And, we’re off.......2018/2019


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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It should do for sure, not sure it does anymore though does it?

As it happens i dont think it was a pen and Lacazette went down far too easily as he always does, theres plenty who would want it as a pen if it had been Kane, Salah, Hazard ;) Just amazed they didnt actually look at it properly considering how they usually utilise VAR

Maybe this is an instance how VAR should be used. Have a quick look to see if it was a "clear and obvious error" and if not move on, rather than looking at 15 different camera angles in slow motion to decide that the goal scorer's left big toe was offside. Maybe the video assistant thought it was a marginal enough call that it didn't need overturning. Would far rather have that than a 5 minute delay while they look at every possible permutation.

Again, I'm not defending how VAR was used in this instance or making a judgement on whether or not it was a penalty.