And The Point Of A Range Is?.................

never go an hit balls before a round, why waste your good shots on the range, save them for the course... and don't forget when you sherman the last few balls only to be faced with the same club and shot on the 1st:LOL:
Didn't used to - but I do these days so that I have a very clear and fixed picture in my minds eye of what I should see looking down when I take my stance and address my ball. Warming up or loosing up actually don't really feature in my thinking at the moment.
Sounds like you are doing a lot of things right. If you are working hard on the drills it will help although there is no guarantee of anything once you hit the course. Once you start playing regularly, you may feel as though you are going backwards but don't change anything and stick with what you've worked on. Going forward and subject to budget, a playing lesson is a great way for a teaching pro to show you how to play an will be eye opening

It seems to be working well so far, and I enjoy both elements of the game (practice & play), I’d definitely say it’s made an improvement to my game overall and it’s good to be working on something between rounds, even better when the practice transitions onto the course and you see the results from putting that extra effort in. I’ve still got a long way to go but it’s the most engaged I’ve felt with a sport for a long time so I’ll ride the hype wave whilst it lasts.
It seems to be working well so far, and I enjoy both elements of the game (practice & play), I’d definitely say it’s made an improvement to my game overall and it’s good to be working on something between rounds, even better when the practice transitions onto the course and you see the results from putting that extra effort in. I’ve still got a long way to go but it’s the most engaged I’ve felt with a sport for a long time so I’ll ride the hype wave whilst it lasts.

I've said many times, I'm not a natural player so have to graft hard for any small returns. I am one of those that has to hit balls regularly to keep everything ticking over. It is great when you work on something and it comes to life on the course and you play to your potential. Doesn't happen often and so remember there will be more rounds when you struggle and more still when you work hard in the round just to hit buffer
Can someone please phone America and tell them that the world's best golfers are all doing it wrong spending an hour hitting all sorts of shots before they tee off? ?

They aren’t on mats with crappy balls that have no comparison to real balls

They are on lush grass with tour balls
Chalk n cheese imo
I have one rule for the very rare occasion of visiting the range. Leave the last ball in the basket!

If you don't, you will invariably hit a bad one and have to get another basket to sort the problem out ..............

rarely finish a bucket at the range, the astonishment on people faces when you offer them the 10 or 15 balls left over is always one of utter amazement that anyone could ever leave any behind!
The mats are irrelevant.
For hitting woods off a tee it makes zero difference, for irons off a mat, the same.
Ball quality? Some places maybe have all poor balls, but in reality most don't.
And there's the revolutionary idea of actually getting to the club earlier and hitting some balls in the practice area, not everywhere has one but most have something.
My point is regarding people making excuses for not practicing and warming up, when the reality is it's laziness not because it has no benefit, which obviously it does.
Sorry wife/kids/work, I need to shift off to golf an hour earlier than normal so that I can prepare like the pros for this hugely important, potentially life-changing monthly medal. Oh hang on, I said I'd pick my caddie up on the way so I'll need to take an extra 15 mins for that too.
Back to the practice ground last night, partly to work on my game and partly to enjoy the sun. Made a change to my posture and added a fraction more knee bend for what I hope is a more stable platform to then let me make a good turn around. Some positive early feedback although haven't hit a driver with it. I have found I need to turn well without forcing it (and causing the right shoulder to come over) but pleased. Back to it tomorrow.

Perhaps that is my point. It is somewhere you can take yourself off and try different things in your swing in a controlled environment. Sometimes they'll work to a degree and others won't. In my mind at least, my game is always and evolving thing and not being overly gifted in the talent department I need to work hard on finding stuff that works and works on a consistent basis
And my point was that if the range balls behave differently to the balls on the course, is the feedback you are getting accurate?

Yes. Decent and new Lynx range balls so while the distance is definitely inaccurate the flight etc is. I was simply interested in how a tad more knee bend would relate to stability and still being able to turn and clear the hips out of the way nice and early