Apple Watch charging stand


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Finally biting the bullet and getting myself an Apple Watch. I am looking at getting one of the dual iPhone and watch charging stands and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations? Also, do they all use their own watch charger or will I need to buy another if I want just the charger when I go away?
Cheers for your help


Q-School Graduate
Jan 29, 2008
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Finally biting the bullet and getting myself an Apple Watch. I am looking at getting one of the dual iPhone and watch charging stands and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations? Also, do they all use their own watch charger or will I need to buy another if I want just the charger when I go away?
Cheers for your help

When I bought my watch 8 months ago I thought bout this. After a couple of months use, charging it overnight (simply because that's what i do with my phone) I changed my habit completely. The watch only needs 30 mins, and I wanted to wear it overnight (health monitoring, alarm doesn't wake Mrs Hacker). So it would have been a waste of money for me - I charge it next to me when I'm watching telly, or else whilst I have my breakfast. So my advice would be to wait a short while.


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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That above, I charge mine When I get in bed winding down then put back on for bed.
You will charge up everyday. The stands look nice but that’s it. Not functional. Phone wants a cable so you can use it, and if your getting a series 7 watch or SE it’ll come with a fast charge cable and it’s done in 30mins.
I’ve had to explain the same to my mrs as she was asking for one.

I’d recommend a stand for the watch alone.