A day at the range with JustOne.


Tour Winner
Dec 2, 2011
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Today was my turn ................. and this is how it went.
I met JO as planned at 9.30am and we had a coffee & a chat so that I could tell him what I was after.
What I was after is quite simple ....................... consistency.
I got some balls and started hitting them, mostly with an 8 iron.
It didn't take him long to spot my faults and he then explained them to me, IN SIMPLE TERMS!
He told my what was wrong and why it led me to hit inonsistent shots and then told & showed me how to go about correcting these faults, all the time explaining it in simple, easy to understand language.
Basically my address position was pants, my takeaway was far too close to my chest and I was coming over the top at the top of my swing and then not clearing my left hip out of the way. The upshot of all that was that I was too upright at impact and merely chopping down on the ball.
By lunch time I felt that I was hitting the ball sweeter with my irons AND more consistently ......... because I WAS.
After lunch it started to rain heavily so we ended up chatting for a while before heading back to the range with my driver.
What can I say? It took a while but by the end of the day I was VERY pleased with the fact that JO had shown me how to hit a remarkably (for me) consistent fade. I feel that I could take this straight onto the course & hit more fairways than I miss. Yup ................. I'll hit more fairways than I miss!
We finished with another coffee & golf chat, during which he correctly advised me to set myself more realistic targets on the golf course, and guess what, he's right!
In short I have gained confidence in the knowledge that I can go to the range and work on what is correct for me and my swing and therefore improve as a golfer.
I have also learnt to be more realistic when playing golf .............. set attainable targets for each shot that are comfortably within my own capabilities.
And finally I have learnt what a top bloke JustOne is! It was windy, cold & sometimes wet, (the range wasn't covered), and yet he gave up a whole day to help me ............... a bloke he didn't know other than a five minute chat at West Hill a few weeks ago.
Thanks JustOne, I really enjoyed today and found it most enlighting & a good laugh too.

Yep he knows his stuff, he give me a few tips from 2 photos of my set-up and top of the swing and they have worked wonders. Fair play JO :thup:
Any pics? And what are your realistic goals? By the way good luck, looking forward to hearing you come down with some good shooting ( that is the forum term, is it not?) .
Any pics? And what are your realistic goals? By the way good luck, looking forward to hearing you come down with some good shooting ( that is the forum term, is it not?) .

No pics. Weather wasn't reliable enough!
Realistic goals ............ hhhmmmm. I play off 18 but my actual handicap is 21.5. I would like to have a go at reaching a h'cap of 15 by the end of next year, or even a genuine 18 by May because that's when I'm off to Spain for a week!
I'll let you know nearer the time!

If only he live in the midlands. How come your handicap is 22 shots yet you play off 18? Have just not entered many comps this year?
If only he live in the midlands. How come your handicap is 22 shots yet you play off 18? Have just not entered many comps this year?

Because he's a man and only girls have more than one shot a hole! :thup::thup::thup:

Anyway back on topic for a moment.
Good to hear another forum member making good use of our very own Mr Leadbetter. From the sounds of it he's worked out your major swing faults and given you the tools to make a better swing with more consistent ball striking.
Well done chaps.
No pics. Weather wasn't reliable enough!
Realistic goals ............ hhhmmmm. I play off 18 but my actual handicap is 21.5. I would like to have a go at reaching a h'cap of 15 by the end of next year, or even a genuine 18 by May because that's when I'm off to Spain for a week!
I'll let you know nearer the time!

If your consistency improves, your game will become predictable, you'll be surprised at how easy you will achieve your goal. Keep working on it and enjoy Spain, get some tips about how to play the grass type. Sometimes the ball sits up on it like its teed up.
Thanks for the kind words Slime :thup: .... glad that you found it helpful, I enjoyed the day, was a pleasure. I thought you did really well.

Will update this thread tomorrow some time with your 'tips',.. bit tired tonight :thup:

Kinda weird being with Pokerjoke just a few days ago and hitting fades (and barely capable of hitting a draw without shanking it!) and then today having to hit draws all day.... no wonder I'm messed up!!! :mad:

... and here's Bubba as a right-hander..

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If only he live in the midlands. How come your handicap is 22 shots yet you play off 18? Have just not entered many comps this year?

Because I'm a man and only girls have more than one shot a hole :whistle:.
But seriously, there's a piece of me that can't accept that if I reach a hole in regulation that I may have four putts for a point, that just feels wrong.

Because I'm a man and only girls have more than one shot a hole :whistle:.
But seriously, there's a piece of me that can't accept that if I reach a hole in regulation that I may have four putts for a point, that just feels wrong.


So you don't have an official handicap then?
Realistic goals ............ hhhmmmm. I play off 18 but my actual handicap is 21.5. I would like to have a go at reaching a h'cap of 15 by the end of next year, or even a genuine 18

Seriously tho if you have entered your cards and got a proper handicap why dont you play off it ? just curious as i dont understand , my ambition is to get as low as i can , but by earning it from playing my way down .

I appreciate you are now trying to do this with help from JO

Just a thought on that, and a question for JO really , how do you view someone LIKE Slime ( not slime) who does that from a teaching or helping point of view , if someone approaches you for help and they tell you they choose play off 4 shots less than their actual handicap , what would that tell you about them or their mind set starting out ,

GMulligan if your reading this , how would you view it please ..

Questions are Totaly out of curiosity thats all
Seriously tho if you have entered your cards and got a proper handicap why dont you play off it ? just curious as i dont understand , my ambition is to get as low as i can , but by earning it from playing my way down .

I'm not a member of a club so have to work out my own handicap. Last year I entered every score on the website http://www.golfshake.com/ who do all the calculations required. At the end of the year it came up with 21.5.
As eight of the fourteen rounds I played last year were played on really tough courses I think 18 is about right, it somehow just feels right!
I only play with mates & everyone is happy with me playing off 18, including me.
It also makes the scoring easier to work out :whistle:.

I'm not a member of a club so have to work out my own handicap. Last year I entered every score on the website http://www.golfshake.com/ who do all the calculations required. At the end of the year it came up with 21.5.
As eight of the fourteen rounds I played last year were played on really tough courses I think 18 is about right, it somehow just feels right!
I only play with mates & everyone is happy with me playing off 18, including me.
It also makes the scoring easier to work out :whistle:.

Ah ok , cheers for reply , was genuinely curious thats all . ta
Ah ok , cheers for reply , was genuinely curious thats all . ta

For the record, I also don't have an official handicap (never have done), but have been playing off 10 for the last month or two. I simply can rarely get in 18 holes of golf, let alone any club competitions (work during week, family/kids at weekends). 99% of the golf I play is just 9 holes, or 3 or 4 in the evening during the summer. The rest is range time.
For the record, I also don't have an official handicap (never have done), but have been playing off 10 for the last month or two. I simply can rarely get in 18 holes of golf, let alone any club competitions (work during week, family/kids at weekends). 99% of the golf I play is just 9 holes, or 3 or 4 in the evening during the summer. The rest is range time.

Ive no issues with no official handicap at all Jim , i couldn't figure why Slime chose to play off 18 until he explained below ..