2 rule queries


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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Yes, if I didn't want to find the original.

However, 99 times out of 100, I'd go looking for it, hoping to find a decent lie. If I found it, I can always declare it unplayable, and go back for 3 off the tee anyway.

That option is also open and often forgotten. Kevin Na's caddy tried to persuade him to go back to the tee but he decided to have a bash. Then another bash etc etc.

Playing 3 off the tee (i.e. not declaring a ball a provisional and thereby putting it into play) is perfectly permissible, often wise and no breach of etiquette.

but you can't then 'find' the other ball, so that £3+ ProV is gone


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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but remember thats cost you stroke AND distance so you are now 3 off the tee whereas if a provisional is declared you might find it on a good lie even in the jungle, if not then declare it unplayable and take a direct line to flag, 2 club lenghts or back to the Tee and play 3 so I see absolutely no real benefit in not declaring a provisional apart from speeding up play

I agree, but say it's a huge duck hook on a short par 3 on your home course, it's probable that you know its 100/1 that the ball will be unplayable and you wouldnt want your opponent to find it and then have to walk back to the tee, so playing 3 off the tee may just be as easy



Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Yes, if I didn't want to find the original.

However, 99 times out of 100, I'd go looking for it, hoping to find a decent lie. If I found it, I can always declare it unplayable, and go back for 3 off the tee anyway.

That option is also open and often forgotten. Kevin Na's caddy tried to persuade him to go back to the tee but he decided to have a bash. Then another bash etc etc.

Playing 3 off the tee (i.e. not declaring a ball a provisional and thereby putting it into play) is perfectly permissible, often wise and no breach of etiquette.

but you can't then 'find' the other ball, so that £3+ ProV is gone

You can find it and trouser it. You just can't play it.