When is a shank, not a shank... or is it always a shank?


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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Finally got around to having a lesson with a pro recently to sort out my poor swing, low ball flight, back swing length etc. etc.

He sorted my posture so I addressed the ball with more leg bend and tilted at the waist (I was too straight in my legs and hunched through my shoulders previously). On the take away, he said I need to get the face open, so when the club is almost parallel to the floor the toe of the club is pointing to the sky. Previously the face would be pointing at the floor.

During the lesson all the appropriate numbers improved and I could see a real difference and I was striking the ball really well. Next day I go to the range in an effort to try and bed in the changes and out of 60 balls I think I must have shanked 30 of them... I say shanked as the ball was flying off at 45 degrees or more to the direction I was going. However, I wondered if the issue is where I am now opening the face I'm just not getting it back in time at impact and the face is being left open causing not exactly a "shank", but more of a straight slice (if there is such a thing).

My understanding of a shank is where the hosel is striking the ball, but could it also be caused by the front of the face simply being far too open (or is that also actually still just a shank?)

The pro suggested I put a basket just outside the toe at address and make some swings avoiding the basket and I should start to hit the ball a little more central, but if the problem is simply me not getting the face back square enough at impact will this basket drill help?

It's really dented my confidence as I walked away from the lesson feeling great, but now I'm worried I'll ever hit a decent shot again and I really don't want to slip back into my old swing and all the rubbish that came with it (although at least it was consistent rubbish!)


Tour Winner
Aug 1, 2014
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I had this for about 2 weeks after having some lessons. Not sure what caused it, or what I did to fix it, but I eventually got back to striking the ball okay, and am now striking it better than ever. One tip I'd give you, is to try and avoid thinking about the shanks. Take each ball as it comes, go through a routine, and don't think technical when stood over the ball. Stick to your routine, leave all technical thoughts behind once you stand over the ball, and relax. It could just be one bad session, just try not to think about it too much. The more you think about it, the worse it'll get.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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A wide open face would (most likely) cause the ball to fade considerably in the air. A shank will go more or less straight right.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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I had this for about 2 weeks after having some lessons. Not sure what caused it, or what I did to fix it, but I eventually got back to striking the ball okay, and am now striking it better than ever. One tip I'd give you, is to try and avoid thinking about the shanks. Take each ball as it comes, go through a routine, and don't think technical when stood over the ball. Stick to your routine, leave all technical thoughts behind once you stand over the ball, and relax. It could just be one bad session, just try not to think about it too much. The more you think about it, the worse it'll get.

Yeah, good tip. I have a weekend away at Celtic Manor on Saturday. Hopefully it was just a single bad range session and it'll actually be fine on the course. Just have a fear of shanking my way all around the Monty or Roman Road and that would be very depressing! Ha!

A wide open face would (most likely) cause the ball to fade considerably in the air. A shank will go more or less straight right.

Yeah that makes sense and suggest the problem is the hosel striking the ball and it it being a true "shank". Hopefully the drill will work then, but like Dan said above, I guess I need to try and forget about it and just go through the routine!


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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My mate had a dose of the Sherman's, Hilary's, Thomas the tanks, call them anything but s***s, it was caused by him taking the club to far inside on the takeaway, I did explain to him what he was doing and how to correct it, but he didn't listen as he said it felt wrong, then the pro came along and told him the same thing. Lo and behold he started doing what I told him to do, but from the advice of the pro and Sherman never appeared again.

You are correct a shank is a shot out of the hosel, generally a 45 degree straight result off to the right. The club face being open would result in the ball starting off more forward and then bending in the air.


Assistant Pro
Feb 6, 2013
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A shank never, ever feels nice. You can't middle one and it be a shank. You can sometimes catch one very close to the hosel and get away with it but you can tell the difference in feel from a honker off the hosel to one you catch a bit on the heel. I love hitting in soft iron shots with the face slightly open, especially when the ground starts to firm up a bit, although every so often you get a bullet.

Deleted Member 1156

Go back to see the guy you had a lesson with, ask him to have a quick look (he should be willing to do that as you've already had a lesson with him) Chances are he will spot the issue straight away, we are just guessing at the issue with 'facts' that may or may not be correct.


Nov 16, 2011
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Go back to see the guy you had a lesson with, ask him to have a quick look (he should be willing to do that as you've already had a lesson with him) Chances are he will spot the issue straight away, we are just guessing at the issue with 'facts' that may or may not be correct.

Far too sensible! Though reading the OP, he may have started that process - thus the upturned basket drill.


Aug 19, 2011
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A subject I would prefer not to talk about, but I have suffered the occasional bout of the 'Shermans'. There are all sorts of causes, but often caused by either an over the top swing, or too much 'in-to-out'. In my case, at their worst, I could only hit shanks or snap hooks due to my swing getting too much in-to-out. You will notice that these shots end up on opposite sides of the course, which is not condusive to good scoring! :rolleyes:
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Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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A subject I would prefer not to talk about, but I have suffered the occasional bout of the 'Shermans'. There are all sorts of causes, but often caused by either an over the top swing, or too much 'in-to-out'. In my case, at their worst, I could only hit shanks or snap hooks due to my swing getting too much in-to-out. You will notice that these shots end up on opposite sides of the course, which is not condusive to good scoring!

I too could not talk about it - but now I must - I mustn't hide behind a word. I must confront it for the devil that it is - as only by confronting it can I defeat it - and defeat it I will, but I must not be afraid. Because if I am afraid of it it will defeat me. Curse you 'the shank' I despise you! And here's :ears: to you. Get thee hence to endless night.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Biggest single cause of shaking is thinking about shaking. ...

However based on what you have changed and the drill you have been given I suspect it's related to you new posture and balance; stick to the drills, focus on balance and hitting the ball - all will be resolved.


Aug 19, 2011
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Biggest single cause of shaking is thinking about shaking. ...

However based on what you have changed and the drill you have been given I suspect it's related to you new posture and balance; stick to the drills, focus on balance and hitting the ball - all will be resolved.
Shaking or shanking? Damn spiel chucker again? :mmm:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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My advice would be to find out exactly why you are shanking. Don't hide from it or you won't know how to escape its grasp next time it rears its ugly head.


Tour Winner
Sep 1, 2011
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Shank, Sherman, J Arthur call it any of these, it's easily recognised by instant profanity, intense annoyance a look of bewilderment, panic and if done on the range a surge of haste to instantly repeat it on the next shot. Like any addiction you can learn to control it, listen to your pro.


Aug 19, 2011
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Did you get any drills from your lesson? Work on these and then go back to the pro if you are struggling
The drill I was shown to cure the unmentionables was to place a none damaging object, such as a head cover, a plastic range bucket, a cardboard shoe box, or another ball, just outside the line, and try to hit the ball without touching the object.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Fragger has this wonderful shot that he can play with any club...
It looks like a shank, sounds like a shank but comes right off the end of the toe of the club....
Goes straight right too!


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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Fragger has this wonderful shot that he can play with any club...
It looks like a shank, sounds like a shank but comes right off the end of the toe of the club....
Goes straight right too!

This is true, had one yesterday on the first
Simple 90 yard wedge, carved 45 degrees right off the toe into the deep bundoo

I'm going to name this shot "The Frank" (Fragger shank) :)


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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This is true, had one yesterday on the first
Simple 90 yard wedge, carved 45 degrees right off the toe into the deep bundoo

I'm going to name this shot "The Frank" (Fragger shank) :)

I know you that shot, one of my playing partners did it on his very first shot in Barcelona a few weeks ago with his driver and the ball hit me just above the ankle. Some weeks later I can still feel the bruising!