Any fishermen on here?

Can a carp rod be used for general float or river fishing?

Not really Kev. A carp rod is usually "beefier" than a float or leger rod, as it is likely to handle bigger fish/baits/weights etc. They are quoted in what are called "test curves" and this will be in lbs.
The higher the test curve, the "stiffer" the rod, so a 3.5tc rod will be a bit firmer in use than a 2.75tc.
A bit like soft, regular, stiff and extra stiff shafts in clubs if you like.
The problem is, if you tried to cast a float out with a carp rod, you would have no "feel" at all. Also, if you caught smaller fish the strength of the rod would pull the fishes head off!! (Well not quite, but you get the general picture).
What you need for good all round fishing is a decent feeder rod. That will handle legering and float fishing with ease.
You can get single day licences for about £ 3.75 or weekly but if you are going regularly then an annual one is £27
If you get caught by a bailiff without one you'll get your gear confiscated and a 1000 quid fine
Buy online from the environment agency website

You can fish 2 rods at a time, so maybe set up a ledger rod and a separate float rod
Kerching almost as expensive as a set of Golf gear :)
Hi Kev,I am a carp fisherman with all the bivvy,loungers,rods,pods,alarms,etc.It can be like golf once you have the bug you can't get enough.I use to have a Prodigy barbel rod this can handle small and large fish,feeder,float,hair rigs,had up to a 17lb carp with no issues with the rod,really recommend but can be a bit pricey.Like golf just go out and enjoy,let us all know how you get on.Tight lines.:)
The problem with carping is that there is almost as much snobbery as there is with golf.
Unless you have the latest gear from Shimano, Delkim, Nash etc, and can cast to within a dustbin lid from 100 yards you are considered a "Noddy" by some.
You can spend an absolute fortune on gear, and once it starts, it gets hold of you.
The other problem with carping is that if you decide you want to do the odd overnighter, you can end up carting everything along bar the kitchen sink.
The problem with carping is that there is almost as much snobbery as there is with golf.
Unless you have the latest gear from Shimano, Delkim, Nash etc, and can cast to within a dustbin lid from 100 yards you are considered a "Noddy" by some.
You can spend an absolute fortune on gear, and once it starts, it gets hold of you.
The other problem with carping is that if you decide you want to do the odd overnighter, you can end up carting everything along bar the kitchen sink.

I agree, when I returned to fishing, carping had taken over, hell I even gave it go, I liken it to beach fishing, no real finesse but skill involved yes but more camp out fishing than fair weather angling that many of us grow up on as a lad with the trusty float rod and reel.

I am getting back into angling again with a basic setup, pellet waggler rod and reel, simples, target fish most that swims but on light tackle 6lb line should be fun.
Love fishing but hate carp fishing, such a waste of time, if I catch it I want to keep it and eat it.
IF your in the Newcastle area why not look at sea fishing as you don't need a licence below the mean high water mark, there's more variety, if you travel light you can move marks if nothing is taking and it's more fun.
There's some great places to go cod fishing from the shore around your way or you could find out about boat trips which is even better as all the gear is provided for you. There's nothing better than landing a 20lb cod or a 35lb ling and eating it for your tea with plenty left over for the freezer. Or you could go and sit by a lake for a couple of days watching a float wondering what the hell your doing this for when you could be on the golf course.
Love fishing but hate carp fishing, such a waste of time, if I catch it I want to keep it and eat it.

Did beach fishing for some time a few years ago. Waste of time down here. Go out at stupid o'clock to catch the tide, get blown off the bloody beach waiting for a "knock" and end up pulling in a couple of small dabs or whiting. Oh the joy!!! Sure it's nice if you can catch the odd bass or cod but off our beaches??? Nah.
I enjoy my carp fishing, but don't spend all my time sitting on my jacksie waiting for an alarm to go off. Nothing better than doing a bit of "stalking" into shallower water, targeting a particular fish and getting it to take a bit of crust or bread flake off the top. My favourite times to fish are either at first light or the evenings, fishing until it gets dark.
If I do an "overnighter" all I am really there for is to fish the "Witching hours" early in the morning.
To me, there is nothing better than waking up at first light early on a Summers morning, watching the mist coming up from the lake, looking for signs that the bigger fish have started feeding with no thoughts at all other than what might be just about to happen. Unfortunately the "might be's" outweigh the "does" but that's the attraction. You never know what you are going to catch.
I am going on a weeks holiday to France next year, fishing with my daughter, a friend and his cousin. Private, 5 acre lake with it's own lodge and exclusive fishing for the week. Just the four of us. Carp up to 42lb along with other decent sized fish. Going at the end of June so the weather should be gorgeous. Will fish evenings, and early mornings.
During the day, when it's too hot to fish there will be plenty of other things to do locally. I can't wait. I will be spending some quality time with my daughter (can't do that on a golf course!) and at £175.00 per person for the week all inclusive it's a value for money holiday.
If golf is " a good walk spoilt" I can't imagine what fishing for something you can't eat is!

