Women golfers with a stinking attitude

I know what you mean chris, this isnt the first problem.

This is why I shall be joining the ridge, it is a 1st class track, no temps or mats, all comps are drawn, regular organised roll-ups to encourage mixing, a driving range, a gym onsite, an idyllic location and for slightly less that I am paying now.

Oh and it is run as a business so there is no chance of the place being run by a crowd of geriatrics who want the whole place to operate exactly how they want and bugger the welfare of the members and club as a whole.
I can imagine the type of women you mean actually jon, but the thing is, what do they have to gain from being so beligerant & difficult ?
It doesnt make sense does it ?
I have to say I think its down to the club perhaps, I cant see it being commonplace, and am pretty sure it wouldnt happen like that at my track.
More like a polite 'we'll wave you thru as soon as we can'.......
Ladies have Wed till 2pm here, and that way, we all keep out of their way on wednesdays etc, altho they are quite often around the course other days, but I havent had a problem.
it sounds like you'd be better off moving as you say :-)
It strikes me that the problem isn't down to the ladies who just seemingly know the local club rules and use them for theirown purposes but with the "farts" as you clal them that run the place. If you are looking to join another club asap my advice would be to kick up as big a row aa possible as you leave. It may not do your own situation any godd but you won't be there so it doesn't matter but it might just bring the club into or towards the 21st century.

My club has no problem with singles going out unless the tees are booked for a match or competition (obviously) and I reckon 90% of the membership will let a single through or invite them for a game. That said you may remember a few months back I was something like +2 gross after nine and came across a lady's 4 ball match with literally only them on the course. They didn't let me through for th entire round saying it was because they were in a match. I play quickly and so if they had let me through on 11 (short par 3) or after my drive on 12 (long par 4 that they wouldn' reach me off the tee) the job would have been a good'un. Came back in +10 for the back nine. :mad: :mad:
Lucky for me the club i have joined are great with single players. This was one of my main questions when I had my "interview" with the club manager and he said it would never be a problem.
Being a new member is always difficult especially if you dont know others but i can honestly say that on every occasion that I have played I have always been asked to join another group, be it gents or ladies, seniors or younger, even whilst i was waiting for acceptance, and thoroughly enjoyed myself whoever I have joined up with.
Its about time that all other clubs took their heads out of the sand and stopped pampering the select few and concentrated more on the majority who pay their subs like anyone else.
Problem is gillingham has a byelaw stating that a single player has no standing.

byelaw or not, the rules of the R&A take president in this case. It really doesn't matter what an out of date course rule on the back of a course score card may state. The Amendment by the R&A that singles do now have standing, is not one of those optionals that can turn up in the R&A book & revisions.

So for you to be told its a course bylaw is a cop out & an out & out lie...!

Personally I'd think you should be looking for a new club a.s.a.p.

There is one solution I could recommend but tbh I wouldn't recommend it & its in itself bad form, so won't.
Clubs to avoid if at all possible...

Clubs with troublesome cliques, in the club house or on the lawn.

Clubs that have rules that counter/overrule the general rules of golf and etiquette unless for a very justifiable and fair reason.

Clubs that have very very high senior membership levels as compared to the rest of the membership age groups.

Clubs with a snobby or eliteist attitude.

Clubs with no junior membership to speak of, or no jnr members programs to speak of.

If you cant think why you are probably suited to one of these clubs. :rolleyes:
Oh and I almost forgot.. I have come across many male golfers who would fit the description of the OP, they just hit the balls a little further into the rough and trees taking forever to find them, but I do know what the OP means, write a letter of complaint to the club, when its in writing its harder to dismiss.
Jon - shame about these ladies, but not a surprise. Wreaks of double standards, as most women v men issues do. Good idea to leave as you've had a few rants about Gillingham on here.

The Ridge is a great course and new management that are spot on. I am not a member, but play there regular with a couple of mates on a Sunday and the odd Wednesday afternoon. Mike is the boss and James the Pro. Both are decent blokes and help out both members and visitors. Last week I was there with another non-member who has an electric trolley. He realised when he unloaded the car that he'd forgotten his battery and mentioned to the Pro who did no more than give him an electric rolley for free. That's the sort of thing that makes you come back and even consider joining, as my friend is.

Good luck mate. Hope to see you up the Ridge soon then.
Played in our winter league today. Four ladies teed off before us. Owing to the ice cold winds the course was not very busy. After four holes they had lost a hole on the group in front. On every tee they had a chat and on every green they had to putt out. We waited on every shot. Jesus it was damn cold out there. They knew we were there but not once did they enquire if we would like to play through. Having rushed up the 9th, on the 10th, a 210yd par 3 into the wind and all carry they waited for the green to clear. On the 15th tee they were all a couple of yards in front of the tee box looking for tee`s that poeple had left there. I called across to them that it was a bit to cold to be messing around and would they mind getting a move on. If looks could have killed! Really ignorant.Luckerly our match finished on 16 so we came in. Then they wonder why the men in the club moan and don`t want them on the course.
If its ladies priority on a thursday morning then dont play, i think its as simple as that. Ive never experienced anyone with a bad attitude on the golf course up here in Glasgow or scotland yet, i think its due to the fact that if you did, u get the head stuck on you :D
As you probably know HID started playing last year, and one thing that I'm drumming into her is course etiquette.

Priority of the course is determined by the pace of play...I take that as, if someones playing quicker than you, you let them through.