6 Iron swing **Video Included**

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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As posted the other day on my "Wedge Swing" thread, I managed to grab a quick minute in the practice nets today before the monthly medal to video my 6 iron swing.

As with my wedge swing thread, I'm in the process of making changes to my swing, specifically the weight transfer forward at the start of the down swing.

Again any observations/comments/criticisms are all appreciated.

Thanks for taking the time to watch.


Q-School Graduate
Mar 2, 2011
The Practice Course
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That looks like a very tidy swing. I image most people on the forum would be quite envious of that.

Do you suffer inconsistency of striking? If so, could the cause be your arms which seem a little forced at address?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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That looks like a very tidy swing. I image most people on the forum would be quite envious of that.

Do you suffer inconsistency of striking? If so, could the cause be your arms which seem a little forced at address?

That came up in my last post about my wedge swing Tim.

At address, I feel relaxed and "loose" but it doesn't transfer well onto camera by the looks of it.

I wouldn't say I suffer with an inconsistant ball strike. Check out my wedge swing thread in this section. You'll see I make a ball first contact then take a divot. Don't get me wrong, I can still fat and thin them with the best of 'em from time to time but that's normally a result of poor posture or just me being lazy in my set-up.

I'm off to Youtube to see where I'm going wrong with my arms at address!!


Q-School Graduate
Jul 29, 2011
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great little swing, i can't really see any faults, seems really compact and probably v consistent.
wish mine looked like that

Only thing i can think of is its not very laggy, when the wrists cock on the back swing they seem to slowly straighten up on the down swing, instead of staying cocked a little more on the way down and then whipping through at impact, should get you some more distance...

Take my advise with a pich of salt though .... :D


Journeyman Pro
Oct 4, 2009
Gareth, for better feedback try filming with the camera set up almost directly behind the ball just inside the target line.

That way people can see your posture and swing easier, and give better advice and observations.

Also better wherever possible to hit balls the distance so the flight can be observed more realistically

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Gareth, for better feedback try filming with the camera set up almost directly behind the ball just inside the target line.

That way people can see your posture and swing easier, and give better advice and observations.

Also better wherever possible to hit balls the distance so the flight can be observed more realistically

Bob mentioned this earlier (in another thread). When I get round to my driver swing it will be done as both you and Bob suggest.


Its a nice compact looking swing that I would be pretty happy with. Is it consistent or is this the best clip of many?

Its pretty fast but you seem to stay well balanced.

What is your bad shot?

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Its a nice compact looking swing that I would be pretty happy with. Is it consistent or is this the best clip of many?

Its pretty fast but you seem to stay well balanced.

What is your bad shot?

Cheers Alex.

This is pretty much how my swing is. If you look further down the page (in this section) you'll see my wedge swing thread (complete with video).

I only had a few minutes spare before the medal so I just about managed to film this.

There was a video from side on but the position of the sun wasn't ideal and played havoc with the lens on my phone (Image to bright and would video would not focus).

My typical bad shot is generally a push right (Not a slice). You know, when the ball comes off the face heading right and just keeps on going straight right!! My bad shot used to be a slice, but work on my swing path soon sorted that.

My regular shot is straight with a very slight fade.


Tour Winner
May 16, 2011
South West Surrey
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Nice looking swing! Compact, decent tempo and controlled.

Pointers: takeaway seems to be inside? This may cause your push. Difficult to see grip but seems quite firm and tense? Hands maybe a touch away from body but difficult to really gauge on the 6i swing. The finish looks a touch unbalanced and can't put my finger on why...weight transfer issues?

Cheers :cool:

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Thanks Piece.

I'll try and offer some more information as I know its not the best angle.

takeaway seems to be inside? This may cause your push.

I try and draw the club back on plane, however I think you could be right.

Difficult to see grip but seems quite firm and tense?

Grip pressure is something I have worked on previously. How I used to hold the club made the veins in my forehead show up. Now my grip is alot more relaxed and more comfortable through my swing than ut was before.

Hands maybe a touch away from body but difficult to really gauge on the 6i swing.

This is one of my main issues at the minute. At address I try and make a point of keeping my hands under my chin but sometimes feel I'm too close to the ball.

When I set up I usually do so by taking my stance and, with my right arm, place the club head behind the ball, checking that my hand is under my chin. I then move the left hand to the club and take my grip. I'm trying to incorparate this into my pre-shot routine.

The problem I'm finding here is that If I let my arms hang naturally they feel to close to my torso and in turn the swing feels very restricted. To combat this I tilted forward a little more but again it just didn't feel balanced and I felt like I was standing too far away. So at address my hands dont hang straigh down (as prescribed), they are slightly away from my body, but not massivley.

The finish looks a touch unbalanced and can't put my finger on why...weight transfer issues?

This is my main swing change. As I stated in the opening thread I'm working on a better weight shift at the start of the down swing. I've slowed my take away tempo a little and try and start my downswing by moving my weight to my left hand side (Right handed player). It's still a work in progress, hence the reason I posted the video to get more informed views.

Thanks for taking the time to look.