Any fishermen on here?

Had a great day yesterday, best ever. Wasn't expecting much as it was scorching hot down here and I have been frustrated enough before when the weather is like that and the Carp just don't want to know....
Spent the day at Stream Valley Lakes near Crowborough, beautifully secluded fishery that is really well run by a guy called Jamie and his wife Lil.
I was the only one fishing the lake, got there at 7am and at just after 9 I had a tentative knock on one of my rods. Then line started to go out very slowly, I lifted into it and at first I thought I'd got snagged up.
I was only fishing "light" but whatever I was into was quite a fish, it was just head down and going. All I was thinking was "please don't snap me up, please don't snap me up!" lol!
After about 15 minutes I managed to get it to the net, a really nice Mirror Carp which came in just a shade under 22lb. A new personal best for me (my previous best had been just under 19lb). I was well chuffed.
A couple of hours later I had a screaming run (exactly the opposite to the first) and lifted into it. Another nice fish, another good scrap and when I eventually got it in and weighed it, it was a few ounces over 20lb. So I had set my new target to be a 20lb fish and had beaten it twice in the same session! Brilliant.
Rest of the day was fairly quiet, had a couple of knocks but nothing positive, and I left about 6.30 to come home.
A superb session. Unfortunately, I snapped one of the arms on my landing net when I lifted the second fish so it was quite an expensive one to catch!!
Personally i'd rather be catching smaller fish regularly, with the chance of a biggie, rather than waiting sometimes for hours for anything to happen.

Ive also done lots of trout fishing and I like the mobile aspect, where you can stalk individual fish which put up a hell of a fight even at 2lb weight

Smiffy must therefore have the patience of a saint, and would therefore not be fazed by slow play on the golf course :) :)
So, an entire day to out wit two fish, with brains the size of a pea.

I don't get fishing!

Had you felt either of them pulling like stink, with you trying to stop them heading for the lilly pads or reeds without getting snapped up, then you would "possibly" understand Chris.
Until then mate, you won't.
Yesterday, for me, beat any day spent on the golf course.
Each to his own I guess
I 've been sea fishing a ew times only been once this year. Usuall go to Embo Pier or Ullapool lighthouse.

Just Mackerel and Pollock
I 've been sea fishing a ew times only been once this year. Usuall go to Embo Pier or Ullapool lighthouse.

Just Mackerel and Pollock

I used to go out sea fishing a lot more before I started playing golf again.....

ifonly Duncan, if only.
Promised myself to go fishing in the Florida keys one day, would love to hook a tarpon

that and in a shark cage with great whites swimming around and my bucket list would be more than sorted :D
Used to quite a bit of fishing when i was younger with my dad as he was into it and did a lot or match fishing, i got bored of it after awhile as sitting in the freezing cold rain for 6 hours and not even getting a bite sometimes seemed a complete waste of a day.

My Dad carried on with it but over the last couple of years he hasn't gone much as he took up golf and enjoys a bad round of golf more than a bad days fishing.
ifonly Duncan, if only.
Promised myself to go fishing in the Florida keys one day, would love to hook a tarpon

that and in a shark cage with great whites swimming around and my bucket list would be more than sorted :D

Apologies Gibbo, I read that as "hooking a tampon"

Spat out my tea all over the keyboard,

depends which dodgy canal you go fishing in :) :)
Has anyone else on here tried sea fly fishing?

I tried it a couple of years ago and it was the most fun I've had fishing. Waders on and fishing shallow in the surf for bass was fantastic. Hooking into a 8 Lb bass on light gear in the surf is amazing and you know your in for a fight.
Has anyone else on here tried sea fly fishing?

I tried it a couple of years ago and it was the most fun I've had fishing. Waders on and fishing shallow in the surf for bass was fantastic. Hooking into a 8 Lb bass on light gear in the surf is amazing and you know your in for a fight.

I would probably argue that hooking a mackerel in open water on a #3 brook rod is the most fun.... but the bow area is flat and secure on my boat and used for salt water flyfishing, pollack, bass, mackerel, mullet and a few others that can be taken in certain situations (flounder being an example).