Go sea fishing or play golf!
Best way to cook a Chub
Place said Chub (ungutted)on a piece of hardboard
Put in oven on highest setting for 36 hours
Throw away the Chub and eat the hardboard :) :)
Thanks for the advice lads.

Of all places I went to go outdoors. There was a guy restocking the fishing area and when I ask for some advice his face lit up and then a flood of information come bursting out. I walked out with a landing net, rod stand, a couple of floats and hooks.

I was asking about rods and reels and he turned round and said "why buy an expensive float rod for a few smallish silvers? It's like buying a mountain jacket for a sun shower"

He said to concentrate on making sure I have all of the basics until I knew if it was going to fish regularly, a comfortable seat and a good packed lunch.

Happy days
Thanks for the advice lads.

Of all places I went to go outdoors. There was a guy restocking the fishing area and when I ask for some advice his face lit up and then a flood of information come bursting out. I walked out with a landing net, rod stand, a couple of floats and hooks.

I was asking about rods and reels and he turned round and said "why buy an expensive float rod for a few smallish silvers? It's like buying a mountain jacket for a sun shower"

He said to concentrate on making sure I have all of the basics until I knew if it was going to fish regularly, a comfortable seat and a good packed lunch.

Happy days

What the feck is a "rod stand??????"
A pole that sticks in the ground that you rest your rod upright against. Gives you the chance to get some food or play with your tackle ;)

Do you mean a "rod rest" that you lay your rod on Kev? I can't imagine why anybody would want to rest their rod upright (unless you were fishing at distance and had to keep it clear of a load of weed or vegetation right in front of you or were sea fishing from the beach).
Getting keen then...........joined Fishing Magic eh??? :D:D:D

What sort of dosh do you want to spend on a rod and reel???
Yeah a rod rest.

If fishing becomes a habit then it depends on whether I start carp fishing or stick to float. It seems you can get a decent rod and reel for anything between £50-£100 each. I'm not going down the line of getting top of the range gear
I can recommend the Korum CS range of rods to you Kev. I had a couple, before I started to fish more for Carp, and loved them. You would be able to float or leger fish with them and I have caught Carp up to 15lb on them with no problem.
Also Okuma do some good cheap reels that will last a long time. I have two that I have had for over 10 years that are still going strong despite being mistreated by my kids, dragging them across rocks when on a sea fishing trip.
You don't need to spend a fortune. You could get a "decent" all round rod and reel for about £50-£60.00 all in which would last you years and years.
Cheers smiffy

Any thoughts on the shakespeare range. There seems to be some good feedback on the mach3 xt reel and wondering about the mach2 12ft match rod?

You won't get a Mach 3XT reel now - Shakespeare have discontinued them the fools!! a superb reel at the price and I have several - the Mach2 rods are ok too, but the Mach3 range are better.
I can recommend the Korum CS range of rods to you Kev. I had a couple, before I started to fish more for Carp, and loved them. You would be able to float or leger fish with them and I have caught Carp up to 15lb on them with no problem.
Also Okuma do some good cheap reels that will last a long time. I have two that I have had for over 10 years that are still going strong despite being mistreated by my kids, dragging them across rocks when on a sea fishing trip.
You don't need to spend a fortune. You could get a "decent" all round rod and reel for about £50-£60.00 all in which would last you years and years.

we may need to 'talk' Smiffy - I'm returning to my childhood, but have little regard for the carp world and simply wish to sit in a nice environment (probably sipping ale) and watching a float.... I have a 25' angling boat with more sea gear than anyone should ever have bought (I only use the good that I know what it is and why I shold use it) so I've negotiating abiltity and a need (want) for the old course basics!
I fisha bit Not as much as I would like since taking up golf :(

I have all the carp gear but mostly just use my 1.5tc barbel rod and a small baitrunner and can switch from feeder to waggler no probs and even some small pva bags.

improve your course fishing is a decent mag and will give you plenty of handy tips early doors.

Enjoy :thup: