And, we're off.....2016/17

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Deleted member 1740

I get all that Tony, but to accuse Benteke of showing a lack of effort and no desire to be succesful is poor.

Isn't it a club's responsibility to manage these people and communicate what's expected.

He never lost his fitness, maintained his international place and was worth 30+ Mil, surely people in the game looking in to buy players would see that so his value was maintained.

Fair enough on Klopp he inherited him, but rather than simply say the club messed up they blame the player.

No it's not. I saw it with my own eyes, he was often the furthest player away from the box when we attacked.

That Exeter game was a typical example. If he put himself about a bit more like Origi did then maybe he'd have played more.

To accuse me of blaming the player and not the club is out of order, I've been consistent in questioning the clubs transfer policy. You only get out what you put in.

BTW he didn't maintain his international place, he was sub an origi was getting on before him.
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Deleted member 16999

No it's not. I saw it with my own eyes, he was often the furthest player away from the box when we attacked.

That Exeter game was a typical example. If he put himself about a bit more like Origi did then maybe he'd have played more.

To accuse me of blaming the player and not the club is out of order, I've been consistent in questioning the clubs transfer policy. You only get out what you put in.

BTW he didn't maintain his international place, he was sub an origi was getting on before him.

Why did he lose his form at Liverpool?
Why wasn't he in the correct positions?
He has been included in every Belgium squad for the last 4 years.

You have questioned the club's transfer policy, I'm talking about 1 player not every transfer.
Why would a player with an average of a goal every 2 games worth 35 Mil suddenly change at the new club.

I'd agree every club make signings that don't work out, but to put all the blame on the player, as you are with Benteke, is unfair, he's a decent player who when used to his strengths is an asset, or did LPool buy him to change the way he plays?


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Benteke was a mistake buy by Liverpool. However he never showed any sort of desire to push himself, like his team-mates. It may well be a case of not exactly playing to his strengths, but surely as a player you would put in the effort to contribute to the team result regardless of whether they are playing 100% to your own prefered style or not.
If you constantly show a lack of interest to try your hardest you aren't going to stay long at that club.

Deleted member 1740

Why did he lose his form at Liverpool?
Why wasn't he in the correct positions?
He has been included in every Belgium squad for the last 4 years.

You have questioned the club's transfer policy, I'm talking about 1 player not every transfer.
Why would a player with an average of a goal every 2 games worth 35 Mil suddenly change at the new club.

I'd agree every club make signings that don't work out, but to put all the blame on the player, as you are with Benteke, is unfair, he's a decent player who when used to his strengths is an asset, or did LPool buy him to change the way he plays?

When we bought crouch off Southampton he came in didn't score for 15 games but every single week he gave 100% and his workrate and effort was there every game. He scored a flukey one against Wigan and then he kicked on.

That never happened with Benteke, when a player is struggling to score which they all do as long as they put the effort in and graft then fans accept it.

I didn't rate Benteke at the time and watching him and his posistions/runs he makes live I still don't think he's as good as his record suggests.

As for playing to his strengths or fitting into our style at the time, when the player was approached, he knew exactly how Liverpool played and the chances were we'd carry on playing that way so surely has asked himself can I change?

Benteke has found his level.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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The atmosphere surrounding benteke stunk from the beginning.

From the fans to the management. Liverpool management refusing to simply put some crosses into the box as shown many times in his early pool career that there was many opportunities to put the ball in but never did. Many fans didn't take to him on signing and turned their nose up at the thought of slinging in a cross or two. He could sense from the crowd he wasn't wanted.

He stopped making runs, got disheartened, got dropped, lost confidence, missed sitters, dropped again, overlooked when no strikers fit and eventually shown the door.

Liverpool were lucky to get their money back on him. No chance would I pay the money they did when its clear they wanted rid.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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The atmosphere surrounding benteke stunk from the beginning.

From the fans to the management. Liverpool management refusing to simply put some crosses into the box as shown many times in his early pool career that there was many opportunities to put the ball in but never did. Many fans didn't take to him on signing and turned their nose up at the thought of slinging in a cross or two. He could sense from the crowd he wasn't wanted.

He stopped making runs, got disheartened, got dropped, lost confidence, missed sitters, dropped again, overlooked when no strikers fit and eventually shown the door.

Liverpool were lucky to get their money back on him. No chance would I pay the money they did when its clear they wanted rid.

But how many teams play the old school way of down the wings then cross? Most now try the tippee tappee pass it down the centre route. However whichever style of play is chosen you as a player have to give your all, and that is something Benteke never did.

Deleted member 16999

But how many teams play the old school way of down the wings then cross? Most now try the tippee tappee pass it down the centre route. However whichever style of play is chosen you as a player have to give your all, and that is something Benteke never did.
So they bought him without discussing plans and style of play they envisaged and went it went wrong it was Benteke's fault! Were was the management of him, the club still valued him at 30Mil, hell of a valuation for a disheartened, disinterested player.


Money List Winner
Nov 17, 2009
Taunton ,Somerset
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So your then manager bought a player who didn't fit in and then had no desire and showed a lack of effort and was one dimensional.

