Winter Prep


Club Champion
Nov 14, 2010
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So the Weather is starting to close in.. WAY TOO early in my Golf Learning curve.

I am not going to be able to practice on the course as much and of course as I have discovered, Winter Golf is different anyway.

This means improving my Handicap for Next Season by other means.
I have always been an ardent Sportsman playing most sports to a good level and I have a good working knowledge of how to train and stretch for whatever sport I am doing.

What I would like to ask the experts here is; are there any Winter exercises other than playing Golf that you do to prep for the new Season?

Currently I am:

1. working on getting my weight down, not as easy as saying it but I am committed to getting to a fighting weight for March.
2. I am stretching at the local gym with some light weights for flexibility, along with some swimming and fitness classes.
3. I will probably go down the Range once a Week and hit a 100 balls

Anything specific you guys think I could be doing?


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 24, 2009
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Wrong time of the year to diet Ian, need plenty of winter warmers. :D
by the way look what happened to Darren Clarke when he lost lots, his back to his fighting weight again now by the look of it and playing well. :D
perhaps i should put my 3 stone back on again ;)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Are you having any golf lessons at the moment or planning too over the winter. If so my advice would be to get some drills for the faults you have and really work on those rather than bashing 100 balls just because you can


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Swimming and flexibility exercises are the way to go.
100 balls in one session could be a bit much, maybe 50 twice a week unless you're golf fit.


Club Champion
Nov 14, 2010
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That might be a good idea Homer, I do work on a specific area when down the range (currently the dreaded slice) and I soak up techniques from videos, books etc which I test out.

My last lesson was about a Month Ago, I asked the pro for specific training on my Driving, he was happy with my swing but did adjust my grip by bringing the left hand round to strenghten it, something which I am still trying to get comfortable with.
I have since learnt mostly through range work that my slice is actually caused by a out to in swing, It looks like I have to focus 100% and remember to hold my right shoulder back just a tad at the point of impact.
I am hoping that enough driving range practice will enable 'muscle memory' so I can focus less on my shoulder and more on other aspects of the shot.

Oops this is turning into an essay...

I am playing a lot Bob (well before the weather turned sour) so 100 balls and more is ok.

Im quite frustrated at the minute at not being able to get out onto the course and practice all this stuff in my head....


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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and I soak up techniques from videos, books etc which I test out.

not one for me, far too many contradictions to be found.

I went for a lesson recently and found my old pro had quit (not my fault honest). my new pro, the previous guy's boss, completely reversed the way I had been taught to set up for chips and bunkers - the new way does work though.


Club Champion
Nov 14, 2010
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Interesting that you suggest there is a lot of contradiction out there Viscount, most of the info I have seen tends to be the same, although some of it is prioritised differently.
I had a coach for 6 lessons last Year and moved to Lincoln this Year where I took 2 lessons locally, both Pro's gave me similar info on my swing which is encouraging, the only difference is that they differed in their advice on what I should focus on. However it was a gap of a Year so that may have influenced the advice.

Ironically I was laughing at some of the funny youtube vids about golf and stumbled on a 'cure your slice' vid, there was a piece of info that struck home with me, I tested it out this Week and so far have cured the slice and started to understand my Swing (words I am sure i will eat soon enough)........


Journeyman Pro
Feb 9, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Interesting that you suggest there is a lot of contradiction out there Viscount, most of the info I have seen tends to be the same, although some of it is prioritised differently.
I had a coach for 6 lessons last Year and moved to Lincoln this Year where I took 2 lessons locally, both Pro's gave me similar info on my swing which is encouraging, the only difference is that they differed in their advice on what I should focus on. However it was a gap of a Year so that may have influenced the advice.

Ironically I was laughing at some of the funny youtube vids about golf and stumbled on a 'cure your slice' vid, there was a piece of info that struck home with me, I tested it out this Week and so far have cured the slice and started to understand my Swing (words I am sure i will eat soon enough)........

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