WOW - thanks GM and AG


Challenge Tour Pro
Jul 26, 2010
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I was one of the lucky few to be custom fitted for a set of irons at Clydebank World of Golf in Glasgow today and would like to thank Golf Monthly and American Golf for a fantastic and memorable day.

My custom fit experience began yesterday when it occurred to me that i had no idea what i might get or want as i don’t keep up to date with new gear or go to demo days. So of i go to the local range for a quick nosey and some practice. Can i get try some demo irons? “sure what’s your handicap and what do you play with” 7h/c and x20 tours. “ok try these then”. So off to the range i go with 100balls and 6irons Callaway RAZRX tour, RAZR X Forged, Wilson staff FG tour and FG62 blades. Quickly assessed that the RAZRX tour and FG tour were on par with my current irons, but the RAZR X forged and FG62 blades were a leap forwards big time. I was blessed with a descent swing that day and could get the ball up no bother and both irons had a lovely penetrating ball flight. I decided the blades were not for me as felt they would need my ‘A’ game every swing, So that left me lusting after the RAZR X forged. “Blimey how much”??. Oh! well that’s the last time I’ll have them beauties in my hands.

So The big custom fit day and after a look around AG website i have a better idea whats available and wonder what AG would give me. After a 4hr drive to Glasgow, i pitch up at 08:30. A bit of breakfast and wondered what my swing would look like after the drive, as it turns out, the golfing gods looked after me again, A beautiful sunny day and yesterdays good swing is still here. I found the rest of the guys in the range and made my introductions.

James Mason– Journalist From GM with camera in hand
Liam – AG fitter
John, Damon and Stuart – other lucky gits.

John was in the middle of his fitting and i was sent to a bay and told to warm up. I could see a Ping fitting trolly beside the guys and was given a Ping S56 6 iron to warm up with. Oh! Oh! I started to get excited i was going to take home a set of S56’s im thinking. I loved the S56 and was hitting it very nicely. John soon finished and seems very happy with himself.

I was called over next, liam asks me “pick a few irons to test” eh! What! Holly cow! i wasn’t ready for that. Erm.. I’ll try the RAZER X FORGED, TITLEIST AP2 and NIKE PRO COMBO. These were the first irons that came into my head, chiefly based on yesterday and some reviews i had read!!. It turns out John picked the Mizuno MP53 and it was also in the test bay. I tried all 4 and narrowed it down to the RazrX Forged and the AP2. Liam was very complimentary on my striking “especially considering the drive” and talked about ball flight and keeping the ball low for links play. Liam spoke highly of the RAZR and suggested i was hitting it very well. That sealed it for me. He fitted me for a Project X 6.0 stiff and also suggested it be set for ‘Tour Loft’ to encourage a low trajectory. We discussed this some more and settled on standard loft and he suggested the loft could easily be changed by my local pro if i wanted to change the flight. I was impressed by Liam and quickly got lost with some of the Trackman Jargon.

After the fittings we all sat down for a coffee and a chat, The guys were really nice and i would love to meet up again. We said our goodbyes, but i wasn’t finished yet. I grabbed Liam and asked to demo the 910 D2 & D3 drivers on the trackman. “No bother” and he sent me to the bays armed with a load of balls. My instincts were blob on about Liam he plays off 1h/c and knows his onions. The Trackman session was interesting and i got to understand some of the Jargon. Wont bore you, but my swing speed was 108mph and carry 230yds and roll out 250yrds. I felt a little disappointed but Liam said they were good stats considering the quality of the range balls. He recommended the D2 in a stiff shaft for trajectory and forgiveness. For Me the Jury is still out as i think my current weapon (Nike Sumo) is not far behind.

Did i pick the right irons? To be honest i’m not sure, i would have taken any one of them but i know i will have fun finding out. Now sure why i havn’t heard much about the RazrX forged ( Liam said i picked the best irons out of the lot of us!). They were the star of the show for me and here is hoping i can take them to the course and shoot descent scores and it’s not all show on the range!

Once again thanks to James and Liam for a wonderful day
Great review Bluetoon, sounds like a great day and you've come away with a good set of irons there.

Hope they perform well on the course for you!!

Another good prize from AG and GM.... Awesome! :)
Sounds like a fantastic day was had by all.

Like the other posts said - great review also.

Its an amazing opportunity to get this level of custom fit and I really glad that forum members benefit from this.

Congrats to all who got kitted out with gear and irons this time round.