But you got your money back so still the players fault.

Or, it was a panic buy and as it didn't workout, still blame the player.

Hard one to call Paul but imo the main blame imo would have to go with the manager that bought him because he would have to be the one who integrates him into the clubs playing system.

If the manager had to change the team so much into a different playing system just to incorporate one player that would be madness.

Benteke probably would have been told where he would have played and how he was going to fit in before signing,however knowing this and then signing he has to give everything,and for this I'm with Stu because at the end he didn't,no difference to Torres at Chelsea,both in the end were scared to go anywhere near the box for the fear of messing up.

Saying all this Liverpool have done this before with Andy Carroll and that looks like a bigger mistake than Benteke ever was and I believe King Kenny sanctioned that move[but I could be wrong].

Deleted member 16999

Hard one to call Paul but imo the main blame imo would have to go with the manager that bought him because he would have to be the one who integrates him into the clubs playing system.

If the manager had to change the team so much into a different playing system just to incorporate one player that would be madness.

Benteke probably would have been told where he would have played and how he was going to fit in before signing,however knowing this and then signing he has to give everything,and for this I'm with Stu because at the end he didn't,no difference to Torres at Chelsea,both in the end were scared to go anywhere near the box for the fear of messing up.

Saying all this Liverpool have done this before with Andy Carroll and that looks like a bigger mistake than Benteke ever was and I believe King Kenny sanctioned that move[but I could be wrong].

:thup: I would still class him as decent though, failing to reach the standards or whatever was required at LPool doesn't make him a bad player, just a bad signing.

Deleted member 15344

Well that's game we would have lost over the last couple of seasons , bit of a battle and scrappy but three points in the bag.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 24, 2013
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Phew, was hard work. Good dig in performance when things weren't going well.

Worryingly, it seems we've bought another keeper with an aversion to crosses 👎

Deleted member 1740

Phew, was hard work. Good dig in performance when things weren't going well.

Worryingly, it seems we've bought another keeper with an aversion to crosses 👎

Give him a chance yer pleb.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Benteke - It depends on if you want to believe the type of player you think he is, or the actual player he is.

Only 19 of his 54 goals have been with his head, so he's not just a big lump up front, he also has speed, power and aggression on his day.

One thing that Liverpool were accused of after Chelsea did their number on us, was not having a plan B, so it was felt that we also needed an aerial threat.

I wanted Benteke.

He'd always impressed me at Villa, and always played well against us, and him being a 1-in-2 striker, who also offered a physical presence was just what we needed.

I dont think we played to ALL his strengths. We didnt slip him in enough, when he was in a good position. The types of passes that we would always give Sturridge in the same positions, with the same body shape (on the inside of the full back, away from the CB and giving it the......go on slip me in). We werent doing it enough.

Managers fault, team mates fault, yes, and he probably stopped making them runs in due course as a result.

However as time went on he was not putting a shift in, and looked out of sorts. He'd also stopped winning headers, started missing one-on-ones and being easily knocked off the ball and just like Torres at Chelsea, no longer looked the confident, quick, barn-storming player he had looked previously.

I think it was a mix of all at fault, but to get our money back wasnt a bad thing, although still think he can be awesome on his day, and I will be worried when we play against him.

If you think Liverpool should have just been throwing aimless crosses in every two minutes to him and changing their style, or he was just a one-dimensional player, sorry your wrong.

Check out his goals for Villa.

Deleted member 16999

Benteke - It depends on if you want to believe the type of player you think he is, or the actual player he is.

Only 19 of his 54 goals have been with his head, so he's not just a big lump up front, he also has speed, power and aggression on his day.

One thing that Liverpool were accused of after Chelsea did their number on us, was not having a plan B, so it was felt that we also needed an aerial threat.

I wanted Benteke.

He'd always impressed me at Villa, and always played well against us, and him being a 1-in-2 striker, who also offered a physical presence was just what we needed.

I dont think we played to ALL his strengths. We didnt slip him in enough, when he was in a good position. The types of passes that we would always give Sturridge in the same positions, with the same body shape (on the inside of the full back, away from the CB and giving it the......go on slip me in). We werent doing it enough.

Managers fault, team mates fault, yes, and he probably stopped making them runs in due course as a result.

However as time went on he was not putting a shift in, and looked out of sorts. He'd also stopped winning headers, started missing one-on-ones and being easily knocked off the ball and just like Torres at Chelsea, no longer looked the confident, quick, barn-storming player he had looked previously.

I think it was a mix of all at fault, but to get our money back wasnt a bad thing, although still think he can be awesome on his day, and I will be worried when we play against him.

If you think Liverpool should have just been throwing aimless crosses in every two minutes to him and changing their style, or he was just a one-dimensional player, sorry your wrong.

Check out his goals for Villa.

Fair one😃


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Blatant dive by Sturridge yesterday, or is that another one where we are unfair to the player (like last week)?

Maybe we need to measure the contact to be sure eh Stu? :)
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