at all. I know I can do much better and I have been chasing single figures for 2 years now. Everytime I start getting close, I start playing crap.

Like most, I seem to go through spells of putting great, chipping great, pitching great, hitting irons great, driving great, but they never happen together. For example, at the moment I'm putting everything, but that isn't much good when you're losing 3 balls a round.

Mentally, I try my best but it's not easy to be confident when after 6 holes, you know the best you can do is not finish last.

Deleted member 25172

It’s all relative.
My game has changed very little in the last 2 years, but consistency has gone through the roof.
I put that purely down to a mental change. Stopped thinking about handicaps and what it means. Now it’s more about enjoying my golf. (I still try to play my best, but on days were my game is AWOL. I shrug it off and crack on. Before it would have eaten me up and I would have wanted to walk off, which I’ve never done)

I’ve watched a player at our place, go from a 2hcp to a +1 (atm, at the rate he’s going, it’ll be +3 ish by season end).
Saturday he shot a 68 (-4 gross)nett 69, he came 5th. Tough school for sure, not sure I could handle that.

If I was a +handicapper I believe I couldn't care less if I didn't win the net comp against a hacker who has "one of those days" when everything works.


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Aug 6, 2007
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I feel certain areas of my game are far better. Pitching and bunker play are better than they were definitely and chipping can be good but still too many days where it lets me down. Putting and holing out is a big plus. It is things like my driver that let me down and like so many others on here I keep finding new ways to make a couple of big scores per competition round. That said, I am improving on making a score even when not playing well and some of the time now my thinking on the course is sharp and I am feeling confident even when not swinging well. As is the case with most, tying it all together for a round and then a number of rounds and then over a longer period of time consistently is the problem