Any clubs closed ?

Club was very busy today which was good to see in these tricky times. Apparently we've had so many green fees playing in the last few days which has to be good for the club with no bar or food income. Rakes going in today and ball cleaners all wrapped up and out of use but at the moment we're muddling on
Latest email is that all comps cancelled, clubhouse closed, spike bar open for takeaway drinks and prepacked food only. Members card and contact less only.

Looking to implement email service early next week whereby you email order on 9th tee with members name and card charged with food left ready for you.

Lodges are offering a takeaway service.
Received an email from Gleneagles last night confirming that as from Monday the hotel is closing its doors and all facilities will be closed with the exception of the 4 courses which will remain open and will continue to be maintained throughout, the Hotel hope's to re-open on the 30th April.

That's gonna be a massive loss of revenue for sure and hundreds of workers will be hit by it.

Played up there yesterday and it was still surprisingly busy and I am sure today will be the same so it could a bit of a long day on The PGA today but at least the sun is out.
I played a comp yesterday. Just usual guidelines keeping 2 metres from each not to use ball washers or touch flag etc. seems everything carrying on as normal and course is busier than ever!
Received an email from Gleneagles last night confirming that as from Monday the hotel is closing its doors and all facilities will be closed with the exception of the 4 courses which will remain open and will continue to be maintained throughout, the Hotel hope's to re-open on the 30th April.

That's gonna be a massive loss of revenue for sure and hundreds of workers will be hit by it.

Played up there yesterday and it was still surprisingly busy and I am sure today will be the same so it could a bit of a long day on The PGA today but at least the sun is out.

Silver lining, at least hotel guest tee times will be zero so members will finally get preference ?
Weve closed our bar/restaurant to "eat in customers". Course is still open, guidelines around touching flagstick and bunker rakes and keeping 2m apart.

Players can ring the clubhouse from on the course and have a limited menu of food (and drink) prepared and delivered to them whilst playing.
Out supermarket is open three days a week from 5 AM to 7AM just for seniors to limit their exposure, and my wife goes then, believing herself to be a lower risk than I.


I have often seen that

I am a senior and it takes me to after 9am to be ready to leave the house:sleep:

What they are hoping for, seniors to die from Hypothermia leaving their houses at that time of day.
If club houses are closed but the course is open I take it there is no way to make payment by visitors unless its online

club house closed at my place but pro shop is open ( no more than 2 customers allowed in at a time) . So if any visitors want to play they are more than welcome too as long as they abide by the new health rules
Received an email from Gleneagles last night confirming that as from Monday the hotel is closing its doors and all facilities will be closed with the exception of the 4 courses which will remain open and will continue to be maintained throughout, the Hotel hope's to re-open on the 30th April.

That's gonna be a massive loss of revenue for sure and hundreds of workers will be hit by it.

Played up there yesterday and it was still surprisingly busy and I am sure today will be the same so it could a bit of a long day on The PGA today but at least the sun is out.
My birthday present in December was one night in the hotel and 2 rounds, Queens and PGA to finish the set. We were due to go at Easter. I was worried it was going to get awkward, place open but no atmosphere, clubhouse closed etc. That is not the special experience you go for. It would also not have felt right travelling that far in the current climate. Hopefully them taking the initiative means my booking will be rearranged more easily. I don't want my money back, I want to go when it is safe again.
as much as I'm glad fishing lakes and golf courses are still open I can't help but think that the people who are ignoring the social distancing are going to ruin it for us all and it'll all be closed soon
Local, club member only, fishing lakes are about the only activity I can currently see that's consistent with social distancing, other than local walking/cycling/canoeing.

Local antisocial golf gets close, but as with many activities the devil is in the detail of what's local and just how antisocial are people actually going to be?
Local, club member only, fishing lakes are about the only activity I can currently see that's consistent with social distancing, other than local walking/cycling/canoeing.

Local antisocial golf gets close, but as with many activities the devil is in the detail of what's local and just how antisocial are people actually going to be?
I'm playing with Fragger this afternoon...I'm sure I can be very antisocial...
Local, club member only, fishing lakes are about the only activity I can currently see that's consistent with social distancing, other than local walking/cycling/canoeing.

Local antisocial golf gets close, but as with many activities the devil is in the detail of what's local and just how antisocial are people actually going to be?
Similar issues with cycling based on today's experience. Majority of groups spotted were riding very close together, and when not in the saddle were huddled close together.
I played a comp yesterday. Just usual guidelines keeping 2 metres from each not to use ball washers or touch flag etc. seems everything carrying on as normal and course is busier than ever!

Which is spreading the Covid 19 disease faster. Love how people know better than experienced doctors and health care professionals.
? just getting the feelers out to see what freebies might be available to me, aye that's one of them, played letham hill today really enjoyed it 5 more to go before they all shut